Monday, July 25, 2011

Blackberry Pie.....My Mom's Pie Crust Recipe...Facebook and Twitter

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend.
Well, I decided to sign up for facebook and twitter over the weekend.
I am a little nervous about this, but I think it will be a lot of fun....
KT Merry and Sara Roeder both convinced me to get signed up : ) .
My sister Liz, will be helping me run my  twitter and facebook accounts.
Liz does all of the sewing for my online shop, so she is very knowledgeable as to what is going on.

You can find me here on facebook
and you can find me here on twitter....

Now onto the blackberry pie recipe......
My sister, Monica shared the blackberry filling recipe with me....
I had planned to share this recipe last year and never got around to it...
We are in the middle of blackberry season here, so we picked some blackberries on the ranch to make blackberry pie.
We bake a lot of blackberry pies every summer....

I love this picture of my son Austin, I love that his little hands are stained with blackberry juice
and so are his lips : )

This is about the easiest recipe ever....
For the filling you need....

Blackberry Filling
1. Cup of Sugar
1/3 c. flour
1/2 tsp. of cinnamon
4 Cups of Blackberries
1 TBL. butter
Mix all ingredients together and add to an unbaked pastry shell.

{I like to 1 1/2 times this recipe so I have plenty of filling for the pie)

The recipe for the pie crust is a recipe my mom has used ever since I can remember.
I have tried so many different pie recipes and really this one is my favorite.
I am from a family of 10 kids, so this recipe will make 6 single crust pastry shells....
so if you are making berry pies or fruit pies, where you need a bottom shell and a top layer, the recipe will 
make 3 berry pies....
You can adjust it according to your needs.
Even with having just five kids, I always make the full recipe.

Pie Crust

6 Cups of Flour
3 Cups of Butter
4 tsp. of salt
1 1/2 cups of water

Mix Flour and salt together
cut butter into the flour (until the mixture resembles corn meal)
add water
gently combine your flour and water together (just until dry ingredients are moistened)
divide into six sections, and refrigerate for at least two hours.

Add your berry mixture to your unbaked pastry shell....
Roll out another layer of dough and place over the top of the berries.
Pinch the two layers of dough together.
Be sure and cut in air pockets, and I also like to sprinkle a little sugar on the top of my crusts before putting them into the oven.

Bake for 35 to 45 minutes on 425....
I always loosely cover the edges of my pie crust with aluminum foil to prevent burning.
I take the foil off the last 5 minutes of baking.

My favorite dish to use for baking pies in is the Emile Henry brand.
I really love using their bakeware.
If you would like to read more about Emile Henry and why their bakeware is so special, you can do so by clicking here.

Do you have something you love to bake in the summertime? 
If so please feel free to link to a recipe from your blog in my comment section.

On another note...
We are headed to the fair this week.
I had to share a picture of Bethany with her steer from last year.
Bethany had grand champion 4-H steer last year.
I probably won't be back until next week.
an article about recycling architectural salvage.

On a final note.....
Jeanne is completely sold out of the camera bag....
One lucky winner will be getting the last camera bag, before Jeanne's new fall collection comes out.

I added a few new items to my shop over the weekend, but since we have the fair this week,
I won't be adding any new items until the beginning of next week.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Take Care,


Aimee at The Antique Gardener said...

I love the pictures of Austin and Bethany! And your pies look delicious!!! I'll bring the ice cream....

AT HOME BLOG said...

Hi Maria! Your children are so cute!! :-) I have to try this pie... looks so yummy!!!

Rose Garden Malevik said...

Hi Maria
What a LOVELY Pie :)
and do not miss



Håkan ( The Roseman)

It's me said...

Enjoy a happy week

Angela said...

Spettacolare !!!

A Cozy Cottage in the City said...

Spectacular & yummy!!! I love using Emile Henry for my bakeware needs! In fact, I have that same pie dish!!! ;) Thanks for another lovely post!


Simple Daisy said...

Wow!!! Your pie looks delicious! Fresh berries in the summertime are the best:):)
I'll look for you on Facebook and Twitter!!!!

Amy Chalmers said...

Wow your children are beautiful. I don't know how you take pics of anything else but them!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the recipe Looks yummy..


designchic said...

What beautiful children, and the recipe looks delicious!! Not sure mine would look quite this pretty ~

traci said...

those looks so good maria. i am not a baker. that recipe does seem pretty easy though, maybe i should start. have a good week at the fair.

Kate at Dream To Life said...

I just have to tell you, your blog is so BEAUTIFUL. So calming and serene...and this pie looks fabulous! My mouth is watering :>)

You can do Facebook and Twitter! No worries!

La Dolfina said...

It looks divine!
The photo of your son with his blackberry stained hands is the best!
Have fun at the fair!!

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

Your pie looks amazing!Heading over to your facebook now~ xo Rachel

Shannon said...

It looks like a delicious recipe but I'm confused by the it (sorry!)...divide into 6 sections?? Does that mean it makes 3 pies? So, 2 sections per pie? Help! Thanks!

Dreamy Whites said...

Hi Shannon,

Sorry for the confusion....
so if you are making berry or fruit pies, where you need a bottom shell and a top layer, the recipe will
make 3 berry pies....
If you are making pies that require a pre-baked pastry shell, it will make 6 single crust pies.
Hope this helps.
Take Care,

TheCrankyCrow said...

That pie looks heavenly, Maria!! Thanks for sharing your recipe - especially the crust part....I don't make a lot of pies - mostly because I haven't found a recipe I really love....Will be sure to try yours....Love the photos of Austin and Bethany....Perfect summer! Have a great week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (Have fun and good luck at the fair!)

