Tuesday, December 14, 2010

An All Girls Weekend in New York City

Hello Everyone!
I hope you are all having a great week!
I first need to apologize for being so absent lately.....
I found out December second that I was going to New York City.....
 I will hopefully be able to give you the details of why I went there very soon...
I haven't ever visited New York before... until last weekend.
We (two of my sisters and my two daughters) flew into New York City
December 9th and flew home December 12th.
I can't tell you how much fun we had.  I am so grateful that I got to spend that time with two of my sisters and my two daughters.....
It was a trip we will never forget.
We definitely didn't know what we were doing....
My sister said we will have to write a journal on what not to do for tourists.
That should give you an indication of how the trip kind of went....
I will spare you the details and just share some pictures with you.

This is Central Park in New York...
It was beautiful..... We really wanted to take a carriage ride, but we unfortunately couldn't all fit in one carriage.

The Plaza Hotel was beautiful.....
I just love the architecture in New York....

Here we are headed for Fifth Avenue....
It was slightly busy.....

On one side of the street you have the Plaza Hotel....

And directly across from the Plaza Hotel is the Apple Store.
The Apple store was so cool....
It stays open 24 hours a day.... and 365 days of the year.

The Christmas decorations were so neat.....
It was a real treat to be there during the Christmas Season.
I will be sharing pictures of the Christmas decorations in my next post....

Can you guess what store's window I took this picture of???
This store had the best Christmas Window Displays in New York, in my opinion that is....
The first one to guess the right store will get a little surprise from me in the mail.....
All you have to do is leave a comment stating what store's window you think this is a picture of.....
I'll let you know who the winner is in my next post...

I also wanted to introduce you to one of my sponsors who is from New York...
Elena Rosenberg who is the owner of the shop, Tickled Pink Knits....

Tickled Pink Knits  is fine handmade knit clothing and accessories designed and created by Elena Rosenberg in her New York-based studio. In her work, Elena uses luxurious materials, including natural fibers such as merino wool, alpaca, organic cotton, silk, and cashmere. Elena’s designs are elegant and modern, ranging from casual urban accessories to chic special occasion garments. Every piece is hand‐crafted one stitch at a time with special emphasis on form, texture, color, and construction. Elena invites you to discover the visual and tactile beauty of hand‐knit clothing and accessories and to explore the wide selection of ready‐made items as well as many custom‐made design possibilities.  Knitting patterns for select designs are available in her patterns shop - Atelier TPK Etsy

Elena's designs are really beautiful... I hope you get a chance to visit Elena's shop.

I will be back with some more pictures from our trip very soon.....
I have been gone so much this month... We just finally got our tree up...
I had so many Christmas ideas I wanted to share with all of you.....Hopefully I will still be able to share a few Christmas decorating ideas before Christmas is here... : )
Everything was put on hold because of the unexpected N.Y.C. trip....
I am really sorry for being so absent over the past couple of weeks.
Hope you all have a great Wednesday!
Take Care,


  1. I am just guessing.... Anthropologie? Your pictures are so beautiful. That is so amazing about the Apple store being open 24/7 and 365 days a year! Can't wait to see the Christmas decorations. Love & blessings from NC!

  2. Sak's Fifth Avenue? Beautiful photos, Maria! NYC is so much fun at Christmas time. I lived there for 4 years and had a ball at holiday time except it does get crowded. The window displays are amazing, the decorations gorgeous and sometimes the snow is fun. I'm so glad you had a great girl's weekend and I can't wait to hear what it was all about!

  3. Macy's? The NYC pictures are lovely, especially the carriages! I've only been there in the summer, I bet it would be wonderful in winter though!

  4. Hi Maria as always I'm in love with your pictures and of course I absolutely have to go to Nyc!
    I'm happy you had a great time with your family,

  5. Sounds like a wonderful weekend with the girls Maria...looking forward to seeing more pictures! I am hoping to visit New York next year...can't wait! ~Deb~

  6. That has to be Anthropologie. Ahh NYC for Christmas. Still on my bucket list. SO glad you got to go with your besties.

