Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thank You Romantic Homes

Hello Everyone!
I  wanted to say thank you to Romantic Homes for featuring my blog in their November issue.
Romantic Homes has a section designated for featuring blogs.
It is called Setting Your Sites.
Here are a list of four other blogs that were featured in the same section of the November issue...

Thank you Romantic Homes, I am truly honored to have my blog chosen to be featured in your magazine!

On another note.....

I wanted to announce a fun giveaway that my friend Robyn is having on her blog.
Robyn recently became a representative for Scentsy..
She is giving away a scentsy plug in...  

You can enter Robyn's giveaway by clicking here~
You can also purchase Scentsy products from Robyn by clicking here_

Good luck Robyn with your new adventure!

Have a great week everyone!
Take Care,


Kerri - Driftwood Interiors said...

Congratulations on the mention Maria - so well deserved. I'm just surprised it's taken so long! K xx


How lovely, Maria, and in such a beautiful extra large holiday edition. Congrats.


AnthonyRose'sShabHome said...

Congrats Maria you deserve it!

I know your blog is one of my favorites out there that I check daily to see if you posted anything!

Keep doing what your doing!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Congratulations Maria! I have that issue and saw the feature on your blog. You are a star!


Little Emma English Home said...

Well done girl!!! I'm happy for you. Deserve all the best.

Zaira ♥

It's me said...

Great news !! well done !! you are famous now !! hhahahahah!! lucky girl........happy day Ria.....

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Oh Maria how exciting! Congratulations! What wonderful company you are in too!!

white flower farmhouse said...

Hi Maria, Congratulations! Great magazine, I will make sure I pick up the November issue. All the best, Lori

Robyn said...

What another WONDERFUL reason to pick up Novemeber's edition of Romantic Home! That's so cool! Congratulations sweetpea~! Thanks for mentioning my little give away! You are a SWEETHEART!

Robyn said...

If I had my second cup of coffee I probably would have been able to spell November. ;-)

love lives in the kitchen said...

oh maria, it's great to find out thet your blog was featured :) you really deserve it!
have a sweet day,
justyna said...

Very nice- Congrats!

traci said...

congratulations to you marie. very exciting. you have had a few amazing months and it's only going to get better.

Between You and Me said...


Paula said...

Congratulations Maria - VERY well deserved - your blog is an absolute treat! xx

Cindy said...

I will look for that magazine! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Dear Maria! So deserved! Congrats to you :)

Yvonne - Frl. Klein said...

Dear Maria, Congrats to you! How great!!!! I have to try to get the November issue in Germany!
Have a wonderful day,
Big Hugs,

Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

Always thrilled when we are recogonized for our please you must be. CONGRATS !!


Lindsay said...

Congrats on your feature Maria! Your blog is always a warm place to land. I look forward to it each day :)

Debbie said...

Congratulations on being featured Maria! You must be so pleased!

michelle said...

Congrats on being featured! Your blog is always a treat to read and you have amazing ideas!!

Beach House Living said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting.

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

How exciting Maria! Can't wait to see the feature!

Sandra said...

How exciting! Congratulations on the feature!

Simple Home said...

Congratulations Maria. I can't wait to get my copy!

Unknown said...

How exciting!! I'll check the mag out.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Romantic Homes is definitely my favorite and I can't wait until I get my copy! xoxoxo ~Ashley

Robin Johnson said...

Congrats! How exciting for you!

Lolo @ The Adventures of Stig and Lolo said...

Yay for you Maria! Very well deserved indeed. And the holiday edition to boot - woohoo :D
I am eagerly awaiting the opening of your online shoppe (not my hubby tho!).

XOX Lolo

ps - I was at the barn on Friday - so we missed each other. Too funny if we had been there at the same time!

Margitta said...

Congratulation Maria! You are so talented!

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

Congrats!!!! :)


Allison said...

Congratulations, Maria! I'll have to go pick up that magazine.

Passionate for White said...

Congrats! Very well deserved!!

Anne Lorys said...

