Friday, June 18, 2010

Hydrangea care, a winner, and an announcement!

Hello Everyone!
I want to thank all of you who stopped in and left me a comment on my hydrangea post.
I wanted to take the time to answer a few of your questions about my hydrangeas.
I want you all to know I do not claim to be a hydrangea expert, I have experienced a lot of difficulty getting mine to grow too.
I wanted to share a few things that I have learned about this beautiful plant.
If you want to learn more about hydrangeas from an expert I really recommend you visit this site
It is a very informative website, it provides you with everything you need to know about hydrangeas!

What I fertilize my hydrangeas with~
I fertilize my hydrangeas once to twice a year with compost. We live on a horse ranch and have a very abundant compost pile.
We first of all dug up all of the existing dirt and replaced it with compost from the ranch before planting the hydrangeas.

After you see new growth then you can start to fertilize on a weekly basis.
I do fertilize with a miracle grow that is specifically formulated for hydrangeas.
Never fertilize your plants if the soil has dried out. Always fertilize your plants when they are well hydrated.

Never plant your hydrangeas in afternoon sun!
They thrive when they receive morning sunlight.
It is best to plant them where they will receive morning sun no later than 11:00 a.m.
Like I said in my hydrangea post, my hydrangeas will now receive sun until 1:00 p.m. and I live where it is very hot! So they will burn very quickly. I am hoping to come up with a solution before that happens.

Pruning~ this is a very important topic when it comes to hydrangeas, if not done right it can determine if your plant will bloom the following year. I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to prune my hydrangea shrubs until I stumbled upon this website~

It is important to know what type of hydrangea you have, as there are two types, and type one shouldn't be pruned, and type two can be pruned.

Type one~Mophead and Lacecaps (macrophyllas - usually pink or blue)
This is the type of hydrangea I have.
Buds are produced on old wood.
If you prune these after July then you will be cutting off the blooms that are forming on the old wood for the following summer.
Most likely pruning your hydrangea (mophead and lacecap type) after July will cause your hydrangeas not to bloom the following summer.
However the endless summer hydrangea is known as remontant, if pruned it will regenerate the bloom bud and bloom as usual.
If you have type 2 (Anabelle types and Pee Gee types hydrangeas), then there are a different set of rules for pruning these types.

If you would like to read more on pruning your hydrangea and finding out what kind of hydrangea you have you can click on the link below.

How to change your hydrangea color from pink to blue~

Last year my hydrangeas were all pink and were turning green.
When I bought them they were blue, they are called Nikko Blue, and I thought they would always stay blue. That isn't the case.
A year ago I added aluminum sulfate to the soil. I was told it would take a year for them to change back to blue. I was excited to see so many of my blooms were blue this year. It worked!
If you would like to read more about how to change the color of your hydrangeas you can click on the link below.

I purchased my hydrangeas from a local nursery.

I fell in love with hydrangeas after I had read an article on them in Martha Stewart Living.

I hope I was able to share some helpful information with all of you.
I know I have spent the past couple of years being frustrated trying to get mine to grow.

There are a lot of helpful tips on this website,

A Winner
Also there is a winner for the Cabbages and Roses Giveaway!
It turns out Jeniffer is making over her reading room.
Cabbages and Roses is her inspiration for the makeover!
I hope you enjoy your tablecloth and napkin set Jeniffer.
Thank you Cabbages and Roses for sponsoring such a generous giveaway!!
Thank you for everyone who participated in this giveaway!
I really appreciate it!

An announcement!
I also wanted to share some exciting news with all of you.
I am in the process of starting an online store. I have been working on it for the past few months. That is part of the reason I have been so absent from the blog world. I will be stocking my store with things that I LOVE!
I owe so much to all of you!
I am not a very confident person, and because of all of your encouragement you have given me, I am chasing some of my dreams!!!
You guys are the BEST!!!

Before I go though I want to share a link to Shannan's garden.
I have been waiting for this girl to share some pictures of her garden.
Her blog is one of the first blogs I found and she inspires me in so many ways!!

If you guys would like to leave a link to your garden in the comment section, I would love to see some of your gardens and if you feel like sharing a gardening tip, I would love that!!!

Have a great weekend!
p.s. These are photos of our family room, there is a giant t.v. that sits right to the left of the couch. I will share this entire room with you someday!

Jana from Twig also has a special announcement she wants to make about her Vintage Whites Market she holds in Somers, Montana, you can read more about it here


Lindsay said...

Awww congrats! Can't wait to see your store :)


Hi Maria, I hope you had a great week!