  7. The city is absolutely beautiful this time of year!
    Lucky girl. :-)

    Missed you!!!


  8. Dear Maria,
    How exciting that you went to NYC and even nicer to have gone with your sisters and daughters. There is nothing better than a girlie few days. I LOVE New York. For me, it is so much like London with an American twist.
    ..... and, I love looking at the stores windows at Christmas. We are going into London on Saturday and I shall try and look at the shops windows if we have time.
    Your photographs are great and ggive us a real taste of New York at Christmas. XXXX

  9. Je rentre de New york et j'adore cette ville...



  10. The first time I went to NYC we took a carriage ride around Central Park and I have almost duplicate photos of yours...including the beautiful Plaza Hotel! I had a ball and hope you did, too.

    I agree with the other gals that the window display was Anthropologie. They have the best!


  11. Sounds like a really fun trip. I'd love to visit New York at Christmas time. I'm pretty sure that window has to be Anthropologie.

    x x

  12. Hi Maria,
    It always is lovely to see a post from you, and going to NY (one of my favourite and best cities) with your daughters and sisters is indeed a precious trip.
    For the window display, first I thought Saks 5th avenue, but I think it has to be Anthropologie, the details are cute! Thanks for sharing and hope you'll have a good week.
    Bye, from snowy Switzerland,
    Maureen x

  13. Hi Maria, New York is so wonderful and unforgettable. Right now, it's two years ago, that I was there with my two best friends. A week full of fun. Thanks for remembering me :-)) Hugs Yvonne

  14. Hi Maria,

    Beautiful pictures as always..
    Would really love to visit NY one day.
    I have missed you and happy that you are back!


  15. Fantastic trip, Maria! I was watching SATC yesterday and dreaming about NY...fancing how great must be living there. You must be thrilled! So sorry I didn't get in touch either, things are very hard, I'm busy with non happy things I hardly touch my pc or my blog. But I hope you do believe I'm still your italian friend...


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I think it is Anthropology too. Loved this xmas city post!

  18. Love your blog...first time commenting. I think the window display is Anthropologie and I'm wondering if Rachel Ashwell was the reason you were in NYC...LOVE NYC..

  19. a trip to nyc. how exciting!! i have never been. it's on my list thought. great photos maria. love the plaza hotel. that's where i will stay when i go.

    i am going with anthropologie.

  20. Looks like I'm late but as soon as I saw it I thought Anthropologie! Love that place! Have fun!

    xo Hana
    MomTog Diaries

  21. Love NYC... it has such a great energy, especially around the holidays. What lovely shots you got! Glad you had fun. xo

  22. Hi Maria!!! This trip to NY sounds amazing! Well, there's no better time than the time spent with the family..and if you add NY, Christmas and maybe some Christmas shopping...voilà! It becomes a trip to remember!

  23. Oh sweet memories, I know NY is so pretty in this season, I was there 20 years ago! 20!!! I can't believe it's been that long, I'd love to go back once but in the meantime I have the greatest memories, as if it was yesterday.
    Thank you for this post and bringing back sweet memories...
    PS I remember taking pictures of the beautifully decorated shop windows then too. I have no idea what this shop is though, I'm very happy to leave the gift to someone else.

  24. How fun and the pictures are beautiful!!! Anthropologie came to my mind as well! Can't wait to see more pics!!

  25. cute Anthopolgie or how about Tiffany's? Lisa

  26. Macy's? I love New York. I would love to go during the Christmas season. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  27. I'm gessing Bergdorf Goodman? I know they always have amazing displays!

  28. Wow Maria, those pictures look gorgeous! I am heading to NYC right after christmas, I can hardly wait. You were missed HUGS

  29. Happy Holidays Maria - looks cold, crisp, and wintery. Perfect, wish we had that weather here in So Calif...for just a few days!

