Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Maison Reve~Chapter 2 ~40% Off Everything in the Store

I wanted to share some images with you of my favorite shop....
Yasmine, is closing her shop in Mill Valley, CA, January 31st....
Maison Reve will be moving onto Chapter Two!
Yasmine will be holding seasonal workshops at different inspiring locations....
She wants to inspire others to slow down and enjoy life the Maison Reve way....

You will still be able to shop Maison Reve online.....

Yasmine ships worldwide...
I took a lot of pictures for all of you!
Everything was 30% off!
Better yet 
 everything in the shop is now 40% off!

Here is a quick tour of Maison Reve!

grain sack pillows...


reclaimed old growth douglas fir shelving....
We purchased some of this wood and can't wait to show you what my husband 
is going to build with it....

Vintage bottles.....

I LOVE this....

I hope you get a chance to stop in at Maison Reve before it closes January 31st...
Everything is now 40% off!
While I am sad that Yasmine will be closing her shop....

You can read more about the exciting future of Maison Reve on Yasmine's Blog....
You can find Maison Reve on facebook....
You can shop Maison Reve on...

We all wish you the VERY BEST and look forward to seeing more of you and the Maison Reve way of living in the future!

Enjoy the rest of your week!
Take Care,


  1. maria. I love Yasmine's shop. I first learned about it from you. My girls and I went to a flea market she hosted there. I am going to try to stop by today. I wish her the best in her new endeavor. How exciting!


  2. If only I lived closer. What a great looking shop. I will let my family in the area know.

  3. Sehr inspirierend!
    Grüße aus Deutschland,

  4. Gorgeous shop! Best of luck to Yasmine as she heads off on her next adventure.


  5. Maria,

    I wish I lived in the area. The shop looks like a treasure chest overflowing with gems! Wishing Yasmine the best in her new venture.

    Your Friend,

  6. Hi Maria,
    Oh I have wanted to visit her shop ever since I saw her shop and home in Country Home magazine in 2006. So sad I won't be able to now, but so excited for her online shop and her other new ventures!
    Hope you have a beautiful day Maria!

  7. Hello Maria, that is too bad that I will never be able to take the long awaited visit to Yasmine's shop. I have been shopping her online site for a couple years though and am thankful for the vintage treasures that I did get from there (like the vintage french sleigh that I featured in my Christmas decor and you should see the huge french gate that I had shipped all the way to Michigan!) I love, love these pictures and there are so many things that I wish I could go pick up from her store like that open metal cart pictured with Yasmine in the front and the bread rack. Thank-you though for featuring these pictures, it was like I was finally there!! :)

  8. So sad when a shop closes.... and I'm doubly sad that I live way too far away to take advantage of the great deals.


  9. Your blog is incredible! I enjoy everything! I have signed in and put yo in my lovely blog list. I'll certainly be back! Have a nice day!

  10. Maria, I am the one completely inspired by you. From the minute we met years ago to seeing where you are today with your incredible business. Wow. I am so proud of you because you believed in your creativity and decided to do what you love everyday. Your blog and product line are beautiful. It inspires so many people. Thank you for this post and for all the generous well wishes from your followers. It means the world. I look forward to collaborating with you in the future! Your loyal fan, Yasmine

  11. I can see why this is a favorite shop, If I lived near by it would be a favorite of mine as well.
    What beautiful shopping, inspiring pieces that just speak to you.
    Thank you for sharing.

  12. Wow I am sure she & her store will be missed in this town but so excited for her new adventures!

  13. Nothing like new beginnings though :-)

  14. If I lived close by, I would certainly stop by and buy as much as I could. Everything is so charming!

  15. sheepyhollowJanuary 21, 2012

    oh la la! I can see why you love this shop!! I want one of everything. ;)

  16. OH MY GOSH! I want to go to that shop in person!!! I have yet to find somewhere like that in Chicago... thanks for sharing, off to check out the website!

  17. Yasmine has so many wonderful items in her shop! I hope everything works out for her!!


    Art by Karena

  18. Are you from mill valley? I went to high school there, and that's where my parents-in-law live! I love that shop :)

  19. I've been to that store and loved it. I live in San Diego and would love to try and take one of Yasmine's workshops. I'll read more on her blog.
    Thank you

    Love, Jody

  20. Love the blog ... !!

    LG, Alex

  21. What a nice blog!!
    A lot of ideas and good photos !!

  22. I really love this shop, and I wish I lived closer. I am happy I found this blog which makes me remember when I lived in San Mateo for a year after finishing Swedish high school. I was 19 and I had the year of my life in CA. I havent visited US since then, but now I really feel its time for a trip and this time I will bring my family. /Victoria

  23. Just found you via Pinterest & I am thrilled about this!
    This shop looks amazing. Anyway I can get on a list to find out about her workshops? Thanks!

  24. This is a wonderful shop and deserves this extended post. I've saved every pic in my inspiration folder already :)

  25. OMG - LOVE the Shop and what a nice blog!!

    Greetings from Germany !!


  26. What a great creations.Wine bottle collections and make from is chandelier.A wine bottle chandelier look so beautiful.
