Hello Everyone!
I hope you are all having a great week.
I thought I would share a lot of pictures with you today.
I am finally sharing the pictures of my cupboard with all of you.
Sorry it took me so long to complete this post.
This cabinet is my favorite cabinet.
It has been used to store so many things in our home.
It is antique and is supposed to be from Europe.
I am not sure how old the blue paint color is, but that is the color it was when I bought it.
One side of the cabinet wasn't painted so I had the blue paint color matched at Benjamin Moore.
I think they did a great job.
I will share the formula with you at the end of this post.
I couldn't decide what color to paint the inside of the cabinet.
I at first wanted to use a bright white, and then decided to use a subtle gray color.
I first tested a few different whites and grays before making the final decision.
I put my ironstone in the cabinet to see which color would show of my ironstone the best.
I decided against a bright white since the cabinet color itself is so bright.
I ended up using two colors. For my first coat of paint, I used a Kelly Moore paint, named Swiss Coffee, which is a warm white. Then for the second layer I lightly coated a Benjamin Moore paint called Horizon. This horizon color actually looks a lot lighter inside this cabinet then it does on a wall. It is a really pretty gray to use on a wall.
I used a pearl finish. I didn't distress it in anyway. Painting the two different colors gives a bit of a layering effect.
I am really happy with the finished product.
I took a lot of pictures.....

I am also guest posting today over for the sweet Gaia over at Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland.
Gaia posted recently about painting her cupboard on her blog, and I loved what she did to her cupboard, she inspired me to paint the inside of mine!
You can visit Gaia's blog to see another way I use this cupboard.

I hope you all have a great week!
The paint color for the outside of the cabinet was color matched by
Benjamin Moore.
Here is the oil based formula for a quart size can of paint~
Pastel Base~1B
1 1/2 oy
5 bk
2 bb
7 tg
2 wh
P.S. Those grain sacks you see piled in my cupboard are in the process of being turned into fun
pillows and such.....
Hey girl!!
It looks incredible! I love that color. I have a cabinet sitting right now that I need some help with so maybe I'll go with something like this! Your ironstone is making me drool...I just started a collection about 6 months ago and I'm slowly getting there. It is incredible stuff and so much fun to find!! I'll head over to read your guest post. Take care, talk to you soon!~
I am so in love with your cabinet and the color. And I am just drooling over your collection of linens.
This is absolutely breathtaking!!!!
LOVE the color of this cabinet!!! It goes oh so well with your blue mason jars and other vintage blue glass!!! You are an awesome stager!!! Love the way you present everything in collections and in color scheme!! Love, love ,love!!!
Haven't gotten around to painting my living room yet....still on the hunt for some decent slipcovers for my sofa and chair;)
Aj, oj, aj, wow, aj it makes almost a pain in the body to look at the beautiful turquoise cabinet, just lovely!!!! Mari
wauwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Maria You did a great job on this cabinet!
I absolutely adore it! If you would tell me you live somewhere near the sea instead as on a farm I would believe you ..
Stunning color and the chicken wire (is that the name) is gorgeus !
Bellissima .... adesso me ne vado in Italia con te!
hugs, desiree
I am sooo in love...amazing! I adore blue Mason jars and I really like the chicken wire touch. The color blue is so dreamy...thanks for sharing the formula!
Oh Maria, it's amazing! I love the color inside and out, just beautiful. I could look at your pictures all day! I hope your having a great week!!
That really turned out great, Maria, it looks like it could be a shabby chic store!!! I love the color also and the chicken wire...been thinking about doing the chicken wire thing in a cabinet also...
Wow, this is absolutely great cabinet! I love it and I love this colour!
Oh WOW Maria!!! It turned out GREAT! I'm so glad you were finally able to upload it...and that you included a lot of pictures :) I love everything about it...especially all of the grain sacks :) :) You have such an amazing way of decorating!!!!!
:) T
absolutely gorgeous! I love that blue SO MUCH - I am a blue maniac... I have to try SO HARD not to incorporate blue into ANOTHER room in our house. Seeing your cabinet is not making it any easier ;)
I just posted pictures of our peaceful blue family room yesterday!
here's the link if you wanna stop by!:
So lovely!
