Monday, March 26, 2012

Vintage French Linens.... Clare Elizabeth

I hope you are all having a great week.
I finally was able to take some new product pictures over the weekend....
Here is a sneak peek of what I have been working on....
I have a post on vintage french linens coming up soon....

I also wanted to share an image my talented 15 year old niece Bernadette shot of her brother, Nicholas holding their new baby sister, Clare Elizabeth.....
I will be featuring some of Bernadette's photography next month!
I hope you enjoy your day!
Take Care,


Fairfield House said...


Look forward to your post on linens. The photograph your niece took of her sweet siblings is priceless.

Your Friend,

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photo of your nephew and niece!!~
And I can't wait to read your post on vintage French linens, I am completely obsessed with them myself!
Hope you have a lovely week Maria.

Allie said...

Love antique linens! I just did a post on Mariano Fortuny over at my blog. Great minds think alike :)

SSM said...

Dear Maria,

Congratulations on the new little member of your family!

Have I told you how great your new
profile picture looks?

Enjoy your day!

Simple Daisy said...

Lovely linens and beautiful shot!!! Such talent at a young age:)

Vintage Gal said...

Love vintage french linens ~ looking forward to that post. The picture is adorable ;-)

Susan said...

Bernadette is very talented indeed. What a great shot!

Pieni Lintu said...

Very pretty!!

rusty hinge said...

Hello Maria, I can't wait to read your post on French linens...Ohhh and your niece's photograph is adorable! I love it!! She is very talented!!!

Debby said...

I just was given some family linen napkins.....I don't have a clue on how to care for them. But I am excited to have them. I will look forward to your posts.
What a beautiful picture of the little ones.

Anne Marie said...

he cute little lips and perfect very precious you shared that picture - your niece captured it beautifully

looking forward to your advice on linens -
Anne Marie


Pure bliss!

I would love for you to come link this up tonight at the "Cowgirl Up!" linky party. Link up once, appear on 4 blogs!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...


manu said...

Hi Maria, i discovered your beautiful blog , surfing the web! you are very lucky, you live in a farm, into the nature, you have all the time for your family and your hobbies!!!
i wish have a life like this but it's impossible and the only solution is.....looking the blog like your!!!
thank you for sharing with us yours life and works!!!

Sew a Fine Seam said...

That photo is lovely! I love it:)
She is one talented young lady!

Aspiring Kennedy said...

I am quite in love with antique linens. The suspense is killing me! Also, congratulations on the addition to your family.

Geneva said...

Your niece is a wonderful photographer... I'll be looking forward to your upcoming feature. I also love the simplicity of your linens... You're a great photographer as well.

martinealison said...

C'est sincèrement une très belle photo... Un regard plein d'amour pour sa petite soeur...
Gros bisous

Chris said...


xoxo, chris

Qunst und Qrempel said...

Oh, so so lovely... this is real Sisterlove
♥ Susa ♥

Lana said...

I love vintage French Lines it is kind of an obsession. I want more and more. What a beautiful photo your niece took. Can't wait to see more of her photography.

Lilla Majken said...

Lovely photos!


Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

Those French linens look fantastic...and Bernadette is definitely a talented photographer!!! Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

mart a. grisberenjena said...

Hola María!
Me llamo marta. Me encanta tu blog, tu fotografía, tu granja ….(creo que podría vivir en ella sin ningún problema :D).
Ayer enseñé Dreamy Whites en mi blog grisberenjena , porque estás entre mis imprescindibles.
Muchas gracias, muchos besos y nos vemos desde Ávila, España.

B said...

What an adorable shot! And what a clever girl :O) Looking forward to your product info; who doesn't love French linens?! Hugs, B x

Unknown said...

Lovely!!!! Hugs from Petra

kassidy said...

I just found your blog, and I'm in love! Everything is so well done. Can't wait to see more posts.

Storage Shed said...

Congratulations on the new and cute person of your family. The picture is adorable and beautiful. Thanks for giving info about your life and works!!

LantlivsAnette said...

Ohhh so lovely dog !!And wonderful blog you have !
Welcome to visit my interior blog !!
From Anette in Sweden

what is a blog said...

hi dear from me Congratulations on the new little member of your family!