Saturday, March 12, 2011


a picture of our daughter, Nicole

I just wanted to write a quick post today....
 I haven't been able to stop thinking about the people in Japan.
I can't imagine what they must be going through right now.
We actually moved to Japan right after we got married.  My husband was a horse trainer for a club called, Amaha Horse Club.  Our oldest daughter, Nicole was born in Kisarazu, Japan.
It was an experience we will never forget.  I will never forget how nice everyone was to us while we lived there.....
My thoughts and prayers go out to all the people in Japan...
Take Care,


  1. soooooooooooo sweet...!!!

    greatings from switzerland
    Jacqueline ♡

  2. Same here Maria, I just keep checking the news. Such devastation and fear.

  3. Hello Maria
    YES it´s really terrible......
    But it´is also SPRING
    PLEASE Join my




    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  4. Joining you in your prayers. xx

  5. Hi Maria, I was so sad watching the news yesterday morning and seeing all that devastation in Japan. Our thoughts and prayers are with them, Martina

  6. My thoughts and prayers too are for them ..

  7. Sad beyond words....lovely post! Chrissy

  8. I was complaining about something really stupid & Japan popped into my head & what those people are going through. Breaks my heart! Thanks for the post . Jan

  9. Yes my dear, I'm thinkinf of Japan to !
    Kiss from France !

  10. It's very hard to watch the news and see the mess. I constantly think what would I have done. Much prayers are needed. Thanks for posting.

  11. Last year, I worked with the American School in Japan and with schools in Saipan. Thinking of all my friends there and hoping they are OK!

    Thank you for this lovely and timely post.

  12. I have family over there in Japan now I have been up all night as I was finally able to talk to them. It is awful over there they are having after shocks that are just terrible that are "constant 6.1-6.6 an hour (like 4 or 5 an hour)"

    Prayers for so many. We lost people in California too, that were taken out to sea.

  13. Oh Maria! I would love to visit Japan!!! How it was to live there?

  14. What happend in Japan is so sad and always reminds me how fragile we are. We are watching the news all day and our thoughts are with the people in Japan ... Carolina

  15. I feel the same way as my heart pours out to everyone in Japan that has been affected. Thanks for such a sweet post as I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. I haven't been able to stop thinking about this either. This is heart wrenching to hear about and watch. I'm sure it is even more so for you since you lived there.
    Our family is with you in praying for the people in Japan.

  17. Hi. I'm your newest follower which seems very insignificant in light of things, but wanted to say hello.

    Life has a way of putting everything in perspective. Praying for the Lord's mercy on all impacted by this tragedy. My husband went through a terrible earthquake as a child in Nicaragua, so from his stories, I have a sense of how bad it can be. My heart goes out to them.

    Sophisticated Steps

  18. Standing beside you in prayer for the whole country of Japan.
    Thank you for sharing this memory.

  19. So so sad!! It's awful :(

  20. It is positively heart breaking to say the least. My family has hosted many Japanese students over the years and I have been thinking about them and their families ever since I watched this terrible tragedy happen. My prayers are with them all.

  21. So sad. I hope the situation can get better for them. Pretty daughter and adorable doggie.

  22. It's wonderful that you had the experience of living in Japan.My family and I visited Japan once to stay with friends.Our daughters had a wonderful time on the trip, the people were so kind- we felt secure and welcomed wherever we went.Its an amazing place. They are in my thoughts...

    Take care,

  23. Dear Maria,
    I think that weare all thinking of the people of Japan and the horrors that they are having to contend with. I am thinking of them all today. It must be even more poignant for you, having lived there.I can only hope that they don't get anymore major tremorsand that they can start the process of clearing up. xxxx

  24. Your daughter is so beautiful. I can understand how your heart would be hurting for the people of Japan. I have been touched by the gentleness and kindness of the Japanese. My nephew speaks Japanese and has done internships there. He is now attending UCSD(he received a full scholarship due to his second language in Japanese) and will be moving to Japan next year as part of the study abroad program. How amazing it must have been for you to live there in the beginning of your marriage. Your husband must be very gifted/talented in his profession. I wanted you to know that I did a post about your Dreamy Whites shop when it first opened and said much more about it then. Your blog, shop, and heart are all so beautiful. ox

  25. The news is so hard to watch...I am sending many prayers to that devastated country.


  26. Great post! We are truly blessed today to sat down to a computer from the comfort of our home and enjoy the peace that we have, and my prayers go out to the people in Japan who's peace has been removed for a time period not know to us, only to God!.....Thank you God for the peace we have today!!

  27. how interesting to learn that you lived in Japan and your daughter was born there!

    the news has been hard to watch, I cannot even imagine the horror...

    my blog post yesterday was for a moment of silence for the people affected. my heart reaches across the water...



  28. i was glued to the tv praying for them the night it happened. my heart goes out to them

  29. I got up yesterday morning, poured my coffee, opened up the blinds to let the sun in and opened up the sliding door...then I turned my favorite news show on to this. I've been glued to it, it's just so incredibly sad:( I can't imagine what they're going thru.

    Life is so fragile!

  30. I love your site! This is totally random, but I love your cursive font. Can you share what it is called and where you got it? Thanks for being so inspiring!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I can't stop thinking about them and even the simplest most mundane activity in my life feels like joy next to what I know those people in Japan are going through..its horrific on every level and I am so afraid that we have yet to see the worst of what has occurred. My thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of them and I hope God will be there to light their way during this difficult dark time in their lives.