Maria, that's just the right shade of blue, so pretty!
Hello Maria.....i told on her blog that it was great !!! and also doing this by you.....such a nice post..................................................i enjoy......love Ria....
Hi Maria,
It is better than perfect, if that's possible. Love the colors! You make me think I may want to paint my cabinet here, I've been wanting to try something new for quite a while. Love the French canning jars, I have some here at home too, they are the prettiest shades of aqua & light green, aren't they? I think I saw your zinc pail at Alameda last time or one really close to it w/label. Fantastic place to visit here, inspires me to do more, thank you!
Forgot to wish you a happy Bastille Day since you too are a Francophile!
Gorgeous color! Thanks for including the formula!
It is pale blue perfection.
I love your little blue cupboard...it would look just fine in my house!
And it looks amazing! Isn't that blue a cheery color? I have versions of it throughout my white sea cottage.
I'm glad you gave us so many pictures to look at! It is the perfect cabinet for that wall and isn't that the prettiest color of blue ever...and I love all your pretty things peeking through behind the wire.
You must have some fabulous places around to shop ~ I just have to be lucky one day to find anything so gorgeous! :)
Enjoy your day!
Wow! Your cupboard is so beautiful. I love the blue. Blue and white are the prettiest colors together! Lovely!
Great piece! Love the color!
What a gorgeous piece! And you have so many yummy things inside. Your pictures always look so heavenly. I wish I had that much light in my house. You must get sun 24/7.
Such a beautiful cabinet!! Love it!
absolutely LOVE that cabinet. we are getting ready to refinish our kitchen hutch and i just might have to sue this color! thank you for sharing the formula! :)
Oh. my. goodness. Can I live at your house? I have a piece of furniture that I am considering painting a similar color. I think I'll just have to do that after seeing your picture.
Amazing pictures. You are a wonderful stylist and photographer! (-:
love love love this cabinet! the outside color is beautiful, and i like the grayish inside color that you decided on--a perfect complement to the baby blue.
Your antique cupboard is the stuff dreams are made of, Maria! It is beautiful and the colour goes so nice with all the dreamy white in your home. Really, it's breathtaking! :) And I see your french linens on the bottem shelf!! I love the way you've presented everything in there - the little terracotta pots are darling.. I've been searching for the style of those it seems forever. Thank you for sharing your paint colours too. I bet it's such a delightful joy to look at everytime you glance over. Did you get the latest issue of Victoria magazine with the cherries on the cover? There is a big article on vintage French linens smack in the middle of it! I thought of you! ♥
Oh Maria, you've totally outdone yourself this time - it's absolutely gorgeous! This post has come at the perfect time for me, because I'm just about to paint the interior of an old, blue cabinet I've had for years, and the colours you've used are exactly what I had in mind - not too bright, a little 'antique' looking - perfect! By the way, your photos are so beautiful too, you have a real talent for photography. Thanks as always for the inspiration, your posts are so gorgeous, and thanks so much for sharing your lovely home with us. K xx
Your cabinet turned out beautiful.
I love everything about it and what's inside!
this cabinet? is this in a giveaway? tee hee (I wish!) what a beautiful cabinet! it makes me want to scrap the buffet in the dining room and go with something like what you did......thanks for the inspiration....as always!!
p.s. are you freaking out yet? because you seriously have nothing to be worried about that's for cowgirl sure!
Anne Marie
p.s. I really adore Gaia's blog - its one of my favs.
Lovely blue/gray combination!
maria. you. are. fabulous.
But I didn't have to tell you that - but it is good to hear, huh!?
Hugs from socal ~
Maria - your cabinet turned out so beautiful! Love that color! And I can't say enough about that way you put things together to create incredible vignettes. I blubber on and on and on about that! lol! My heart stopped (again) when I saw that awesome zinc French body pitcher setting on one of the shelves (you know...the one that wants to live at my house?).
Thanks for sharing the paint formula with us. It's so beautiful! Did you give it a name? How 'bout "Summer Sky"? :)
xoxo laurie@heavens-walk
My what a perfect cupboard - I just love it! Thanks for the paint 'receipe'!
