Friday, March 19, 2010

Have you heard of I discovered this wonderful website last year, I had been looking at different stationery sites and trying to decide which one I wanted to use for my Christmas Cards. I always do something special for my Christmas Cards. I want the person who is receiving my card to feel like they are receiving a Christmas gift from my family when they open their card. My cards always have pictures of my kids included in the card. I used to have their pictures professionally taken, but lucky for me, my husband bought me a very nice camera for Christmas 3 years ago. So now I take my own pictures.
So when I discovered minted, I was really excited. It was something different. They have a wide selection of great designs to choose from.
One thing I liked about this site, is they use designers from all over the world. They hold design challenges. If you win the design, your winning designs are sold on You also earn cash prizes and 5% of ongoing revenues. Then their best designers are commissioned to create minted originals. If you know anything about graphic design you should really check out minted. Maybe you are a graphic designer waiting to be discovered! This might be your chance!
Or maybe you are a mom like me who loves to take pictures of her kids, and wants to create a special Christmas card with your own photographs. So I thought I would share this site with all of you.
I also thought I would share a few pictures that I took of my kids for my 2009 Christmas Cards.
I uploaded some of these pictures to and created a mini photo book.

This gives me an excuse to share pictures of my precious kids with all of you!

My kids know that they are blessed to be able to grow up on a horse ranch.

They show horses and cattle.

I just wanted to tell my friends from Australia, the dog pictured here is a McCallum bred dog. Tony McCallum is from Australia and started this breed. My husband loves using McCallum dogs for working cattle.

My kids LOVE animals.

Remember the post I did on the bird cage, a lot of you suggested I put feathered friends in the cage, well this is what my sons keep in the cage during the summer months, praying mantises, aren't they cute?

They love insects & reptiles!

My kids are the REAL treasures in my life!

If you look in magazines such as Martha Stewart Living you can find coupons for I also watch their site for sales.

Have fun checking out this great site, I was really happy with my purchase from them. I know I will be purchasing Christmas cards from them again this year.
If you are someone with graphic design talent and are looking to be discovered you should think about signing up for their design challenge.
I hope you all have a great weekend. I want you to know how much I appreciate all of your comments you leave me. Just remember you don't have to leave a comment about me, feel free to share something about yourself. I love learning something new about YOU!


paige said...

are you kidding?
never can see too many pics of your precious little ones!
how special that they are all animal & critter lovers.

Anne Lorys said...

Oh Maria, your children are absolutely beautiful! Fresh faced and innocent and just perfectly sweet. :-)

I love it when I get to see peeks into the families of my blog friends, as long as they feel comfortable sharing. So by all means, share away!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Shannon said...

Love all the pictures and thanks for the wonderful site you shared with us. I was just looking online for invitations for my daughter's bday :)

Shabby Vintage Junk said...

Good Morning Maria....!

WOW....Your children ARE adorable....You & your Cute Cowboy must be VERY proud....!!!

Hope you all enjoy a happy & relaxing weekend....!

Tamarah :o)

Tina said...

Love, love, love seeing more pics of your beautiful family Maria. One of life's true luxuries is being a proud Mama who can shout the praises of her children:) Your children are all just so gorgeous! Not so sure about the insects though!!! Gorgeous photos as always sweet Maria! Hope you and your gorgeous family have a wonderful weekend ~ Tina xx

Mary said...

What gorgeous kiddos! (And the dog, too!)

To answer your question about the photos I posted...I have not found a blog for her, but I WISH she would start one. Her name is Andie Edwards, and she is from somewhere around Seattle. I sent her an email, hoping to buy some of her work. I LOVE her style!

Happy Weekend, my friend!


Carrie Ann Eddleman said...

Thanks for sharing that site, I can't wait to check it out. Your kids are gorgeous of can they not be { with such gorgeous parents. } My children, myself and papa are all huge animal lovers...we really need to buy a farm. I want some sheep and goats, and of course HORSES my littlest wren and I both love them. I made papa promise me that someday I would have one of my own. I'm sure you have one, just know that I am officially extremely jealous ; ).

Happy Weekend, Carrie

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Maria,
You have an absolutely beautiful family....and you can see that they just love animals.
I'm sure that your Christmas card was brilliant.
I will definitely check out
Have a great weekend. XXXX

Pretty Zesty said...