    I'm guessing FAO Schwarz.

  30. Beautiful pics! And I would guess Anthro too....

  31. How exciting!! Glad you got to go during the Christmas season, I bet it was wonderful! I just booked tickets for my first visit in June...I'd love to hear some of those "what not to do!" :)

  32. Welcome Back Maria! Great pictures, looks like you guys had a great time :)

    I'm thinking that display is an Anthropologie one???

  33. I love NYC at Christmas. It's a great trip to take :) Hope you had a great time.

  34. Great pics Maria! We spent last weekend in NYC as well...just posted my trip today.
    Happy holidays to you.

  35. How fun! You were only a few hours from me. I find NYC a tad intimidating & confusing. I look forward to your sister's journal.:) As for the store, I'm guessing FAO Schwartz.


  36. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with "just the girls" in NYC, Maria! Your pics of the city are beautiful!! I look forward to seeing all of the window displays in your next post.
    Happy holidays!
    Jo :)

  37. Aahhhh~New York at Christmas!! And I absolutely LOVE tickled pink! The wedding shawl is beyond fabulous~


  38. As a Canadian I have no idea but, the carriage ride in the park would be lovely if you were bundled up.

    I like seeing the park in daylight the only other time I have seen Central Park is on Law and Order and then it is not a good scene! LOL.

  39. So glad to have you back! Love pictures of New York during Christmas time :)

    And as for the display....it is sooo Anthro, but I am going to say Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic Couture shop! She is really coming out with some lovely colorful vintage things :)

    Have a wonderful Wednesday my dear...


  40. you have been missed :))

    ..sigh - NYC..such an opulent city. Your gorgeous photos truly capture the essence of the location.. central pk looking out at 5th. I'm excited to hear the details aboout your trip!!
    Hugs Lara

  41. I've missed you...Glad you are back! I am going to guess Lord & Taylor! Merry Christmas!

  42. I would love to visit NYC!! Cant wait to see your Christmas decor too!! Hugs~ Rachel :)

    *French Farmhouse 425*

  43. I'm guessing Anthropology.I love their window displays.

  44. Bloomingdales? I am just trying to guess something that no one has guessed yet. :) Beautiful photos!

  45. macy's?? living in australia, i really don't have any idea about new york, except what i pick up from movies!! merry xmas from oz..

  46. Lord and Taylor

  47. YOu captured the feel of the city so beautifully. Oh, how I miss Manhattan. A girl's weekend there sounds like a dream! I always had little hands guiding me toward the American Girl store :)

    Welcome home!

  48. Is is Gimbels New york?

  49. spectacular photos! i'm NYC bound this weekend...can't wait! xoxo {av}

  50. so close ...wish we could have gotten together while you were here. I am glad you enjoyed NYC. LOVE the photos. Take care, Lori

  51. Vinne's ;) Guessing no but if they had one I would love to go. Dontchya just love the hilarious memories made on trips with fam like that?

  52. Williams-Sonoma is my guess.
    Love your blog

  53. I know many people are guessing Anthropologie, and my specific guess is that it's Anthro Midtown at 50 Rockefeller Plaza... but my hope is that you also knew that you could go (and went) to Tinsel Trading Co., which is a really delightful shop that you would just love! NYC is such a fantastic place to go, I'm so glad you got to experience it!

  54. Great trip! So glad to see ya back! I would love to see NY this time of year! Macy window is my guess??I have no idea! LOL, glad you had fun with your sisters! Have a great week! lulu

  55. I'll guess Macy's. Love your pics!

  56. ABC Home Carpet?


  57. Anthropologie. I was just there at the Fountains in Roseville,CA. and it had displays like this. NYC...you lucky girl! ox`kerrie

  58. So lovely to see your photos of NYC! I was lucky enough to get to go twice last year, but I've never been there around Christmas time. It looks like a real treat! I recently went to San Francisco and was completely enthralled with the window displays and enormous Christmas trees there!