Oh Maria..this looks so yummy! I love the colors you used. The way you arrange all of your treasures amazes me....so awesome!!!!!
What a great cabinet! I love the color and everything inside the cabinet. I've got to show it to the "hubs". Just maybe...if I found some GREAT doors...he would...well, I can dream!
OMG!*!*! Just "FaB" Maria... Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!
It's absolutely beautiful, Maria.
You've done a fantastic job filling it up with all the things that inspire you and make you smile!
I love the color...absolutely beautiful.
I am so in love with that cabinet....so in love...it is beautiful and love the color
I like what Anne Marie said...can I be the winner??????? Really though it looks stunning,now go make some pillows for the shop so I can buy one,o.k!
Oooooo I want that color. That is one yummy cabinet, with very yummy goodies inside. Thanks for the recipe!
Hi Maria!! Lovethe cabinet and the ironstone:) ALl the linens for pillows?? I will be first in line:)
elma elma2179@yahoo.com
hi honey ...WHERE did you day you were?
right before the fifi shoot?
Your cabinet is d-r-e-a-m-y.
Maria...I LOVE your cabinet!! You did a fabulous job with your color choices, and I love the way you have everything displayed in it!! I know I've said it many times before, but I can't WAIT until your online shop opens. I would love to get my hands on some of those pillows!!
Have a wonderful day!
Hugs ~ Jo
What more can be said. Stunning...
Can you ship that cubby to Canada? Pretty please.with a cherry on top
xo Jenny
Swoony gorgeousness!! You rock, girl! You've got us all hooked on every little thing you do. :)
Now that color could not possible be more dreamy!
m ^..^
I am actually thinking of painting my t.v armoire a grey blue color...not usually a blue fan, but I'm digging it these days! Thanks for the pics, they look so good!
You did a wonderful job with choosing the inside paint, and how great to know that they came up with such a perfect match for your outside paint color. It's a beautiful piece, and it really makes a statement!!
...wowI Love you cabinet...having a bit of cabinet envy!
Gorgeous pictures and love how you stage everything. Really nicely done. That blue color is really a calming, peaceful color...jsut might have to try it on something. The white interior really pops agains the blue and shows off all of your pieces so well.
Lovely job. The colours you used are perfect. xx
It's just yummiest vintage cabinet I've ever seen...
Nicely done!
Hi Maria,
It turned out beautiful!! Just the right colour. I love the things you have put in the cupbourd ..the linnen grain sacks sooo gorgeous. I collect them but they are so hard to find here in holland and veryyy pricy.
Cant say it enough: I love your blog!! You are a great inspiration.
Wishing you a lovely day.
Hi sweet Maria:) Your cupboard is gorgeous, how could it not be...! I love the way you layered two colours for the inside, and I just have to say how envious I am of your piles of linens....my dreams are made of such things! Hope you are having a lovely week sweet girl. Hugs ~ Tina xx
Good morning Maria! It looks gorgeous! I love it!!!
I wish you a lovely day,
i love your blue cabinet!
Hi Maria :-)
This cabinet is amazing... old things say a lot to me, and the combination of white and blue is just perfect, I love it!
Superbe meuble!!! et la couleur me plaît beaucoup...Bises Coco...
did i just see that you're opening a shop soon????? oh my!!!
LOVE that color blue. its gorgeous with your decor. just gorgeous
as always , visiting here is so delightful
Gorgeous as always. Love your accessories too!
Here a message from Holland. I love how you have painted your cabinet. Also love the items you have put in the cabinet. Just well and wonderfully done. It inspires me more and more to start with my first project to repaint a dark coloured sidetable.
Looking forward for your next blogpost.
Yet another beautiful inspiration - thank you my friend! Off to Italy now...
is it possible to have a crush on a cabinet? well, regardless, i am positively head-over-heels over your cabinet.
thank you so much for sharing the color mix. i see an armoire transformation in the near future at my house.
I absolutey love it!! I think I may turn a small cabinet I'm finishing for my daughter and paint it blue..but then I'm going to take it over...what a great find you have.