Aw the bunny and the dog have the same coloring as my cat! So cute!

lambi said...

Maria, wonderful pictures! It's only I can say & have a happy weekend :)

Anna said...

great pictures of your kids, and their pets! I will have to check out that website, thanks for sharing.

Hana said...

Your children are precious! All of them are handsome and beautiful! Thanks for sharing their pictures. I don't know how you manage 5...3 is a handful for me, lol!
I love the products at I've never ordered from them but I've visited their site multiple times to look at all of their cards.
Hope you are doing well. I am loving my spice jars though I haven't completely decided where to place them. I keep moving them around! Have a great weekend!!

MomTog Diaries

Dawn-Hydrangea Home said...

I've never heard of - thanks for the link! I will check it out. Your kids are gorgeous! Cute pets too.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow Maria! Those pics are GREAT! hmm I wonder if I get a really nice camera if my picture taking will get think my husband will fall for that? I hope so!! :-) Have a lovely weekend!

angela walker jewelry said...

Maria! Your children are simply gorgeous! And your photo are amazing too : )
Have a wonderful weekend!
Health and happiness to all of you,

Anonymous said...

What a lovely family you have, Maria! Your photos are gorgeous. Would you mind sharing what kind of camera you received from your hubby?

Kacey said...

You have such a beautiful family, Maria! I love the personality that shows through in all the photos. You did a great job.

Have a great weekend!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Your photographs are beautiful! Must be easy with all those cuties in them! ;) I had never heard of minted... I'm going to check them out... thanks!


Emma said...

Oh my goodness, you are such a beautiful all-American family! (Well that's what it seems like on my side of the globe anyway) I stumbled on your blog awhile ago and just clicked over this morning...loving it. Your kids are so damn cute, LOVE your daughters green jacket, where is it from?

Emma said...

P.S. And Macallum dogs are meant to be good, we have three Australian Kelpie's and a Border Collie to work our cattle.

DustyLu said...

Your family is so darling and lovely! The pictures you took of them captured the moments perfectly..I love you daughters green pretty...Sweet animals..I love your ranch! I didn't get your email..We def need to chat..I emailed you at losttrails..Hope you got it! Have a beautiful day! ~lulu

Gina said...

Hi Maria! Thanks so much for sharing the beautiful photos of your family (I said "Dang, that's a gorgeous family!!!" - Like my cowboy-like use of "Dang" right? Tee hee...) You take great pics, why would you even need professionals for that?

I love animals also - right now I have 2 dogs(rescue) but I have had birds, cats, rabbits - still waiting for a pony thought!

I love how your hubby is a horse trainer - I love horses so much I almost became a professional handicapper but always felt bad when one would get hurt in a race!!! Went into trading after's not that much different.

paperbird said...

your family is beautiful.

Pétales de fée said...

Oh your children are so beautifull and lovely ! And they have a really nice mum!
Excuse my poor english!
Kiss from France !

Razmataz said...

Maria, they are gorgeous and look so relaxed and content. What a super place to grow up on a horse ranch. Lovely pictures. Will pop over to and have a look.

Have a great weekend.


Lee Weber said...

Your children are lovely! The green sweater is just beautiful. My kids love bugs too, although right now my 6 y.o. has an earthworm in a can....

Janice said...

What gorgeous children! The pictures are beautiful, your talent for photography clearly extends to people! I don't know if I would be so brave around all the creatures:)

Little Emma English Home said...

Maria, I can't believe that you're so young (my age) and already have so grown up children....And they all look beautiful and such good guys. You really seem to have a wonderful family!!

Hugs from me xxx

Susan said...

What a beautiful family. Your oldest boy is the spittin' image of his daddy! Love pics of kids loving their animals. I had a horse when I was a young girl but Billy was kept at my uncle's farm. Oh how I would have loved growing up on a horse ranch!

Chandra said...

I am completely and wonderfully addited to your blog!!! What a wonderful thing to have stumbled upon this lovely Saturday morning. I can't wait to come back!!

Farmgirl Paints said...

Your kids are so cute. Can't believe your son was holding that bug!! Thanks for sharing the website. I'll have to check it out:)

Cathy M~(checkitoff) said...

