Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Hello Everyone!
I hope you are all having a great week.
I thought I would share a few of my flea market finds with you.
I found this little cupboard at a flea market this weekend.
When I saw it I knew exactly what I was going to do with it.

I love bar soap and

I thought this rustic cabinet from France would be great for displaying my soaps in.
I am excited because I have found some wonderful handmade lavender bar soaps to carry in my shop as well.

I found this french cake stand at the flea market as well.
I love how the cake stand looks inside this rustic little cabinet.

On another note~
Do you like this zinc pitcher from France?

If you do you, then you should head over to my friend,
Tracey's blog, French Larkspur!
She is having a very generous giveaway over on her blog! She is celebrating a one year blog anniversary!
Congratulations Tracey!!
You will also be able to have a sneak peek of what I will be carrying in my shop!



Oh oh! I LOVE everything in this post!
I'm fanatic about rustic handmade soaps, a real passion for me and for my job (we import hand made soaps from France)!
I love yours.
Have a good day!

Anne Lorys said...

Already have my entry in, lovely Maria!
I'll be gone for the next week, so no opening your wonderful shop until I get back! ;-)


Anne Marie said...

Hi Maria.......yes, I do love that zinc pitcher! but I must say, I think I like the little cabinet even more!! My husband is making some for the October sale....and I'm so excited to sell them. The soap is perfect inside!!
(lovely giveaway btw at Tracey's of your wares....your shop is going to be great!!!!!!)
Anne Marie

Rozmeen said...

Hi Maria,

I love your blog and since I have discovered it I checked it out so many times. It gives me so much inspiration and am so much in love with your style!

Looking forward to your shop.
I have nearly searched everywhere for those seablue glass bottles on your blog. I fell in love with those the moment I saw them.

The soap in the french cabinet is a great idea.

Wishing you a lovely day!
Looking forward to your next post.


Alaina said...

That is a wonderful cupboard, I can see many things would look wonderful in it. I am excited for you to have a shop. I hope you enjoy it. I have already commented about the zink pitcher, it is amazing and I think everyone would love to get their hands on it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria,
Love the French cupboard! The cake stand is the perfect way to display your soaps in it.
That French zinc pitcher is gorgeous!! All of your products that Tracey is giving away are beautiful. I would LOVE to have any one of those items!! Since I'm still in Reno (we come home today), I posted the giveaway on my sidebar. :)
I can't wait to see your wonderful shop when it opens, Maria.
Have a wonderful day!
Hugs ~ Jo :)

Beach House Living said...

Great pitcher and cabinet.
I like soap too although I no longer make my own soap scrubs and balms unless an old client requests it I seem to be buying it all the time.

Our bath as a vintage dental cabinet so all sorts are on display...but I use them too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria, I love the cabinet...you lucky girl! That's my favorite look ~ something pretty and delicate mixed with something rustic.
I'm looking forward to your shop opening ~ I can already tell I will be a big customer. :)
I've wanted a zinc pitcher for so long but haven't found one yet. I have the perfect spot for it and for now it just sits empty waiting for it!
I love when you post such beautiful pictures - where are you putting that charming cabinet?
Have a lovely day ~

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Lovely soaps are a weakness of mine! You can't beat homemade soap. I love your little old pie safe...perfect for displaying your soaps.
And of course your zinc pitcher is fabulous. Looking forward to the opening of your shop!

MODERN Prairie Girl said...

Love the cabinet! Just lovely.
When I was in Provence eons ago I went to one of their classic Sunday markets---the beautiful bars of lavender soap were something like $2---I wanted to stuff my whole suitcase full of it! I had my husband there to tell me I was insane...so (sigh) I pay way too much for these yummy bars in the states like everyone else ;)

Hope your summer is going well!

Olive said...

Sweet...which makes me imagine your little cabinet filled with mini cupcakes! ~olive

Lavanta Bahçesi said...

Ohh those are great findings ;) I love all kind of soaps :))

Michelle Hughes said...

