It has been a little over a month now since I started blogging. It has been an amazing experience. I can't tell you how blessed I feel to be a part of this amazing blogging community. I am so grateful for how you have all treated me. I have felt like you have all welcomed me with open arms into your blogging community. It is funny how things happen.
I think about how I came across Lori's blog (that I Love) 6 weeks ago, and because of Lori, I have discovered the world of blogging. Thank you Lori for giving me the confidence to start blogging. I wouldn't have ever done this if it hadn't been for YOU. Which by the way Lori has a great farmhouse stool giveaway, so be sure and check out her blog, Frugal Farmhouse Design for that!

I can't believe the women I have had the opportunity to come into contact with because of blogging. You are the most talented and gracious group of women I have ever met. To think only a month ago I had no idea this even existed. I thought only people like Martha Stewart had blogs. I can't believe how many women are stay at home moms like me and have a blog. I have to admit sometimes it is a little intimidating to blog after visiting some of my favorite blogs. I am so amazed at so many of your talents. And do I wish I could take pictures like Mimi Charmante, (and have her kitchen) or write like Flower Patch Farmgirl (who also takes amazing photos & makes me laugh). Or there is this blog that I most recently discovered (thanks to Morning T) ...Lola B's, that got me in trouble with my husband because he thinks I am following Paul Walker's blog. This girl has such a fun and amazing blog!
I would like to thank all of you for what you have done for me this past month! Blogging has been a life changing experience for me. You have all touched my heart. You truly do make me smile!
So to thank you I would like to giveaway a set of spice jars from Anthropologie, to one of my lucky readers. All you have to do is leave me a comment letting me know that you want to be entered into the drawing (You don't have to have your own blog to enter). Also if you wouldn't mind sharing (if it has) how blogging has had an impact on your own life. Let me know if you are a follower and I will put your name in twice, and if you post about my giveaway I will put your name in the drawing again as well.

I thought I would share another way to use these other than for spice jars.

Yes, those are camellias, sorry. I did receive a lot of requests to use camellias again. I think peonies would be a better choice, but they aren't in season. I can't wait for them to come into season. I am sure I will overuse those as well.

I think this would look great as a display at a wedding!

The numbers on the spice jars that will be included in the giveaway are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, there will be one of each!

It is only the spice jars that are in the giveaway.

I will throw in an extra #1 spice jar so you can have your jars read 1~10 if you would like
There will be a total of 11 jars in the giveaway!
Entries will close February 26th at 9:00 p.m. pacific standard time. I will announce the winner Saturday the 27th.
I want to say THANK YOU to the most recent bloggers who have linked their readers to my blog, you are so kind!
Thank you Federica from Sweet as a Candy. If you haven't been to her beautiful blog yet, you should check her blog out. She is from Italy and is the sweetest person (& beautiful). Not only do I love her blog, but I enjoy her friendship.
Thank you Morning T, for sharing a link to my blog with your readers. Your blog is so much fun, and you are very talented. I have also found some great blogs (like ..Lola B's) through your blog! Thank You!
Thank you Tina from Rubie's Place. Tina is from Australia and has such a cute house! I love Tina's kitchen redo. Tina is such a sweet person! She has a fun blog and is very talented!
I also want to say THANK YOU to Anne Reagan from the Apartment Therapy for including a link to my blog on one of your posts! I feel so honored! I just checked my email before publishing this, and was quite surprised and excited to see an email from Anne Reagan! Thanks Anne you have really made my weekend! To be honest I can't believe you read my blog! I am really honored!!!!!!
I hope you all have a great weekend! I hope you have a chance to check out all these inspiring blogs. You won't be sorry you took the time to do so! I know that I get so excited when I find a new inspiring blog and I don't want YOU to miss out! Everything that is highlighted in pink will take you somewhere fabulous and fun!
Don't forget to leave a comment if you want to be included on the giveaway drawing, and also if you wouldn't mind sharing how blogging has impacted your life! I would love to hear your story! Don't forget to check out Lori's giveaway, (Frugal Farmhouse Design giveaway)!
Please take a minute to visit Chania from Razmataz. She has a new blog also, and is an interior designer. She was nice enough to want to do an interview with me. You can find a little more about me & Chania if you head over for a visit. Thanks Chania!
Take Care,