Thursday, June 3, 2010

Vosges Paris

Hello Everyone!
I hope you are all having a great week.

I wanted to share someone special today with all of you.
Her name is Desiree.
She is the girl behind the

After Lori, from White Flower Farmhouse (more on Lori in the near future, she is the one who introduced me to blogging ), so kindly featured my home on her blog, Frugal Farmhouse Design, Desiree was one of the first people to email me and tell me she liked my home.
I couldn't believe I was getting an email from someone in the Netherlands.
Then after I started my own blog,
Desiree was then so kind to put a picture of my home on the side of her blog, Vosges Paris, and introduced my blog to her readers. I was so overwhelmed with gratitude that someone who didn't even know me would do this for me.
This is something Desiree does for new bloggers.
I think this is so generous of her to do.
Desiree has been such an inspiration to me.

Desiree also sent me this very nice package in the mail.

When Desiree was featured in this magazine at Home she sent me a copy of the magazine.
I had left a comment congratulating her for being featured in the magazine, so she offered to send me a copy, since we don't get this magazine here in the states.
I wish we got At Home here, as it is filled with so much inspiration.
Congratulations Desiree on your magazine feature!

Desiree sent me these cute wooden letters that spells out the word Reve, which means dream in French.

She also sent me this french document as well.
I love it.

Thank you Desiree!
Desiree, as you know, I love everything you sent me.

I asked Desiree if she would let me do a little interview with her and she kindly agreed to answer a few questions.

Where are you from?
I am born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and still live here and to be honest I could not think of living anywhere else ... I absolutely love my town! I live in the old Harbour of the city surrounded by water and lots of history... You might see something of my neighbourhood when in August this year Sail 2010 is taking place just around the corner from where I live. I feel like having the best of two worlds, The tranquillity of the harbour, doing my daily shopping in a former warehouse of the KHL (Royal Holland Lloyd - Founded in 1899 to carry cattle andcargo between Amsterdam and South America) where coffee and tea was being stored and being really close to the city centre with its canals and narrow streets.

What inspired you to start a blog?
I have always been interested in interior design and photography. Fifteen years ago I bought myself a new camera and started to take lots of concert pictures I sold on eBay and by advertising in magazines. Some of them ended up in Music biography's and it was a great way to finance one of my greatest passions I have next to interior design .. 'music'.

Long before I started a blog of my own I made pictures of my DIY projects and Flee market finds that I shared in Picasa albums with a group of women. We 'met' at an interior forum that I still visit daily. A great group of people with the same passion for interior, flee markets and DIY. From time to time we also meet up at some place, have workshops, shopping trips. Some great friendships have been started there.
Later on I started to read blogs. I was really impressed by the French weblogs (there is a whole list at my blog for those of you who want to discover them). There were so many beautiful 'Mis en scenes' (still life's) as the French call them to admire. I started to make more and more pictures and decided to publish them on a blog as it would give me the change to write some more about them.

What is the story behind the name of your Blog?
The name of my blog comes from a silly nick name I once made as Mr.Google was rejecting all kind of names I wanted to choose. It comes from 'Place des Vosges' in Paris, It is the oldest square in Paris. It was the easiest way to just keep that name.

How would you describe your style?
To be honest I find it very difficult to describe my style.. there are so many things and styles I like. I truly love industrial things as metal cupboards, tolix chairs and tables with big wheels. But my heart also beats faster when seeing a shabby cupboard painted in white. French medici vases, zinc baskets or a garden table with rusty legs and a wooden top. I just love to combine the things I love.

On my blog I get reactions on my posts as: 'this is so you' and many times about the contrast in my home and pictures. So I guess, my style is combine things with a bit of contrast. Such as a modern white vase with an old crate painted with chalk paint to show my collection of strange iron finds. I definitely like to surround me with things you can't find in every shop.
So I often switch things around in my house. The concrete wall with zink ornaments has now been replaced by a white wall with an old table from the antique shop. But there can easily something else coming up in my mind that asks for another changing if decor.

Do you have a favorite room in your home?
I think changing and decorating your house is all about the inspiration you have at that moment and the picture you have in mind with that certain room. And like a painter who likes his last painting best I like my latest projects best. I love the serene atmosphere of my bedroom with the old white shutters and the touch of violet and I love the wall with the Industrial table in my working space. At the moment I am chanching things in my living room and added some bright white IKEA furniture and added a grey and white kelim.
Interiors grow by living in them , so who knows what will be next.

Who is your favorite designer?
That will be Frederic Tabary, I discovered his Picasa photo albums a few years ago, he now also has a weblog.
He is an interior designer and architect. He renovates and builds houses, shop interiors and all kind of unusual places
You can recognise his work by the amazing industrial and smart gadgets.
He uses all the material I love such as concrete Iron and wood.
Once you know his work you will regonice it in the magazines such as Cote Maison.
I can think of many more designs I like and I can pretend to know all the Dutch designers but the thruth it I don't.... I do know very well what I like though.. looking at beautiful things and happily enough Amsterdam is full of cool places with 'hot' design.