Oh so much fun at once, I am sending my congratulation greetings for the winner of the fabulous gift from Cabbages and roses. And many thanks for all the great advices about how to keep your hydrangea healthy and beautiful! I just love them so much, in all colours really.

And I am so excited for you opening a shop!!! Congratulation
, you are going to do it so fantastic good!! who are not affected by lack of confident from time to time. Even the strongest may have their doubts. I think you are doing so much positive and good, and with all of us who`s supporting, your family, friends and everyone out there who want something beautiful and special for their home, you will succeed fir presented. I'm convinced!

I send you all my wishes for all success for the future!

Warm greetings,

Shades of pale said...

OHHH congrats, I cant wait to shop at your shop! I have a feeling you will sell out very quickly !
lots of success.

Madelief said...

Congratulations to the winners. Good luck with your online store!

Lieve groet,


Unknown said...

Oh congrats Maria!!!!! I can't wait to have a look at your new on line shop! I'm sure it will be full of fantastic items!!! So you've realized on of your dream!!! I'm very happy for you!!! And also thank you for your last e-mail...and reading that also you've had some lack of confident made me think that anyone can make it if really want to, even if sometimes can have a lack of confident...which I'm sure everyone has experienced maybe just once!!!
I wish you all the success!!!
Have a great week end!

Terrell said...

Oh wow! thank you so much for your hydrangea tips...those will so come in handy! :) Also congrats on the launch of your store! I can't wait to check it out!!
~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

Petie said...

I love the pink hydrangea's in your post. So excited for your on line store. Can't wait!

Little Emma English Home said...

Maria, you know how much happy I am for your announcement!!! So happy you decided to open your online store at last, it will be a great success, I feel and know!!!

Can't wait to see it and all the wonderful things you have chosen for us!!! SO don't make us wait too long... ;) Kidding, take your time and everything will be just ok! I'm confident.

Lots of love for you, my dear xx

Debra@CommonGround said...

Love all the info on the hydrangeas, I have the endless summer kind, but didn't know about the "sun" situation. Thanks for sharing the website for help!

Melanie said...

I can't believe I didn't win. :-)))) I was counting on that to go along with my fab new pillows. ( I am hoping they come today:)

Okay.. seriously. Could your home be any more beautiful? I could just sit and stare at these pics all day!!!!

One gardening tip I learned about hydrangeas was to dig a mote about 2 inches deep around the plant in early spring and fill it with epsom salt. It helps them bloom.

I am not sharing any pics of my garden yet. it's awful:D but Shannon's has me swooning. Her wire fencing is so charming!!!

Have a lovely weekend, my sweet friend. Happy Father's Day to your Cowboy!:))


summersundays-jw said...

Thanks for the hydrangea info. I love to dry mine but notice they don't dry well when blue. Sometimes they'll turn then can be dried. Good luck on your store. Seems the internet has changed all our worlds. Jan

Lara said...

I am so in love with your gorgeous hydrangea photography.. those shades of purple are my fav. colour outside of white/grey.. the uncolours. :)) Thank you for the wealth of information on this post.. I definitely will refer back to it being a beginning gardner.. such a wealth of information. ♥ I'm sure your shoppe will be charming & a great success! Have a nice wkend. xx lara

Gilding Lilies said...

good information. I have a hydrangea post today too, I love them!

Heaven's Walk said...

Hi Maria! Thank you so much for all of the info on your beautiful hydrangeas. There were a few things that I definitely learned from you today that I will apply to my own white hydrangeas - which are now blooming quite happily across my front porch.

And I AM SO EXCITED for your new online store! I'm doin' the happy dance over here! :) When does it open? When does it open? When does it open? lol!

Ok...time to go back and drool all over your photos again. What an absolutely breathtaking

Hugs ~

Beach House Living said...

Thanks for the detailed hydrangeas information. Ours are in too shady or too sunny spots. It might be moving time for them very soon.

Cindy said...

Thanks for all of the info on Hydrangeas. I first need to go find out which kind I have. I have two that were given to me this year. I did enough research on them to know where to plant them, but have no idea if I should prune them or not. I also need to find out if I should cut off the first flowers as they are now so faded and look so very pitiful.
Congrats to the winner of the Cabbages and Roses, I'll go over and see her blog.
Also, congrats on starting an online store. I wish you all the best.
Hugs, Cindy S

Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

How exciting having your own online store! I can't wait to check it out!
Thank you for the hydrangea link. I moved one that suffered last year, too much sun, and its looking so happy now. Yours are incredible, i hope you find a way to keep them happy.