Love the cabinet and the color blue... what a beauty
Wish you a lovely week!
i just spotted your cabinet over at 'house of turquoise' and fell completely in love. it is a show stopper full of charm...
love love love!!!
Be still my heart!
Maria it is sensational
It's almost a shame to see those grain sacks leave the cupboard because they look just perfect! You are just so darn fabulous with display!
So pleased I found your beautiful blog. What a wonderful cabinet ... just the right amount of the old with the new - love the colour scheme. Look forward to your next post. Michelle
Thank you Maria for sharing this gorgeous cabinet, I so love the colour and the way you did the shelves white with the blue trim - just beautiful....Claire
I am just finishing up a yard sale cabinet of my own. Wish I would have known about this color. I love it, it's dreamy, it's magazine worthy.
I LOVE tour cabinet !!!
I`s beautiful :))
Hugs from Kari in Norway
your cupboard is more than incredible! i love the colour, sooo sweet!
wish you a great weekend,
That cupboard is GORGEOUS!! Suc. h a unique piece
love, love, love it. that blue is perfection!!!
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!
Love your blog and your style. You are super talented! Glad I've found you! Julie
Absolutely beautiful! You are so talented. LOVE your blog!
Maria, it's really lovely. i love all your treasures! i wish i could find the grain sacks here i never run across any.....hope you are well!! enjoy the weekend. Susan
gah! It's perfect! I'm trying to find the best blueish greenish (a mix between robin egg and seafoam?) to paint my kitchen table....no luck yet!
wow. that is amazing. i love it. i would never have guessed that you had to match the paint. they did a great job. thanks for sharing.
charming and lovely, and the colors you painted it inside are a great idea.. and your pictures are perfect!!! It`s such a pleasure coming to visit you. Could you, please, go to my blog and give me some idea of the chaise longue I have found?? I would really appreciate it, I love your style and perhaps you can give me a great idea on how to renovate it!!!
maria cecilia
love your blog :)
It's beautiful....I just picked up a similar hutch.
You cabinet looks lovely, the color is the perfect shade. I'm off to join you in Italy with the beautiful Gaia. She is so talented and a sweet mady.
Bon week-end,
Just a quick note to wish you a fantastic Sunday!
Love-love the cabinet. And what a great color!!
Maria, What a beautiful piece. I envy your lovely collection of ironstone. I have a few pieces, but unfortunately not the perfect place to display them... I will have to work on that. Hugs - Carrie
Gorgeous. I love how you painted it and everything you decided to display inside of it. The colors are just beautiful.
Hi Maria ! I love this blue color ! wonderful post again ! thank you !
You did an amazing job on this cupboard! The grey was a perfect choice!
I"m totally in AWE with the cupboard and the fabulous color. Now if I can get my hands on that color. I can't believe you found that just the way it was... that's incredible!
Hi Mary
I am a follower of your blog, this post made me very well ... I would put some parts of your images and text on my blog here in Brazil.
Telling the truth is already ready to ... but I want your permission ...
Write me please ...
my blog is
tinadiassonharerealizar.blogspot.com /
a grand hug
Tina (Sonhar e Realizar)
Maria, your cabinet is absolutly dreamy! I LOVE that color so much... it is the perfect color in my opinion. ;))
have a wonderful week! Good luck with your new shop opening.
xoxo Heather
Ok, Maria. I'm back. I was having "Dreamy Whites" withdrawal...So I h found myself popping back in here to ooh and ahhh some more over your rooms, your vignettes, everything. :) Warning: You better have a barnful of items ready when you open your new store. I have a feeling you'll be selling things like crazy! lol!
I want to be first in line..... :)
Hugs -
I am In. Fatuated.
LOVE LOVE LOVE that color blue!
PS...Your photography ROCKS!
Blue heaven- so very pretty.
You almost have 2000 followers!!! Congratulations for reaching such a huge milestone! And for that cabinet...wow...it's lovely. Great job! Love your blog!
Blessings, Doni
Simply Beautiful! LOVE it !
I would love to try something like that :)
It's decorated inside perfect !