I adore your little cabinet! It is so sweet! So excited for your shop opening :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria,
I love your new cabinet - you lucky girl! I adore when pretty and delicate things are paired with something rustic. Where are you putting this charming piece?
I can't wait for your shop...linens and soap...I will be your biggest customer. :) And for the zinc pitcher, I've been wanting one for so long but haven't been able to find one. I have the perfect spot which is still sitting empty just waiting for one ~
I love when you post such beautiful pictures - have a wonderful day!

FEDERICA said...

Good morning Maria!
I don't know why but today I have some problems with blogger! :(
I hope you can read my message!

savvycityfarmer said...

I'll let you in a little fifi secret ... ooops ... email and I'll tell you the secret ...

I have a little cupboard just like yours ...

getting really excited about or shop ....

Anonymous said...

O.k. I so need some of the frenchsoaps. The cabinet is so cool to as is your blog and home:)elma

Sara said...

I LOVE soaps, and collect them too! I never thought of displaying them in a cabinet though, mine are just in a cute little french basket in the bathroom. Until my youngest got to them and opened them up and threw them all in the sink. He's two. Anyway, what a score! That cabinet is adorable!

Elyse said...

hi maria,

ah, the usual swoonfest over here. i love the cabinet and what you are using it for. i have a hunch that your shop is going to take-off like a rocket! your taste is impeccable.

love the zinc pitcher. i have a zinc cup that i purchased last summer at brimfield. the best gray-blue.


La Dolfina said...

What a great use for that screened box! Brilliant! I'm so excited about your new shop... can't wait!!
I've got my fingers crossed hoping to win Tracey's generous giveawy... it's too good to be true :)

Lara said...

Hi Maria!
What a little treat to pop on here this morning & open up a new post from you. I love your new flea market finds - so french & rustic.. I am drooling that beautiful cupboard.. how unique! I love french soap and have eyes for that purple one! :) You definitely are building up great anticipation for your opening day. Have a great week!

maría cecilia said...

Hola dear, how nice is to be here enjoying your beauties, such an inspiration, everything so beautiful!!!! thank you, you have made my day...
maria cecilia

AT HOME BLOG said...

Hi Maria!
I love bar soap too!.. I'd love to smell it!! :-)

Patina said...

What a sweet little cabinet!
I love finds like that. The soaps are wonderful too. They will make a great addition to your store. Love the look!

Vintage Home said...

...love your blog!...I have the chunky soap @ my kitchen sink...but I will be waiting to purchase your lavenday ones when your store opens...sooo pretty!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

What a sweet little cupboard! There has been one at the shop ~ I hope it's still there this afternoon! Thanks for the idea and the heads up on the giveaway!

Cielo Azul Jewelry said...

Your hydrangea photos are OUT OF THIS WORLD GORGEOUS=0)

Have a wonderful day,

Mel said...

OOOh here in COlorado Hydrangeas are essentially extinct... I love them... so delish. Gorgeous post.

Tricia said...

I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us with your new shop! Great finds for your soaps and YES, I love that zinc pitcher and entered the giveaway yesterday.

Stacey said...

Oh Maria I'm so excited for you to be opening up your very own shop!! How wonderful...I sooooo drool over all your pillows. I've entered Tracey's giveaway so maybe I'll get lucky enough to win one sooner! Have a great day..I'm melting over here but it beats shovelling any day!! ~Stacey

Stacey said...

oh PS you've inspired me to go clip some of my lavender from my garden today! you rock, love the soap too.

Lynda @ Happenstance Home said...

Love the little cabinet for your soap. Loads of character and beauty! I entered your giveaway last night. All of your items are beautiful. Your shop is sure to be loaded with amazing finds!

Faded Plains said...

Ummm...YES...I love the zinc pitcher...and it looks like your gonna have some amazing things in your shop...I better start saving my money ;o)

Oh...and I tried to send you a couple emails but they came back as undeliverable...and I'm still having that same problem with the emails I receive from you.