Here is a link to our fairy garden, it was fun to create and fun to play in.


Villa König said...

Thanks so much for your tips, in the last time I wasn't lucky with my hydrangeas. Congratulation to your shop! I will take a look!!! Hugs Yvonne

lisaroy said...

Great tips on my favourite flower! I've got some Quick Fire hydrangeas planted in front of my house - I think they fall into the PeeGee range but we'll see!
your home is so comfy and pretty!
Best of luck with your online shop! It's a lot of work but I'm sure you'll find it very rewarding and so successful! : )

Ms. Pearl said...


This came at a great time for me because I just planted three different hydrangeas. Your photos are really beautiful.

Thanks so much!

Splenderosa said...

Darling, this is GREAT news about your shop. I love everything you do. I, too, am going to do this with my jewelry but am thinking I need more followers/friends 1st. I wish you all the best luck ever. And, thank you for this post on the gorgeous hydrangeas. I wish my darling daughter could find the happiness you have, then my life would be perfect. xx's

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Hi Maria-
I'm so excited to see all the wonderful things in your store, I couldn't be happier for you,you deserve this and I'm glad your confidence has been given a little boost! (I get it)
I could go back and look at your gorgeous pictures all day! Enjoy your weekend, hope your able to rest a bit!

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Hi Maria-
I'm so excited to see all the wonderful things in your store, I couldn't be happier for you,you deserve this and I'm glad your confidence has been given a little boost! (I get it)
I could go back and look at your gorgeous pictures all day! Enjoy your weekend, hope your able to rest a bit!

Shane Pollard said...

Hi Maria

A wonderful post about hydrangea's - my FAVE next to the rose.
Good timing as I've just planted 3 new ones mainly in shade and I'm now armed with such great info!

Well done opening the shop - YOU will love it I can tell! Can't wait to see it.

Elyse said...

congrats to your lucky lucky lucky lucky winner!


Lisa said...

Congrats to the winner and to you for your store!

Alaina said...

I am so glad you decided to do a follow up on your hydrangeas. I guess I am going to have to move a couple and STOP pruning them. Thanks for the tips. About the best tip I can give is to plant tighter if you want the look of a fuller garden.

Anna said...

your hydrangeas are so pretty. I just planted my first one a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully I can keep it alive and follow some of these tips! It is very hot here too so it's good to know they can do well in a hot climate.

Debbie said...

Your post is lovely as always Maria.
Thank you for all the info about I know why I'm not getting any blooms, this year, on a couple of plants.
So excited to see your new store!

Anne Marie said...

Hi Maria!! I'm so excited for you!! Thrilled to see another mother of five doing what she loves...I'm friends with Parisienne Farmgirl - and she told me what you were planning - and now that you have made the announcement I'm so happy for have such a clean approach to decorating...and I'm sure your shop will reflect that. My latest post has some pictures of one of the perennial beds and paths that leads to the potager I designed...but for more pictures of my potager, simply type in 'potager' in the upper left hand search box on my blog...and thanks for asking for the link!!
Beautiful hydrangeas! I only have 2 kinds - forever summer (a blue) and annabelle...have a great weekend
~Anne Marie

Kacey said...

How exciting, Maria!!! Best of luck to you!


layers of memory said...

HI maria......only as high as i can reach i can grow.....only as far as i can seek can i go......only as deep as i look can i see.....only as i dream can i be.....

Your hydrangeas look fantastic in your room and would you believe i have the same wire basket!!! a room we haven;t seen yet?.....and shall i ask about that bedroom ssshhhhhh!!! so there are a few surprises for us yet!!

Congratulations on your shop.....we all know by looking around your beautiful home that what you will offer will be go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you will be everything you wished for and more......

Razmataz said...

Hi Maria, Thanks for the hydrangea tips. Your room looks gorgeous. I have 2 posts to share. One is my cottage garden you can see here.

The other is a wheelchair accessible garden at my home that I designed for my mother. You can see this one here.

traci said...

your hydrangeas are just gorgeous. i love all the photos of them.

congrats on the new shop. can't wait til it's open. you have beautiful style, so i am sure it will be amazing.

did some shopping with tracey today. she talks very highly of you. i can't wait to meet you. junk bonanza?

Donna (Timeless Settings) said...

Great post! Thanks for all the info. I love the picture of the hydrangeas in the wire basket, just beautiful!


Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Maria,
Thanks for the followup on the hydrangea care. I really appreciate it.

Also, congrats on your store. Can't wait to see what you are selling.


Tina said...