What is your favorite design book?
I donít really have a favorite book but I like the books from my favorite interior magazine. The Dutch magazine called ëVT Wonenë.

Do you have a favorite place to shop?
Yes I have a few places I like to shop, I mentioned a few on my weblog already like ëDe Weldaadí and ëSissy Boy homelandí But I also like to wander around at the Noordermarkt, the weekly antiques and curiosa Market. For all the basic stuff most Dutch shop at the HEMA and IKEA.

How has blogging impacted your life?
It has made my world bigger I find it absolutely great to see how other people live. I think if it wasn't for blogging I would never have get in touch with people like you and could have a look at how you live and decorate your home. I have met so many great people over the last years.

Thank you for your friendship Desiree!
Thank you for everything you have done for me.

This is a picture of Desiree below!
She has a great blog!
Desiree will also be having a giveaway shortly on her blog.
So keep a watch out for that!


Elyse said...

dreamy post from start to finish! just adore your blog & style.

hope you'll visit my blog someday, too!


WinnibriggsHouse said...

A Great post and a great interview. What beautiful pictures. Popping over to have a closer look. Thank you for bringing this to us all.

Tricia said...

Great post Maria...heading over to check out Vosges Paris now!

white flower farmhouse said...

I enjoyed the interview and wonderful photographs of one of my favorite bloggers. Congratulations to Desire for the well deserved magazine feature. You are so lucky to have a copy. By the way LOVE your new header. Take care, Lori

Rozmeen said...

I also like Vosges Paris blog very much as I love yours. I live in Holland and get so much inspiration out of your blog. Thank you very much for the inspiration.. I hope you will visit my blog once. Love to read your comment and any advice is more than welcome as I am new in this blogging world.


Madelief said...

Desiree has a lovely blog indeed!

Lieve groet, Madelief

Little Emma English Home said...

You know Maria, Desiree was one of the first blogger who commented to me and added my new blog in her blog roll....So i really know how you feel. She's so lovely. She also helped me spontaneously to find a magazine I cared for. A nice person indeed. I will check her giveaway.

And awesome interview as always, it's a pleasure to stop here, I will never say it too much!!!

p.s. I apologize so much for you know what....things happened to me this week and I had no time to stop and do what I meant to do... So sorry. I will be by very soon xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria and Desiree!
I just love all dreamy pictures here. I have to say...I always leave here with a smile on my face and a tug at my heart to paint something white :)
((Hugs)) to you both!
xoxox Susie~

Unknown said...

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI Deeske!!!;)(I said hi to Desirée picasastyle;))
I know Desiree from this picasagroup she's telling about.
She's not only a great lady like you said, she is also very funny:).
She always ALWAYS has great pictures, we at picasa love her!:)
So nice to see she's famous all over the world!!

Toedels Dees!!!!!
Bye bye!!


Beach House Living said...

Vosges has a lovely blog. I was admiring her side table the other day.

Anne Marie said...

she does have a great blog - in fact it was one of the first ones I started following - always crisp and clean - I like that......

as is yours~
have a great weekend!

Olive said...

Maria, thanks for this inteview. I will go to her blog as I did not know of it before.


Razmataz said...

Hi Maria, What a great choice of blog to feature. Desiree was kind enought oa lso feature my blog (as you were) and it really does help when you are starting out. I love her style and her color pallette. Thanks for the lovely interview.


Shabby Vintage Junk said...

Morning Maria....!

THANK YOU for introducing us to Desiree & her GORGEOUS home & blog....** sigh ** It makes it SO hard to go to work when I open my reader to find a drool worthy post from yourself....THANK HEAVENS I can pop in on my lunch break & take a peek....shhhhhhhhh....!!

Hope you're having a GLORIOUS week & the kids & cowboy are well....!!

Tamarah :o)

lisaroy said...

She sounds absolutely lovely! What a great interview!

LuLu said...

I just loved this post and now being introduced to a new wonderful blog that is so full of inspiration, I thank you,

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Hi maria-
thank you for introducing a new blog, it looks lovely! Can't wait to stop by and have a look! Hope your enjoying your week with your sister!

Cindy said...

What an interesting interview, I think I would love her style, so I will go over and check out her blog. Thanks so much!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Maria
Well I agree she has a beautiful blog with great style,,, fabulous post and interview. Hope you have a great weekend.. xx Julie

Green Girl said...

that is an amazing home! thanks for putting this interview together, it is inpiring:)

Beth said...

Hi Maria, How wonderfully sweet to share this awesome blog and woman with all of us! I can wait to dig deeper in her blog...the images are stunning!

Thanks again for an inspiring post!
xoxo Beth

Debra@CommonGround said...