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Hi Maria-
How are you? I feel like I have been so busy lately I haven't stopped by to say hi! I love your finds, the soaps look perfect in there. I saw Tracey's giveaway, I ofcourse commented right away, I was so happy to see your shop is getting closer to opening. I'm so happy for you! Have a wonderful week Maria, talk soon!

Lindsay said...

OH I love soaps and this is adorable!! SO CUTE! Where do you find those block of soaps though?

Twig said...

Love it! That cabinet is perfect...I have a yellow one I've been trying to figure out where to put. I think I know where now ;) Someone name-dropped you at our last market by the way...thanks for everything you've done for me! :)

ChiPPy-SHaBBy said...

OMG!*!*! Over-The-ToP Fab ViNtaGe Cupboard!!! I most certainly would have snatched that one up!! ~ Way to go!!! Enjoy Your Find... Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

Beautiful cabinet, it looks perfect for your soaps! Off to get a peak of what you will have at your shop.

Little Emma English Home said...

Hi Maria. I was so happy to see the first items of your shop in Tracey's giveaway! What else you've prepared for us??? This soaps are so charming, i bought a few when in Nice, but they're never too much!! and I love how you displayed them.

Many many kisses for you, darling

RamblingTart said...

Oh these soaps are wonderful, so homey, rustic and beautiful. :-)

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Love that little cabinet...so sweet! Don't you just love finding something like that,I found a darling little shelf the other day for next to nothing....now it is my favorite thing (going to post it tomorrow)Enjoy your treasures!! Chrissy

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Maria, What an precious little cabinet and so perfect for holding your soaps. Oh yes, I love the zinc pitcher.
xo, Sherry

Between You and Me said...

i just can't wait until you open your shop...i'm SO excited for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Maria, where can I get my hand on some of that soap??? When you open your shop you will for sure need tostock up"_ elma

layers of memory said...

Many people speak of dreams as fanciful things like fairies and charmed rings and lands of enchantment, others only believe in faraway dreams such as stars or sea castles with elf like inhabitants.
There are day dreamers and night dreamers who dream up make believe places. They use much imagination and in that are dream gifted.
But the serious dreamers are those who catch dreams and bring them to life to show that when they were dreaming they meant it.......

Prencie said...

Hello Maria!! LOVE this piece and what a good idea about putting the soap inside!! I Love using cake stands for soooo many other things than just cakes;) I also LOVE that zinc pitcher!! I've been scowering every antique place I can looking for one similar so I was beyond excited when I found out I could possibly win it!! Hope it's me!!
Got a paint sample of the paint you told me about and I LOVE it!!! It's got this nice sheen to it!:) Beautiful! Can't wait to use it!!:) Don't know when the hubby will have time to paint:( Waiting patiently....


What a lovely find.


Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Oh Maria,
I love it all. I have a little french cupboard like it but in gray that I keep my old cafe au lait bowls in and Italian coffee (my weakness!). I love your using yours for soap, such a great idea. Love the zinc, can't get enough. Can't wait to see your shop.

Nancy said...

Your soaps and new cupboard for them are precious. All I came home with this weekend was a wing chair :(

I MUST have that zinc pitcher! I can hardly wait until the winner is picked. I am already off shopping for one online, that's how patient I am!

Jan Thomason said...

maria, i am so glad to be at your blog!
i've had two friends recommend your blog to me in one week - how about that!
theresa at garden antiques and
anne lorys of fiona and twig both recommended your blog.
i am now a follower and after having spent the last hour on your blog i must say i'm very happy to be here.
your sense of decor and your photograph skills are wonderful.

i look forward to getting to know you, jan

Tracy ~Seeking Refinement~ said...

Maria ! I have been a silent observer for the past few weeks, and I'm so bummed that time hasn't allowed for comments, as they were in the beginning of your FAB blog!

Did I hear you say Etsy!? I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!

Dashing off to the FAB Tracey's blog to get a peek. HUGS to you .... ever in SoCal? Perhaps its time for a roadtrip?! ;) 2nd Sunday is the Rose Bowl Flea.....I'm just sayin'!