Congratulations to Jeniffer on winning your gorgeous giveaway Maria:) Thank you so much for the chance to enter! Thank you also for sharing your hydrangea tips. I had lovely dark blue ones in our previous home, but our present home has no shaded parts of the I have been hesitant to plant any. Yours are beautiful! I also wanted to say congrats on your online store, I am so proud of you sweet girl. Hugs ~ Tina xx

DustyLu said...

Ya! I am so excited and I am so happy you announced it! Love all the hyrda tips, and I couldn't be happier for you and your new store. It is going to be a great success! Have a wonderful day. ! ~Lulu

Between You and Me said...

I can't wait to visit your on-line store! I'm sure it'll be full of wonderful things since I love so many of the things that you love.

I wish you all of the richest blessings that God has to offer!

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria,

I love all of your hydrangeas, and your sitting area looks so lovely and cozy!! It's gorgeous!!

Congratulations on your new online shop!! I'm so excited for you!! I can't wait to see what you have to offer. I know everything will be gorgeous!! :)

Here's a link to my front garden:

I'll be back in a little while with a link to my back garden.

Hope you enjoy the tour. :)

Have a great weekend!!

Hugs ~ Jo :)

Anonymous said...'s the link to my back garden:

Congratulatons again!! I can't wait to see your on-line shop!! :)


Ange said...

Your hydrangeas look so beautiful Maria. Thanks for all the tips and helpful website. I'm not sure I can grow them here in sub-tropical Queensland but your post has inspired me to maybe give it a go.
Good for you opening an online store! I hope it is every bit as successful as your blog has been:o)

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh thanks for all the great tips on growing hydrangea, we will be putting in a bunch this year.

Congratulations on the new store, it sounds SO!

Susan said...

My friend and I joke about the guy who first told us how to care for our hydrangeas! He said "NEVER NEVER NEVER CUT THEM BACK! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER! NEVER CUT THEM BACK!
"Never?" we asked..."NEVER NEVER NEVER"!
O.K.!!! :)

Thanks SO MUCH for the link and your info! I just pruned part of my white hydrangea this morning hoping that I wasn't doing something that would kill it!:)
"Never never never" was ringing in my ears! We'll see how things turn out! :)

Shannan Martin said...

Maria!! What a fun surprise for me today! You are 10 different kinds of sweet. :)

I am so excited to see your online goodies. You are amazing, girl!!!

Unknown said...

Dear Maria ~

So happy your fabulous news is out now!!! Wait til everyone sees the incredible items you have lined up for that gorgeous shop of yours!!! Very exciting! Yeah!

Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! Your style is just so,so pretty...but you already know I am a big fan of yours :) :)

Hugs ~

:) T

Christine@Sally,Ry,andLaLa said...

What a great post! Wonderful news about your store- best of luck!

Here are a couple of links to our garden:

Christine :)

beachcomber said...

i'm in love with the blue striped cushion fabric on your sofa! and all of your house for that matter...
look forward to your store and wish postage from us to australia wasn't so expensive :)

Unknown said...

ever since i visited Nantucket twenty years ago i have loved Hydrangeas they grow everywhere there. i have some and they haven't bloomed since i planted them even thought the greens come back every year. i'm hopeful that with a little TLC i can get them to bloom again! thank you, yours are simply amazing! hope all is well, i've missed visiting with you! susan

Alicia ~ time worn style said...

Crikey, i had no idea Hydrangeas could be such fussy little beasts, they actually grow like weeds up here on our mountain. So I am right spoilt that I dont have to do any maintenance what so ever except trim them right down in Autumn so they dont get too large and "sticky" looking. we have only blue ones up here due to the acidic volcanic soil so am enjoying looking at the pink flowers on your blog for a change!
Alicia :0)

desde my ventana said...

Hello María,
I'm happy to know about your new shop,I like so much your style and your ideas and I'm sure all will be very interesting and beauty,
Hugs from Spain

Legacy of Love said...

Great information on beautiful hydrangas.

I'm sure your new store will be a great success, you have such a nice way with words and the photos are nice. You'll do great!

Legacy of Love said...

Great information on beautiful hydrangas.

I'm sure your new store will be a great success, you have such a nice way with words and the photos are nice. You'll do great!

Jeanette said...

Hello Maria,

I have just become the 1800th follower of your blog. I have been following you for a while but now it's definite. Really inspiring reading your blog accompanied by lovely picturs.

Kind Regards,

Soulful Mama said...

Congratulations on the upcoming online store. I hope you will post to us all the way over here in Australia!
~ Clare x

Farmgirl Susan said...

