Tuesday, April 5, 2011

La Dolfina

Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a great Tuesday....
I went to the Alameda Flea Market on Sunday....
to do a little treasure hunting for the shop, with my two daughters....
We had a lot of fun shopping the flea market together...
My girls are great helpers....
I actually ran into a blog friend while at the flea market on Sunday....
I got to meet Therese from La Dolfina....
It is funny because I have been a follower of her blog for about a year now...
We actually have crossed paths a number of times, and didn't realize it until we both had posted about the event....
We finally got to meet in person...
Therese is just as sweet in person as she seems on her blog.
I'll be back with a fun giveaway tomorrow.  I hope you can come back for a visit.
Take Care,


  1. yay for meeting blog friends :)

    and anxiously awaiting your giveaway!

  2. What fun, I've chatted to Terri on the phone and I'm hoping we'll meet up one day too, I'm sure she's as sweet in the real version as on her blog!

  3. How fun to meet! Of I go to see her blog! Thanks for the intro!

  4. I too love junk/antique shopping with my kids! It's so nice that you are giving them an appreciation for items that are aged and have a "story". I bet it was so fun to meet another blogger! HOW FUN!

  5. wowow beautiful pictures dear Maria

    I love the basket, will be flea marketing the coming weekend, can't wait :-)

    Sending you sunshine from Germany


  6. I was at the Alameda Flea Market on Sunday too! Wasn't it a beautiful day for treasure hunting? When I left at 11a the line to buy tickets was wrapped around into the parking lot so I guess lots and lots of other people shared our great idea :)

  7. It's funny to meet blog friends, I had this to last weekend. :-) Hugs Yvonne

  8. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Just wondering if that wonderful wire basket was purchased on that treasure hunt. It looks gorgeous with those hydrangeas. ~~Sherry~~

  9. Good Morning Maria you sweet thing!
    You and your daughters were definitely my best score at The Point on Sunday! I'm so happy our paths finally collided. It really was wonderful to finally meet you in person. I'm looking forward to having you over and spending more time together!!
    Give Bethany & Nicole big hugs from me and I'll see you again soon!

  10. It's always fun to meet up with other bloggers! Glad you had a successful trip!

    Kat :)

  11. I always come here with so great pleasure! Your photos are always so wonderfully beautiful! These heads of pink and blue hydrangeas are quite spring! Have a nice evening and sweet!

  12. Hydrangea are my favorites. You have nicely styled and photographed them. It is a shame that they don't have a fragrance right? Have a great day too.

  13. Hi - I haven't checked in for a while...LOVE your 'new' blog design...Photos, posts still lovely and inspirational.
    Good luck with the on-line shop. Happy Spring!

  14. I will have to check out her blog for sure! I LOVE flea markets..I'm sure you found lots of fun things for your shop :)

  15. Oh, how fun! I've met a few bloggers at flea markets and it is always so cool and a bit nerve-wracking! I've always stumbled over my words and don't know what to say. Usually it's just "I love and want to buy ALL your stuff!" Hee! :-) I am hoping to connect with Rachel from French Farmhouse 425 soon, we want to do some shopping at the new Ruffles & Rust square.
    Have a happy week!

  16. wowwwwww median flower :))

  17. these flowers are beautiful! Hope you are fine! Hughs Anja

  18. gorgeous flowers Maria. I had to pin them on Pinterest!

  19. I was just over at her blog and had to run over and say the cute lady I saw in the cowboy hat wasn't you. How funny on my part...

    Hope you found lots of things for your store, Maria.

    Hoping to run into you one of these times... maybe at container opening this weekend.

  20. ... you have a very nice blog. And I love your fotos! It's funny to meed a blogger!
    Have a nice week, Uschi

  21. Phenomenal photo, Maria! Sounds like you had a lot of fun - looking forward to your giveaway. :O)

  22. I recently got to meet a blog friend . . . isn't it grand?


  23. I wish we had amazing antique markets here in australia.. antiques are difficult to come by here unfortunately... Look forward to checking out the blog you mentioned!
    Laura xx

  24. Beautiful shot! I love Hydrangeas :)
    have a great day!

  25. I love your blog and your amazing photos!

    Homeowner Insurance

  26. C'est toujours plaisant de partager un moment avec vous... moment virtuel... mais qui crée de belles rencontres à ce que je m'aperçois!
    Gros bisous et merci pour cette belle photo du jour.

  27. I've just found your divine blog, it's everything I adore, can't think why I haven't found it before!!!! You have a new follower! Warmest wishes - Glenda xxx

  28. Hello, thank you for introducing us to LaDolfina. Very beautiful blog. I have enjoyed your blog for quite some time and am now your newest follower. Always wonderful inspiration!

  29. Maria!

    I picked the perfect morning to make my first purchase from your shop!

    The lavendar filled shot bag!

    I dropped in to visit Melaine!
    Thank you, for your generous give~a~way!

    {with love}

  30. Dear Maria,

    Always making everything look so much more beautiful. Those hydrangeas in the mushroom basket look gorgeous. See you on Saturday. We'll have coffee for you.

    Trinidad, Johan and Martin

  31. new to your blog... love it! Love the Alameda Flea Market too.


  32. Your blog is so beautiful refreshing and inspiring, so happy to have found you:)

  33. I just adore your blog. I'm so happy to have found it. This is the epitome of my style! You're so talented (: Found you from Dear Lillie (:

  34. I've just discovered your blog and I'm so happy I have. Style, beauty, inspiration: it's all here. Have a lovely day! Ada

  35. I just discovered your blog and I love it! It is such an inspiration! Those lavender pillows are just lovely.

  36. I found your blog today..
    it is so beautiful.

  37. Wunderschöne Hortensien! I love them!