Love this, great color, I know just where it would love great~ lol
You did a great job!
it's so pretty!!! love the finish/ color!!
i see why it's your fav
Maria, how did I miss this?
fabulous colour!!! and that cupboard has such wonderful dimensions.. perfect..
now I just wish I was in Italia ...non-virtual!! my favourite country!! .. xx Julie
it`s so pretty, i want to weep!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Mary
I am here again!
To ask permission to post your closet and text of your blog in my blog here in Brazil.
I wish people here could see so many beautiful things that you put.
Of course I'll say they are "Dreamy White", and may also meet your beautiful blog
a big hug
Tina Sonhar e Realizar)
This should be in a magazine...you have it styled beautifully.
Glad you allowed!
tomorrow I'll post Your Closet blue ... beautiful!
come see...
big hope you like it, I'm sure everyone will love!
God bless
Tina (Sonhar e Realizar)
I like that blue cabinet. It has a nice, sweet, warm country feel to it. Looks like it lives in a loving-family environment. :)
Hi Maria, I Love your cabinet it is beautiful. I also love everything you have inside.I love visiting your blog. Your home is gorgeous...Kathy
it's amazing....
and i love what you've filled it with.
the ironstone...the burlap sacs...the anthropologie letter mugs.
it's delightful!
This is so refreshing. I just bought a cabinet from Craigslist and I have blue/white combination in the bedroom. I was thinking of doing blue on the inside and refreshing the white on the outside. Thanks for sharing and giving some inspiration.
wow, thanks for posting the formula for that magnificant color... your cupboard is my favorite cupboard too I think LOL!!
Beautiful blog btw, I going to follow you closely :-)
have a nice day, jolanda
this is beautiful, love the colour...as we are designing a beach style this just inspires me, thank you!!!
your blog is now my new fav.
loVe it.. your spirit, style - all!
can i just move in! ? i would be so inspired living at your house.. every piece is just beautiful!
Your blue is devine! I love blue, especially tiffany, duck egg and french blues.I hope one day I'll be brave enough to paint some furniture blue!
Gorgeous! And the white comes out all the more brilliantly when off-set by the pastel blue -- excellent choice of color scheme. (I love white -- if you find the time, I've got some dream-in-white posts on Mykonos and Santorini over at my blog. But seeing there were 127 comments before mine, I gather that time may be at a premium for you! :-) )
All the best,
Maria, this dresser is gorgeous, as the rest of your blog. Your pictures and your interiors are so lovely and inspiring!! I have met you through my italian friends federica, gaia, irene.. and I fell in love with your style!!! Just a quick message to thank you for the inspiration you gave me today.. I really need a lot because I am redecorating a house completely, so every single picture or idea is welcome!
Hugs federica
oh what a gorgeous cupboard!!!! Sigh... it's just perfect!!! and the colour is to die for!
OMG I think I have just die and gone to heaven....oh I'd give anything to own that cupboard..I love love love blue..you are so lucky.
Dear Maria,
I+m here on your blog for the first time and I love it!
Greetings from germany, karolina
Just a quick note to say helloo...
How are you darling?
SO pretty, love the aqua color. It brings out all the whites ♥
I am in love with this cabnet!! Thank you so much for sharing but also, tell us the colour. That is so sweet!! I will be writing that colour down and hopefully using one day.
Hope you have a lovely weekend!!
I'm a big fan of your blog! You have so much talent with style and decorating! I LOVE the blue cabinet....and I have called all the paint shops in town and none of them can make it with that certain formula? We dont have a benjamin moore here in town. Do you think you could mail me a sample so I could take it in and match it...I would really love to use that color! Don't worry about it if its too much trouble...my email is tbd86@hotmail.com if you can...contact me!
Maria, your home is so inviting... every detail, the touch of color you pick, the love you pour into your home is beautiful,
I swear Benjamin Moore has the best paint colors....Just beautiful i LOVE it!
This cabinet is so beautiful! I love the color. Thanks for the formula! I went to have some made and the gentleman at the store said there should be an N with a number following. Do you happen to know that...? Camille
I love how light and airy the room looks yet you still worked in color like this great blue. I think I might just have to get me some of this paint. It isn't as in-you-face as a turquoise but still colorful enough that it doesn't look white. Great job.