    Someone may have already guessed this but my guess for the window is Bergdorf Goodman.
    I can't wait to find out, I'm super intrigued!

  59. Macy's? My husband's grandma used to do the windows for Macy's in NYC. Your pics are beautiful. Makes me want to take the family to Manhattan for Christmas someday.

  60. I'm guessing Barney's...love your photos and design eye! Today was my first time to see your blog. I want to become a follower.

  61. Hello,

    i'm happy to found your wonderful blog! Your pictures and your photos are so nice and beautyful!
    I wish you a wonderful christmas and a happy new year!

    Best wishes from Germany!

  62. Maria... How fun is that ~ California girl visits NYC!*!*! I'm all ears & eyes to find out - WHY YOU QUICKLY WENT TO NEW YORK!!! ~ I'm sure it's some FaBuLouS News ~ I can only imagine!!! As for the sneak peek of the window... I too think it's Anthropologie ~ hint of burlap, fab snow, tree cut rounds, and most importantly DETAIL!!!
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  63. Yur trip looks so lovely, isn't NYC just magical during the holidays?! And your photos are just stunning, you're so talented!!

  64. new york during the holidays!!!! thank you for sharing your photos.

    that knitted beauty is breath-taking.


  65. What an exciting and fun trip. I think it's Anthropologie, I think they always have the best displays anywhere, and here in my town ours has all the cardboard trees with little elf houses popping out. I would so love to recreate those in my house somewhere, they are so darned cute. Glad you all had such a special time together, can't wait to see more of the Christmas displays, I've been to N.Y. but never at Christmas what a great time to go. Hugs-Carrie

  66. I've never been to NYC ~ you are so lucky and what a great time of the year to go!!

    I received my beautiful wreath, thank you again!

    I am going to share it on my blog tomorrow!

  67. Wow, your photos are amazing!!!!

  68. so pretty, I kne I would find beauty here!
    a dream of mine to go to New York!

  69. what a perfectly dreamy trip...someday i will get to nyc. love that wrap. so pretty!!

  70. Either Anthropology or Eddie Bauer
    Christmas in New York!

  71. What wonderful pictures! I've always wanted to visit New York at Christmas Time! Thank you for sharing! ~Diane

  72. Awww....beautiful photos!! I want to go sooo much. Thanks for sharing!

  73. Olá, sou do Brasil/São Paulo.
    Amei seu blog,sempre que posso passo por aqui.
    Espero que me faça um visita em meu blog:http://natalparasonhar.blogspot.com/
    A loja da vitrine que você citou: Macy's .
    é uma das minhas preferidas , suas vitrines natalinas são encantadoras. Abraços.
    Rejane Menezes.

  74. amazing pictures of New York, Maria! thanks for sharing! wish you a beautiful weekend! xo

  75. You picked the best city to have fun with your girls! I lived there for 2 years(the best 2 years of my life).
    And, I have to say that your images are breathtaking!!

  76. Anthropologie?? Great pictures..never been to nyc so was a treat to see :)

  77. Forget Anthropologie. More inportant - did you see Eloise at The Plaza !! Kind regards ... Felicity

  78. That is my guess too - Anthropologie! So funny, I was just there - I love that store so much - I even want to ask someone what music they play there! I just want to move in! It was nice to see you were in my city and glad that you had a wonderful time with your family - tell Bethany she is totally adorable and makes that Anthro stuff look even better!!! Much hugs and happy holidays to you and your beautiful family!!! Gina from NYa

  79. Hi Maria, What a fun trip! NY is beautiful at Christmas time.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday.

  80. Dear Maria,

    I am now just going through your old posts...and these pics of NY bring back memories of when my hubby & I visited for the holidays nearly 6 yrs ago....Beautiful Pics!!! I know you get tons of messages, and you probably hear this all the time, but I just want to personally thank you again for being such an inspiration!