Great interview, I just visited her amazing blog. such wonderful inspiration!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Maria,
Well, Desiree was one of the first blogs that I read....way before I started my own blog. I love her style and she is just so inspirational.
It was lovely to read your interview with her and find out a little more of the wonderful and interesting Desiree. XXXX

sharon santoni at my french country home said...

Hi Maria

Thank you for introducing me to this great blog, I've been over to see and it's really beautiful.

I love the way you feature other blogs so generously, while maintaining the character of your blog. It's always a joy to visit here!

Have a great weekend

paige said...

thanks for introducing us to another beautiful blog
you know i love yours!!

Debbie said...

Thank you for introducing us to yet another wonderful blog, Maria.
I will definately go for a visit.

FEDERICA said...

Hi darling!
These days are crazy for me, so many things to do! Tomorrow I have my engagement session and I'm very exited! I can't wait to share all the pictures with you!
Speak to you soon!

Robin Johnson said...

Such lovely photos. I just love your interview posts - keep them coming. Desiree's site is new to me, thanks so much for steering me her way. Can't wait to browse her blog.

Have a great weekend!

Pétales de fée said...

A great post, so nice I adore all of your pictures !

Melanie Beth said...

Beautiful pictures! I had not seen her blog before, thank you for the introduction! Also - I love your new header, so dreamy!

Lara said...

Great interview.. she sounds very sweet. I've only recently started following her blog & love her style!
Pretty Love,

My Dream Canvas said...

Great post! I love your ideas and your blog. I am also hosting my very first giveaway so please stop by.
Take care Anu

Unknown said...

Hi dear Maria! and thank you for this lovely interview! I also know Desiree and her beaitiful blog! She was so kind to me to add my blog on her sidebar too! She is so sweet and I can understand what you've written about "overwhelm by gratitude"!

Have a great week end!!!

vosgesparis said...

hello my friend.
you made a lovely post of my little interview and thank you for your kind words. It is so funny to read my own words her on your beautiful blog ;) Thanks for having me
hugs, Desiree

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh my....everything was just's soooo not my current style, but every time I see something like this I consider a change... YUM.

Warm blessings,

Unknown said...

really lovely photos! i have to check out her blog! hope you are well!! susan

eva said...

always interesting to visit your blog, and check your new posting .... have a great new week !!!

Harmoni og Kontrast said...

Great interview with wonderful Desiree. She was also very nice to me when I started blogging a few months ago, and we had several inspirational emails to eachother. Now I will visit more of your blog:-) Greatings from Laila in Norway

Carol said...

So happy I found your beautiful blog! I'm now following...come follow me back!

Leigha said...

Just wanted to take a moment to add to the praise for Desiree. It seems the only thing greater than her talent is her personality. Mwah!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

That French document is just gorgeous. Everything is lovely, as always, Maria.

Tina said...

Hi sweet Maria. Thank you for another wonderful introduction to a gorgeous blog. I loved your interview and am going to hop on over to Desiree's blog now to say Hi. Hope you are well and having a wonderful start to the week. Thank you for always being so supportive of other bloggers and for sharing them here on your gorgeous blog. Hugs to you ~ Tina xx

Crystal @ Plush Palate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Crystal @ Plush Palate said...

I am a big fan of Desiree's blog and style and am so grateful I discovered yours today through her! Fantastic interview - I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the girl behind the blog a little more.

I just have one favor....I'd love to see the tour of your home that Desiree first discovered you through. Would you mind sending me the link to where I can find that? - I'd be so grateful!


Twig said...

wow! That is b-e-a-utiful! :) I love it! Tolix chairs make my heart race too haha.

Maria, I'll have to email you -- I have awesome news! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria~ You have received some lovely gifts! That french document is so cool! What are you going to do with it? Are you enjoying the warm cali sun? We're heading down there too but nowhere near your area. Hope you are well. Take care.

Tracy said...

This is a great giveaway. The Cerise Hatley is my fave pattern. Love your blog. Thanks!

Anna-Malin said...

Hi Maria.

I´m so glad that I found your lovely blog via Vosges Paris.


Unknown said...

Wonderful post! She does have the loveliest blog!
Have a sweet day!

sunny said...

gotta love blogland! I read the bodie & fou shop blog and today they raved about desiree's blog... and from there I found your blog. LOVE it. you have amazing style. happy to have found you. I like the playlist on the blog too :)


Hanlie Joubert said...

just love this interview! been reading your blog and her's when i have little free time. you are a great inspiration.
have a wonderful, peaceful day!

Mike said...

It's interesting because someone asked me a very similar question. He asked me what room that I painted I like best. My answer was that I liked all of them. I like my art whether or not other people do.

vosgesparis said...

I just came across this post, hope all is well with you ;) 5 years later... fun to see how much my home has changed , how there is more concrete and black in it now.

Take care and a hug from Amsterdam ;)