Love the cabinet and the color. It would fit anywhere with any style of furniture. You did a wonderful job. What color did they mix you at Benjamin Moore for that blue? I want to paint a chest that color. I just can't say enough about the cabinet and also the way you decorated it.
Down Memory Lane Estate Sales
This is so wonderful.
I love this Pastel- colors.
And this cabinet is so nice.
Very good !
I love your cabinet, it is perfect! I like the color! Thanks for sharing! :D
Grow your eyelashes longer with Bimatoprost!
Maria; I'm in love with the colors and with the hutch itself. I'm such an armoir, hutch fanatic! I have too many of them in my house and have run out of room for them all! Guess who takes them over though when I bring them home? My husband. He starts filling them with his 'stuff' so one of my favorites is full of his red sox collections, another full of his record collections and yet another is full of his family memorabilia and photos! Do many have this problem? I think it's rare... anyway - I would love to have one like yours and have it be all for me and my own collections. I think I'm seriously tempted to paint the hutch in my kitchen dining area that my Dad made for me - or at least to paint the inside like you did. Anyway - thanks so much for sharing I love it!
New England Style
Im in love with your blue cabinet thank you so much for sharing your paint color formula. Im new to your blog but love everything Im sure I will spend hours reading and looking at everything. You have a beautiful home.
Thanks again,
Love, love, love this blue cabinet...
Just subscribed to your blog and love it even though i dont blog but have a store.
Here is the ocean blue beach color that sells over n over for us...
looking forward to seeing more of your posts and photos
love it!
I love the cabinet. I have been looking to a bookcase I got when living in Italy. I love the idea of this! Looks great!!!
absolutely to DIE for. love the colour and the style. ohhh i want one too.
Love your whole blog actually and i am thrilled i found you.
I totally love this cabinet!! Very beautiful and great color!!! You inspire us!
Greetings, Claire
Hi there, love your cabinet and lover your site. We are linking our blog over to yours, so hope you don't mind if I use one of your pics to do it with.
Best Aeriol
This is so beautiful! I absolutely love it. =)
Beautiful piece! Thanks for sharing that paint formula.
(Visiting from postroadvintage link.)
Hi, I love your cupboard! Wish it was mine. The color just fits it also. Thanks for the paint formula. I also became a followed. I am new on your blog. I also am a
new follower of Post Road Vintage from your site. Thanks. I entered her great giveaway. My fingers are crossed. LOL
Oh!! I forgot to say I found your blog from "Bunny Hill Designs." Love her blog. Thanks again!
blue looks so pretty i love to see this it is amazing.
How did I live before finding your blog?! The freshness makes me so happy. This is the most perfect cabinet, and when I painted some antique leaded windows, this was the color/finish I had in mind. But I didn't have the inspiration or know-how to accomplish this finish. I used Benjamin Moore Old Pickup Blue, which is similar in color but not as airy. I am thinking of using your formula for the wall of our built-in bookshelves (along with the mantle-painting project in white!). Thanks for sharing!!!
The harmony of colors, feelings, natural colors, natural, I have my house decorated with your ideas I think are wonderful and charming with you needed help I got it.
Absolutely fabulous cupboard! Love what you've done with it!
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Yamaha Yfh-2310s Standard Flugelhorn In Silver
Your cupboard is amazing, nice colours and a great collection inside.
ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁch,vaše skřín je naprosro dokonalá!!!Miluji starý nábytek,nádobí a textil!Zdraví vás Jana z czech republic
I could not love your beautiful blue cabinet more! I am trying turn my family onto the idea of using more color to lighten up our log home (well over a hundred and fifty years old). I think the lovely images you posted will help make my case.
C'est trop trop joli!
I never tire of visiting your blog, each pick up more ideas for my many projects, decoration, home reforms to place a lot of details I need in my home, my friends, every day, thanks for sharing.
Hello! I'm sorry to ask you this as I'm sure you've answered it many times already, but what color did you use on your gorgeous french leaning mirror pictured beside your reupholstered chair? Thank you so much!
I know I'm late to the game here, but I just saw your blue cupboard on Pinterest and discovered your blog. I am in love with every single photo on here!!!
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