Debra@CommonGround said...

What a wonderful cabinet, and the soap looks really yummy!

Tina said...

Gorgeous flea market finds Maria:) I am so excited for your shop to open!! Hope you are having a wonderful week. Hugs ~ Tina xx

Fabi said...

Hi Maria,
Though I accidentaly discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago this is the first time I leave a comment. I have read all your precedent posts and by "all" I mean "all!" I 'm fascinated by your style, I'm telling the obvious if I say you have a remarkable good taste but for me the incredible thing is your immagination and the skills you have to create amazing things with your findings. I like your blog, your beautiful house, your wonderful family, I just wanted you to know. Cheers from Fabi in Madrid - Spain.

Razmataz said...

Hi Maria. Such a charming cabinet. I could think of so many uses for that.

Hope you are having a wonderful week craeting all your lovlies for the shop!

love lives in the kitchen said...

i love all the piuctures! so cute!
compliments for your lovely flea market finds!
have a great day,

Erin said...

that pitcher/vase is STUNNING! I am beside myself with envy!

paperbird said...

The little cubby is sooooo wonderful and I love how you have displayed your pretty soaps in it. Always so fun to come visit your lovely blog.

vosgesparis said...

Love the marseille soaps but even more the hamam style soap from Morocco ;) esp. in those cute silver baskets!

Biene said...

A wonderful, very nice cupboard!!!
I also want to have such a cupboard.

The flowers are also so beautyful!
I love them.

Have a nice week, Biene from Germany
(my english is not so good)

LuLu said...

Ohh I'm clapping over your soaps you will be carrying! I love having yummy soaps in a glass jar by my tub!!
You found the cabinet!
Wishing you a wonderful week,

Shannon Fricke said...

very beautiful! lovely blog.

Gaia said...

Your finds are fantastic! I love lavender in every way!

You always surprise me with your beauty!

Unknown said...

Hi Maria! I lov the way you've displayed your soaps! And I can't wait to have a look at your new shop! I'm counting the days untill August!!!


Heaven's Walk said...

Hi Maria! I never would'ave thought to display pretty soaps on a cake stand. Just beautiful! Another little inkling of your serious talent, girl. lol! I'm also loving the great big bunch of lavender laying on top of your adorable cabinet, too. (sigh!)

And that zinc pitcher? I'd give my first born for that! lol!

Have a great day!

xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

Free Art Printables said...

I love all of your pictures~ ! Everything looks so lovely in the cabinet!

DustyLu said...

Ya! Girl I am so excited and proud of you. This store is going to be amazing! Can't wait! I have MIA working a ton! Hope all is well with you! I am so happy for you! ~Lulu P.S. Love the soaps I will take one!

Lars John Anderson said...

Love that pitcher!! And your beautiful hydrangeas.. if only I could find the right spot in my yard where mine would behave ;)

Inspiration i vitt said...

I like soap and i love your blogg. I am often here and i always like what i see.
Varm hugs to you/Ingela.

Decofloral said...

hello maria,how lovely...
This is the first time I`m on your blog.I went to the Fleamarket this morning.It was fabolous.I was going alone and came home with some nice things ...like everyone who went there!!
Very nice impresseion at your blog.
Have a good time

Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic said...

I'm looking forward to your shop opening in August! Love the pillows you make with the grain sacks. And of course, the zinc pitcher is FABULOUS ;-)

mimi charmante said...

LOVING the cabinet my friend! you have such a gorgeous collection of soaps~ I brought so much back from france as you can't beat the scents I found there!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

Everything is divine, as usual. I didn't even know you had a shop! What?! Yes, I love that bar soap. I purchased some on clearance years ago at World Market. I didn't want to use it because it looked so cool and I finally had to throw it away.

The cabinet and pitcher are beautiful. What a day!

Robyn said...

Do I like that zinc pitcher from France. No. I LOVE love LOVE LOVE LOVE that ZINC PITCHER FROM FRANCE!!!!!! Thanks for sharing that new blog...you rock!