I also ordered my cards from minted this year & did a storybook & it turned out so awesome! Just a quick note that people really need to know: I ordered in early November & at that time they only had 1 customer service rep (I am sure they added more, but being in the stationery biz, I was appalled by this!). Also, even if minted makes a mistake & you need a 2nd proof they will charge your credit card. I did get this cleared up but it took a lot of waiting while on the phone. I did not recommend minted to my clients this year because I feel that they needed to address their customer service.

Just Me and My {Crooked} Halo said...

A horse ranch has always been a dream of mine - I want to live at your house with my family - great pictures!

Thanks for the referral to - really a nice site!

Grace and Blessings,


Anonymous said...

You've got a very beautiful family! I love the way you decorate your home and, as you seem interested in French decoration, let me give you some names of interesting french blogs: la maison douce, la mule du pape, la mère de la mule (for blog travelling through Normandy), la Madone, le banc moussu...
Have good discoveries!

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

I'm going to include myself in the bunch saing that your kids are beautiful. I am going to take a look at that website. I like my own pictures too, sometimes they are just a lot more charm to them

Tania - Grange de Charme said...

Beautiful kids ! beautiful family !
Great week-end Maria !

Between You and Me said...

love the pictures...your kids are adorable....I'm with Dusty Lu---LOVE your daughter's green coat...

hope you're having a fab weekend!

myletterstoemily said...

what gorgeous children you have!

we have three girls and two boys,
opposite of yours.

don't believe people who say you
lose them as they get older.

we cherish the loving, respectful
relationship we enjoy with our
now adult children.

they become your dearest friends
and cheerleaders.


Lynda @ Happenstance Home said...

You have a very beautiful family and it looks like they are having a wonderful childhood. The animals are adorable. Have a great weekend!

Flaviana said...

Maria,pls forgive me but it's really impossible not to comment about you cause you're such an inspiring ,lovely person. Really beautiful inside and out (and as far as I can see beauty does run in the family!). Your kids are gorgeous and it couldn't have been otherwise ;))have a terrific weekend !
xoxo Flaviana

nat said...

Your children are gorgeous!! And they are so blessed to be able to grow up ON a horse ranch!

I hope you are having a great weekend. Thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers!! You are so sweet!
xo, nat

Christelle said...

Tes enfants sont magnifiques avec des bonnes couleurs aux joues et de l'amour pour les animaux qui fait plaisir à voir !

Tricia said...

What a precious family you have there Maria! You are quite the photographer. What kind of camera do you use? Have you studied photography?
Thanks for sharing this great site with us. We've always taken our own photos of the little one for Christmas cards versus doing the professional thing.

Victoria Hayden said...

Maria...your kids are adorable!! The girls so pretty and the boys so handsome. What great pictures. Thanks for sharing about Minted...will have to look into that. :) We share something else the same...I have 5 kids too, except we only have 1 girl and 4 boys. Yes, they are the real treasures in this world! Loved seeing your family.



La Dolfina said...

Thanks for the link to I just checked them out for HS Graduation announcements. Very cool:)

La Dolfina said...

Whoops! I forgot to mention how beautiful your sweet children are!!
You are blessed!! And so are they!

Maria | Vintage Simple said...

Your kids are too cute, Maria..! Simply adorable, dear - loved the photos. Congratulations on a beautiful family - and I love that they love animals...


Brandy said...

I think your photography is amazing, Maria. And your children are absolutely beautiful!!!

I had never heard of, so thank you for sharing the link!

Stacey said...

Wow, you certainly have five gorgeous kids! How do you keep your whites white? I have three kids and that's why I like your blog title, b/c I only dream of whites...well for now anyhow!

Karla@TheClassyWoman said...

Great pictures. Your girls look like Ralph Lauren models! :)

I love seeing all of your new photos, the crisp white, clean yet casual feel is what I crave in a home, I'm amazed you keep it all so clean with so many kids!

BTW, I have a spring beauty giveaway if you are interested in entering:

Theresa said...

I love the pirouette Whipser patern and would love to be entered to win it in a duvet ~ Oh please plaes pick me!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

you have lovely children and you take such beautiful pictures!

Emily said...

Wow! I would love to win the Grande Fleur Sand! By the way your kids are beautiful.