  33. wonderful post Maria~ My prayers are with them too~ Hugs,Rachel

  34. Amen, Maria

    I am in awww! and Japan and one effected are in our prayers.

    Beautiful daughter and what an experience to have trained in Japan.
    My brother was over in Japan for Months doing business and came back with some beautiful treasures for us all.

    Have a beautiful weekend.

  35. Prayers and a donation to the Red Cross....My daughter-in-law's brother and wife live in Tokyo. They are ok, thank God, but I can't stop thinking of the people of Japan either. I think we are only beginning to realize the extent of the loss of life and destruction. Now the nuclear issue...OMG. It is all so devastating.
    Your daughter is adorable....

  36. It's hard not to think about Japan. Joining you in prayers for them. It's also making me extra thankful for all the blessing in our lives.

  37. So sad to see so much devastation. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people in Japan and all over the world. Mimi xx

  38. I got a frantic call from my daughter 3am on Thursday morning EST.. she and her family were waiting for the Tsunami to hit Guam, where they live... 4 hours we stayed on the phone while I tried to calm her... imagine her with a rope tied to her three small boys and getting up on the roof while she waited.. terror! They are fine but my heart is in anguish over the ordeal all of Japan is going through.
    Thank you for this post.

  39. Keeping Japan in our thoughts & prayers here too. My dad was stationed there and made many friends while there. I went through some of his photos today and wondered about his friend's families and how they are and hold them in my heart. Life's so fragile, it's important we embrace it each moment possible.

  40. Dear Maria,
    I´m a german reader of your blog since your very beginning. You have a fabulous home and first of all a wonderful family.
    You are one of the very few to think and
    write about what is going on in Japan.
    And this is a catastrophy which will have
    a consequence for all our lives all over the world!
    Thank you for your thougtful words,

  41. Truly Terrifying! Japan must now rely on it's strength of character that it is known for to get them through this. As a neighbouring country, my country must do absolutely everything that we can to ease the burden on these poor people.

  42. Maria,

    How very fortunate you are to have lived in Japan. They are a kind gentle people, and they are also strong. But I am sure not everyone is going to get over this traumatic occurrence as quickly as others might. I am amazed at how few bloggers have mentioned Japan. They are in my heart, my thoughts and prayers.

  43. Dear Maria, is always a pleasure to see you, your pictures and your blog
    I am very sorry for what happened in Japan, is terrible, disasters like then should never happen!

  44. Dear Maria.
    I am so sorry about what happened i Japan - We for only hope that there will not be more earthbreak in that earia. I have a quiestion for you about the sheets you have over your sofa. I have three white sofaes myself and I like your sheets wery mush. Do you now where I can buy thees and do you sell them from your shoop? I will be wery thankfull for an answer from you. You can find me on my blog:
    Hanne :)

  45. Hi Maria it seems everywhere there is some disaster happening and my thoughts were with everyone in Japan too as here in New Zealand we recently had our own disaster an earthquake in our beautiful city of Christchurch where many lives were lost and many buildings destroyed...they are only buildings but when you are a small country like ours historic buildings are few and far between and we don't like to see them lost to us......and the Japanese were some of the people who came from all around the world to help us and also for the media coverage... of course now they have had to rush home to their own.....i also understand that we had an english teaching school there and many lost were these japanese students.....such loss everywhere is hard to bear....and in our small country we are all grieving for people known and unknown as everyone knows someone somewhere....really the world reaches out and touches us all no matter where we live and we all feel for people unknown because we are compassionate human beings and understand life and death and what it means to all of us as mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, uncles and auntys, and cousins....we all treasure what we have as a family.....
    It was interesting to learn that you lived in Japan for awhile....ripples travel the world!!!

  46. Thank you for posting this. I woke up Friday morning in shock, we too lived in Japan for a few years. I searched blog land for solice through the words of my favorite writers. I was not in the mood for decorating tips or beautiful new clothing, it can all be gone in a flash. (Don't get me wrong, I love a good DIY project, just not on a day of such tragedy.)

    I am praying too.

    Tami C.

  47. My heart too goes out to the whole country - my prayers go out to them every night - I too have a kinship with Japan - I was born there too but was immediately taken home to the Philippines after (not really sure why my mother was traveling so far along in her pregnancy) and then came to America when I was five years old...your daughter is very beautiful by the way in this photo with the doggie...I hope all our collective prayers goes out to Japan and helps somehow...

  48. Japan has been on my heart, too. So tragic. Praying for all those affected by this disaster...including you and your beautiful family.


  49. I add my prayer to yours and send comforting hugs your way.

    Hugs, Betty Ann

  50. Just wanted to chime in and send my heart out to the Japanese people. My wife and I already donated a I sincerely hope that they recover as soon as possible. Your blog by the way is absolutely fantastic. More power!

  51. Thanks for posting this tribute to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. In light of this and other recent humanitarian tragedies (Haiti, etc.), we really need to make sure we are thankful for the good things we have in our lives...b/c all of a sudden the forces of nature can wreak havoc with our world.

  52. My sister and her family live in Tokyo. Everyone there hears your prayers and knows they are in our thoughts.
    I'm so happy I discovered your lovely blog. I'm following you now. Wishing you happiness, Katherine