Hi Maria,
I just discovered your beautiful blog and am really enjoying it. Congratulations on the store - I have no doubt it will be filled with wonderful things.

Your hydrangeas are gorgeous! We had a few bushes when I was growing up in the SF Bay Area, and now I'm really missing them. (I'm also wishing I still lived near Mill Valley so I could visit Tyler Florence!) I'll have to check that hydrangea site and see if they'll grow here in southern Missouri - and make sure they aren't poisonous to sheep. ;)

I have a large organic heirloom kitchen garden I write about at, an offshoot of Farmgirl Fare, my food and farm blog. Right now I'm enjoying the dozens of butterflies that are flitting all over the echinacea. :)

P.S. Your playlist is great. I love Michael Buble. ;)

Beth said...

Great hydrangea info! Congratulations on the new shop! Can't wait to see!!! Here is a link to what's bloomin' in my garden this week!
xoxo Beth

Lou said...

Beautiful post! Looove hydrangeas! Looking forward to your online shop... sure it will be wonderful! Congratulations to the winners! Off to check out your links..
Lou xx

paperbird said...

Maria thank you for this lovely informative post. i love your beautiful images of this favorite flower of mine.

best of luck to you on your on-line shop. I know it will be amazing.

Anonymous said...

HI Maria,

good luck with your store! Just found your blog, I really enjoy it.

So many greetings from Germany,


Robyn said...

your hydrangeas are so lovely! I found that site very helpful...thanks! I have some photos of mine on my blog too!

Becky Holmes said...

Congrats on opening a store and following through with your dream! I can't wait to see it!!

My Cottage Charm said...

Thanks so much for the info and the website on hydrangeas..I was wondering why mine wasn't doing so great and I think it's cause it's getting a bit too much sun! :)
Congrats on your can do it!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

oh maria~ why are you not a confident person. That is so hard to believe when you are so beautiful, creative, sweet, and talented. My goodness... why do we girls suffer so. we're having such crummy weather that my peonies just finished blooming. My hydrangeas are just getting started. I have white ones (which are burning), buttons and bows (pretty ones), and the nikko blue ones I want to cut a big bouquet right this minute but I know that when I cut them to early before the stems harden they don't last as long. Very soon though I will have large beautiful bouquets! :)

Faded Plains said...

Your family room is have some amazing talent Maria...and to hear your opening an online shop...well...let's just say I let out a yippeeee when I read it...can't wait to see it...make sure it's all stocked up...cuz I just know it's gonna all

All my best, Andrea

Gina said...

I have been away for a while and just catching up with all my fave blog "friends" and like many others, I am so excited (for YOU and for ME!) that you are opening an online shop...with your great eye I can only imagine what great stuff you will have (I am jumping up and down now for joy LOL...) there. I do admit I was shocked when I read you said you have no confidence because you seem like you do - and you should!!! You really are very talented, Maria, and I am being honest. On top of it you are just so sweet and nice and pretty - you have my full support!!! Much success! Hugs - Gina

MODERN Prairie Girl said...

Maria! I'm so glad you are following your dream of a store. It will be so well-received, let me tell you---you've got some FANS, girl ;)

me being one .

La Dolfina said...

Great post on hydrangeas!!
I recently re-did our front yard with nothing but hydrangeas!! Now our basic black & white tract home is beginning to resemble a Nantucket cottage!!!
By the way I just had to tell you how much I love your white wicker trunk/coffee table.
It's wonderful and looks great in that space. I can't wait until you share the rest of the room with us :)

FEDERICA said...

Maria, your flowers are stunning and I love hydrangeas!
I'm soo excited for you online store and I can't wait to be one of your first clients :-)
I love the runner! It's very beautiful!
Thank you sooo much again my friend!

Gaia said...

1) congratulations to the winner!
2)online store? when? I'm so happy for you I know you'll do a fantastic job!

Can't wait for it!

{oc cottage} said...

This is winter garden post {although who am I trying to's looks pretty much the same most of the year! ;} Thx for making me think about this...I need to get some new summery shots with all the sweet peas and things!

m ^..^

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post!! Oh when is the online store going to open??I have seen Melanies goodies and I would LOVE something!!! Elma

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post!! Oh when is the online store going to open??I have seen Melanies goodies and I would LOVE something!!! Elma

Unknown said...

I love hydrangeas too Tina. They were my wedding flower - on the cake, bouquets, basically everywhere. Unfortunately there are so abundant here in CA as on the east coast, so your pictures are a wonderful keepsake. As for Madge, she also says she has never made cookies! Still love her though!

Hydrangea Shrub Varieties