Monday, November 29, 2010

The Cabbages and Roses Giveaway Winner is....

Hello Everyone....
I wanted to announce the winner of the Cabbages and Roses Giveaway.
The winner is....
Congratulations Monica!
Monica won 3 meters of the Hobury Fabric Collection!!
Monica said that she would sew the cutest things, drapes, pillows, lovely things....

Cabbages and Roses has a special promotion going on right now too....
They would like to offer free shipping to anywhere in the world on orders 100 pounds or greater.
The promotion will run through December 11th...
You can find out more about the promotion by visiting... 
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Giveaway!

On another note...

Giveaway ends Dec.2nd
I hope you all have a great week!
Take Care,


FEDERICA said...

Super lucky girl!

Gianly said...

Hello Maria! You are always wonderful!
I'll wait for my first giveaway!
See you soon and good luck

Anne Marie said...

Hi Maria....hope you had a great holiday weekend...
p.s. your blog's new look is just right....wonderful job....
Anne Marie

Shabby soul said...

Darling Maria the new loof of your blog is so pretty, very simple and clean! When you will open your shop?
Good new week!


Ah ah! A lucky girl!
Have a wonderful week Maria.

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Good morning...just saw your stockings at Tracey's...lovely my dear just lovely!! Congrat's to the winner! Have a great day!

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

Hi Maria!Congrats to the lucky winner!:) I wanted to let you know Im having my first giveaway on my blog!!! Hugs,Rachel

Lindsay said...

Lucky girl! I hope you had a very happy thanksgiving Maria! HUGS

NanaDiana said...

Monica is SUCH a lucky girl. I'll bet she is soooo excited! Hugs- Diana

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winner!!! Xoxoxo

DustyLu said...

Congrats to all the winner! Shucks, lol i loved this one. LOL, maybe next time! To dream, maybe santa will hear. Have a great day! lulu

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the winner of a fabulous early Christmas present! Marcia

Lana Manis said...

Congratulations Monica! :)

lila said...

fabulous post!

Tara Lauren said...


Tricia said...

Howdy Maria~ I'm hosting an Aidan Gray candlestick giveaway. Please stop by and check it out.

Happy holidays to you!

Anonymous said...

would love to win!!!!!

MODERN Prairie Girl said...

Oooooo...pretty new look! Like it very much. Makes me want perpetual summer.

You make us all dream in white :)