Yay, Maria!
This comes as no surprise to me, sweet friend.

I'll bet there are MANY more such features in store for you! :-)


Vintage Home said...

...Great Feature in Romantic Homes!...
Thanks for the linky!

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria - congrats - but I am not surprised, just waiting on the 10 page spread one day in the magazine about your house!!!
X O X O Gina

Deborah said...

I deserve this honour!!

Deborah xo

Curtains in My Tree said...

That sure helps sell Romantic Homes magazine to see bloggers we know featured. or bloogers we read I should say.

How devine


Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

~*~*Congrats Maria!! You deserve to be featured!! Cant wait to get the new issue!! Hugs, Rachel ;)~*~*

Tricia said...

Congratulations! That would be soooo exciting! Best wishes :)

DustyLu said...

Awesome! YiPPPyyy! I am so happy for you girl! Have a wonderful day! Lulu

Elyse said...

warmest congrats, maria! i'm sure there'll be lots more press in your future!


Carole said...

how wonderful for you

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Wow, that is fantastic, Maria! Congratulations to you, you truly deserve the mention many times over!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Maria!! I'm not surprised a bit... you deserve all of the recognition you get!! Have a great weekend!
Hugs ~ Jo
P.S. I hope you got my email from last night. :)

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Congratulations on the mention Maria
I'll have to look out for this issue.. although we get them a little later here in Australia..

Congrats to all the other blogs mentioned too!! x Julie

Suzanne MacCrone Rogers • Italian Girl in Georgia™ said...

Hi Maria!

You are so sweet to mention and link me. I just got my copy today and it's no wonder why you are mentioned! Your blog IS delightful. So glad to know you. I'll be back again and again.

Ciao bella,

Burlap Luxe said...
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Burlap Luxe said...

Congratulations !
It is a great feeling connecting with so many out there that look for the next little piece of inspiration! I was featured in Octobers issue and I was beyond surprised when Romantic Homes came to me!

Your blog is a place to dream in any shade of white :)

Thank you for all that inspires!

Life love, clutter and other beautiful things. said...

Congratulations!! Much deserved your blog is absolutely beautiful xox

Bring Pretty Back said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You must be so proud! Your blog is beautiful and you deserve this!
Have a pretty day!

Heaven's Walk said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Maria! You go, girl!!! This is only the beginning, you know! lol! There will be more emails and phone calls prepared!


xoxo laurie

Heaven's Walk said...

Hey!!! I just realized that I just picked that mag up yesterday at the grocery store! I'm going to curl up and visit with you tonight! :)

xoxo laurie

Heather Ritchie said...

Congratulations on being featured! I know that feels so good to be recognized...maybe one day I'll have a beautiful blog like yours as well.

I just read your post about the farm and I could just die over those gorgeous white baker's pumpkins and the sunflowers. Take me with you...too bad I live in NC. They are beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing!


Passione Helena said...

Congratulations! What a great honor to be included in Romantic Homes!
I only just discover your wonderful blog with beautiful photos. I'm gonna go now surely follow.

I wish you a wonderful day,
Dear greetings, Helena from the Netherlands

Tania - Grange de Charme said...

I fell in love with the white pumkins ! so beautiful ! and also congratulations to be featured ! you can be proud cause you desserved it !

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

so deserving. Congrats!

Aprendeconvale said...

COngratulations!! You deserved it!!

sf said...

Yeaah!! I can't wait to see it. You totally deserve it.

ChiPPy-SHaBBy said...

CoNGraTuLaTioNs Maria!!! ~ You sooo deserve it!*!*! How your life has changed in such a short time from blogging...
Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

Kate from Party Resources said...

So fun! Just found your blog - love it.

Jenny @ said...

i know you don't know me from adam, but i have been following (loving) your style and blog for awhile now. made ME feel kinda famous that someone i love was featured in a mag!!
keep up the great work, maria!

Free Art Printables said...

Congrats to you Maria! I can't wait to see the book. I saw you in RM. You are going places girl! You have to come out to Nada now in May! ;)