Thursday, October 14, 2010

Romantic Prairie Style~Fifi O'Neill

Fifi O'Neill just revealed the book cover for her new book, Romantic Prairie Style!

Fifi, not only wrote the book, but was also the stylist!

All the photography in the book is by Mark Lohman.

I can hardly wait to get the book!
The book is now available on Amazon for pre-order.

It is still very hard for me to believe, but that is my dining room in the above photograph!
Thank you Fifi for featuring my home in your book, I am truly honored!

Here are a few of the talented girls you will find featured in Fifi's new book!
Congratulations to everyone!

Thank you Fifi and Mark!
If you would like to pre-order the book on Amazon, you can do so by 


Kerri - Driftwood Interiors said...

Oh congratulations Maria! What a thrill to see your dining room on the cover of Fifi's book - it looks absolutely stunning, you should be so proud. I've ordered my copy already, and cannot wait to get my hands on it. So happy for you - couldn't have happened to a sweeter person. K xx

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Maria,
You must be wonderful to have your dining room in print.....and, on the front cover as well. Thoroughly deserved and I'm now off to Amazon to see if they have it here in the UK.
I'm thrilled for you Maria....and to all of the other contributors. XXXX

paige said...

congratulations on your covergirl gig!!!!!
i LOVE it
i know i always tell you but your home is one of the most lovely spaces i've ever seen!


Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

How exiting! Congratulations.!
..will be sure to order my copy!

AnthonyRose'sShabHome said...

Maria Congratulations! you Truly deserve this you are so talented and have great taste! I need to get my book I don't have many design books looking forward to reading it!

white flower farmhouse said...

Maria, You are so deserving of this cover. CONGRATULATIONS! Lori

Unknown said...

This cover looks amazing Maria! You must be so proud. I can't stop looking at it!!!!

Lounging with a Latte said...

How exciting to have your dining room featured in such a book. Congratulations...I'm sure it will have pride of place on your coffee table!

Huis, Tuin en Quilt said...

Hey Maria,

I think it's truly deserved, your house is very very beautiful!!!

Greeting Susan from Holland.

Melanie said...

How fabulous!!!!! I am so excited to get this book!!! I am so proud of you!!!;)))) I CAN believe that you are not only in it, but on the cover as well. You are so talented, Maria and your home is absolutely breath-taking!

One question... what in the world are you doing up at this hour!?:D

Hugs and Love, friend!

traci said...

congratulations on the cover marie. very exciting. i hate to wish time away, but i can't wait for april when that baby is released!

It's me said...

You must be a proud proud woman.....i like your dinning room a lot.....and if i have a isbn code i can search in europe to order is so nice !! i will have that book !! happy day Ria......


How sweet to be mentioned in such a lovely book. Congrats.


Carrie Ann Eddleman said...

Maria, Congratulations. How's beautiful. I will definitely have to have this book for my library table. A well deserved honor. Take Care, Carrie

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

How exciting to have your home featured in a decorating book! You must be beaming! I can't wait until the book comes out!~Hugs, Patti

Soulful Mama said...

Congratulations on the cover! Your home looks as wonderful as always :-)

~ Clare x

savvycityfarmer said...

You are so blessed, my dear ... what an honor ...
wish I could sit down at that lovely table with you ...
this will be a treasure for years.

thank you so much for the link back!!!
I've got a little smidgeon on the back cover
(see my post)

Connie in Hartwood said...

Con-grat-u-stinkin-lations!!! You must be walking around pinching yourself. What a beautiful photo!

Margitta said...

Oh Maria! This cover picture is so beautiful! I'd love to see the whole book!

Debbie said...

Oh wonderful for you! Your house deserves to be on the cover of a's so beautiful!!
You must be so thrilled!
A dream come true.

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Wow, just gorgeous! Definitely a cover that makes you want to see more!

Lindsay said...

WOW you made the cover? You amaze me Maria! HUGS

Jeanne Oliver said...