GwendolynKay said...

What a delish looking pie! I love the picture with the cow... precious!

Lara said...

Hi Maria!

Oh my goodness.. I JUST posted about blackberries, too!! Your pie looks SO delicious.. I could eat all the crust off the top.. I have shamelessly done that before once.. I love the crust mixed with the smashed berries! And I need one of those pie plates - so pretty! Your daughter looks so cute in that pic! I can't wait for our local fair.. it's in Sandwich, IL in a early September. As always.. you take the best pics.. so dreamy! Have a nice week!!


PS - I can't thank you enough, Maria for having me on your introducing area in your sidebar!!! Big hugs to YOU!! :-)

Unknown said...

Good luck at the fair! The pie looks delicious and your photos are gorgeous as usual.

Allison said...

Your kids are adorable. Have fun at the fair! Your pie looks delicious! I will be trying your recipe soon. We had a bunch of peaches and strawberries that a heighbor had given us, so over the weekend I used them and made a really good fruit cobbler. Love Emile Henry bakeware!

laura said...

Everything you do Maria looks yummy! I am always looking to try a new pie receipe...I will make this crust with some fresh peaches we get from Ga. I will look for some fresh berries at the market...Thanks for sharing. xo Laura

under spanish moss said...

The pie looks simply delicious! A perfect summer time surprise for the family. Think we'll give it a try. Happy Monday!
Angela and Renee

Sheri said...

That pie has me drooling, Maria! I like to make this in the summer when the tomatoes are fresh from my garden!


Erica said...

Your children are so cute!! I have to try this pie...yummy!

affordable insurance

Anonymous said...

Your children are adorable and that pie looks delicious..

Anne Marie said...

the pie looks so yummy Maria -

totally cute picture of Austin...and I hope you are doing well!!

Anne Marie

martinealison said...

Je suis certaine que les enfants n'ont pas rechigné à ramasser des mûres... Ils ont dû être conquis par cotre tourte...
Des photos pleines de vie et de bonheur intense...
j'aime aussi particulièrement celle de cette adorable fillette enlaçant ce veau. elle pourrait faire l'oeuvre d'une éventuelle peinture après autorisation bien sûr!
gros bisous

Tutti Chic said...

That pie not only looks delicious but it's sooo pretty! :) chris

manon 21 said...

A essayer de suite,plein de mures dans mon jardin.


A kiss from Provence


Lars John Anderson said...

Well it's about time! FB 'n twitter- haha! just kidding! It's intimidating at first but the lightning fast speed is nice..
I am seriously crossing my fingers that I get blackberries this year.. that pie looks killer!

Enjoy the fair :)

K @ Aurora Blythe said...

Mmmm... That looks simply divine! Blackberry picking is certainly one of the highlights of summer. Your pictures in homage to the summer delight are fabulous! Glad to have happened by today! =)

chris said...

"just five"? that made me laugh!

pie looks yumm.

Carrie Ann Eddleman said...

Hey girl, that pie looks parents grow & sell blackberries so I will definitely be giving this a try. Your children are so the photos. Hugs-Carrie

kate said...

bonjour,comme toujours j'aime beaucoup l'esprit de votre blog..un post sur votre blog sera a l'honneur sur "le calepin de Kate" ..votre recette de blackberry pie est éditée sur mes recettes sucrées ..a voir ?merci pour toutes vos sublimes photos.

Lore♥ said...

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤

Hola mi amiga querida!!
vine para decirte que todos los dias son el dia del amigo y por eso gracias por todos los momentos
que compartimos
momentos llenos de sentimientos
y pensamientos
sueños y anhelos,
secretos, risas y lágrimas,
y sobre todo, amistad.
Gracias por dedicarme tiempo,
tiempo para demostrar tu preocupación por mí,
tiempo para mostrarme tu afecto.
.......... te felicito por este post riquisimo!!!!!!!

bueno te dejo un abrazo grande y quiero que sepas que por mas que no este tan seguido por aqui siempre me acuerdo de vos
un beso grandeeee

BECKY said...

I just love your photos! This pie looks amazing and the pics of your children are sooo charming.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Facebook likes said...

mostly because I haven't found a recipe I really love....Will be sure to try yours....Love the photos of Austin and Bethany..

Anonymous said...

I love this blog!! Such a happy place to come to!! God's blessings to you!!!

Sandra said...

I would love to win the gift certificate. I enjoy reading your blog.

Lydia said...

Your blog always provides a dreamy escape in the middle of a hectic day. And you've inspired me drink out of mason jars, too! Thank you!


Qué fotos más familiares, son preciosas, enhorabuena por tú blog.

Rosey said...

Saw some really cool things in your store. Also several great ideas of what you have done recently. Love your blog!

Donna Lynn said...

I absolutely love your blog. It is informative and quite beautiful. Your children are very lovely.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I love your blog-found you through post road vintage. Your pictures are just so beautiful!

Katarina said...

What a wonderful pie! Love the recipe. And blackberries, too :) Great photos, you're really an profesionalist :)

Annie Oakley's Kitchen said...

I just spotted this beautiful pie on pinterest. It's just lovely and I love the recipe. It let's the fruit be the fruit, lol.

Kristina @ ReMadeSimple said...

looks absolutely amazing.

EmmaB said...

I love this picture, what a beautiful little girl!

oliver said...

I just made this and my husband loves it and let me tell you he is picky lol....thanks so much

CNixon said...

My children just came in with bags, and bags of blackberries asking for me to make a pie! I'm not much of the pie maker, but will try this recipe. I found it on pinterest. Thanks for sharing! BTW--I have five children as well, and we homeschool; fun coming across another large, homeschooling family. :)