Congrats on the cover...just gorgeous!!!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

How wonderful... you must be so proud.. I'll be excited to get my hands on a copy .. hope they have it over my way.. .. Congrats to you and all the other girls.. xxx Julie

Anonymous said...

Do they pay you for that? Do you get royalties?

Yvonne - Frl. Klein said...

Congratulations! How great!
I have to order the book after publication at Amazon.
Big Hugs, Yvonne

FEDERICA said...

Oh my! Congratulations!!!! How exciting!!!
Now I have to order this book! Absolutely!
Wish you a wonderful day my friend!
Greetings from Italia :)
p.s. Miss your mails!

becky up the hill said...

Show stopper. Of the many design books out there, this cover stops me in my tracks. It's stunning. Congratulations!

Tracy ~Seeking Refinement~ said...

I've got my copy all pre-ordered! Can't wait!!!



Anne Lorys said...

Maria, when I learned that you were going to be in the book, I felt sure that you and your gorgeous home would be prominently featured.

In a sea of copycats, you surely stand out, and I am so proud to call you my friend!

Big congratulatory hugs,

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Maria,
I am so happy for Fifi that she's announced her book and shown us the cover.

If I didn't know of Fifi (don't know how that could be possible ;) I would definitely pick up the book because of that beautiful cover. Your room really speaks to my French loving heart. It's perfect. I can't wait to see the rest & hope to see you at one of the book signings up this way!

VINTAGE HOME lifestyle said...

Congratulations Maria!!! are going places! Looking forward to watching you grow.

Unknown said...

wow... isn't it incredible?? How exciting. Well, you have a stunning home & style.

Samantha2818 said...

Congratulations Maria - I've always thought your home is beautiful and worthy of being in an interiors book. And you made the cover too - fab and well deserved!
I'll be adding the book to my Christmas list for sure.

La Dolfina said...

This is truly amazing Maria... what an honor! I can't wait to get a copy!
I'm so thrilled for you. Don't come down off your cloud too soon :)

Renee said...

Can't wait to get my hands on the book!

layers of memory said...

We grow great by dreams. All big men were dreamers. They see things in the soft haze of a spring day or in the red fire of a long winters evenings. Some of us let these great dreams die, but others nourish and protect them, nurse them trough bad days till they bring them to the sunshine and light which comes always to those who sincerely hope that their dreams all come true.
(Woodrow Wilson)

Maria so pleased to hear your dreams are coming true!!! what comes from the heart goes to the heart.....what a shame we have to wait till next year to get this gorgeous book.....

vosgesparis said...

Congratulations Maria... I am very happy for you!

You truly deserve all the attention and 'fame' that has come to you incredible fast ;) There is absolutely something you are doing right ! a big hug from Amsterdam and enjoy this moment.

NanaDiana said...

Congrats, Maria! You done good, done good!>) I am pre-ordering this too...and can't wait to see the whole book! hugs- Diana

Julia said...

Hi Maria,

I visit your blog often, but haven't commented very much. I just love your home and are so happy that you are on the cover of Fifi's new book. I just can't wait to get my hands on a copy! Congratulations!! You have such talent!


Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

~**~Im sooo happy for you Maria!! Your home deserves the cover!! Cant wait to see all of the other wonderful homes too!! HUGS~ Rachel ;)~*~*

Suzanne MacCrone Rogers • Italian Girl in Georgia™ said...

Hi Maria,

I just found out that your charming dining room was on the cover of this marvelous book! Nice work and well deserved. Congratulations.

Ciao bella,

Heaven's Walk said...

Girlfriend.....YOU ROCK!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am soooo thrilled for you! I pre-ordered the book because I want (need) to see more of your beautiful home. Your style is slowly morphing into my style and I've learned so much from you via your blog. Oh, I pre-ordered the bib that comes with the book, too --- because I know I'll be drooling all over the photos. lol! I am proud and humbled to know you. :)

xoxo laurie

Tricia said...

How exicting for you! Your dining room looks so beautiful on the cover...can't wait to see the rest of the book :)

Life love, clutter and other beautiful things. said...

Congratulations on having your beautiful home featured. The book looks gorgeous.

Have a lovely weekend xox

Rozmeen said...

Hi Maria,

CONGARTULATIONS my friend. Your home and you deserve to be on the front cover of this fabulous book!

I will definitly order this book! I really cant wait :-)
Wishing you a lovely weekend and talk to you soon.

Hugs from Rozmeen

Amy Chalmers said...

Hi Maria! Congratulations for your gorgeous dining room to be on Fifi's cover! I ordered the book because of that image!! You have such great style and it is fitting you landed the cover! Can't wait to get my copy!!

Robyn said...

Maria, a SWEETER more talented person's home would never be found to be honored like that! YOU SO DESERVE IT! Fifi is VERY talented and I'm so excited for you both! HoW truly wonderful!

Robyn said...

I almost forgot! As a photographer, of COURSE I have to congratulate Mark too and say obviously from what you've shown, he's immensely talented as well! ;-)

Unknown said...

That´s great!

When comes the book to Germany?
Here is a lot of girls are interested.

Greetings from Germany, Bine

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

Your house will likely end up on the cover of my book, too!


Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria - Like everyone else, I am "NOT" surprised that not only are you in Fifi's new book, but on the cover as well!!! I am so excited for you...
Before I even read what you wrote I was looking at the picture and thinking "It looks so familiar..."
Duh - it's Maria's place...okay, gotta go now, have a book to preorder...
I know this is just the beginning of your many successes...
Take care,

La Belle Vie said...

Congratulations!!!! I can't wait to get the book!! xx

Elyse said...

warmest congratulations, cover girl!

how incredible is that!? your beautiful home + fifi's amazing styling + mark's photography = complete gorgeousness! i feature the top image 2x in my blog post. it's THAT pretty!



Bohemian said...

Congratulations on being profiled in Fifi's new book... which looks amazing... I LOVE your diningroom! This one will definitely be added to my personal Library!

Dawn... The Bohemian

Sarah @ Cozy.Cottage.Cute. said...

Your dining room looks dreamy on the cover!

Congratulations. :)

Lettered Cottage said...

Congrats girl...SO happy for you!!!!! :-)


Anonymous said...

I saw fifi's book on another blog and I thought "That beautiful room is so familiar.....I bet it's Maria's."

You go girl!! So excited for you!

A Chocolate Bouquet said...

Lovely!!! Congratulations!

Tania - Grange de Charme said...

Congratulations Maria that's so great ! I'm looking forward so have it !

lila Braga said...

congratulations Maria!

Cheryl~ Casual Cottage Chic said...

I follow your blog so I was thrilled to see that your dining room made the cover of Fifi's new book! And I just love, love, love the old bistro chairs at the table! Where did you find so many? I have only one yellow painted/distressed one & it needs a mate :-)

Raised In Cotton~ Carol said...

So beautiful Sweet Maria:))) I am honored to share pages with you:))

Blessings, Carol

vicki archer said...

Gorgeous cover Maria...your home looks absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to see Fifi's book....xv

butiksofie said...

Wow!!!Congratulation!!! Your dining romm is breathtaking!!! I LOVE IT!!!Hughs Anja

Christine@Sally,Ry,andLaLa said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you! Can't wait to get that book in my hands!

A Room For Everyone said...

Congratulations Maria, what an enormous thrill! So, so well deserved..Rachaelxx

Casa Très Chic said...

What a beautiful dining room.
I would like to see the rest of the house.

Unknown said...

congratulations Maria! i'm so happy for you and all the wonderful women included in the book, how exciting for you all!! hope you are well! susan

Miss Mustard Seed said...

Congrats!! I knew it was going to happen. Your home is amazing. :)