Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Girl Behind Sweet as a Candy

Federica is the girl behind the famous blog Sweet as a Candy!
She is a lawyer with a lot of style, who lives in Italy and has a fabulous blog.
I want to dedicate this post to my sweet and very talented (and gorgeous) friend from Italy!
I know a lot of you know her already, but just in case a few of you don't, I would like to introduce her to you! Federica is the kindest person.
Federica was kind enough to let me use some of her photographs from her blog for this post.
All the photographs you see on this post are taken by Federica.
She takes beautiful photographs. I love it when she shows us glimpses of Italy and her home through her lens.
I have always wanted to go to Italy, so to visit her blog is always a treat!

I asked Federica if she would let me ask her a few questions~

I hope you enjoy my little interview

Thank you Federica.

Maria ~ I love your blog, Sweet as a Candy. I think you do such a great job of incorporating interior design, fashion, baking, ideas for parties, and fun things about Italy, all on your blog! Your blog is full of inspiration! What inspired you to start a blog?
Federica~ First of all let me thank you. I am so glad for this post. I am a huge fan of Dreamy Whites and I am honored to be featured on your blog. I started Sweet as a Candy over one year ago. I was, and I am still full of ideas, projects, inspiring pictures, brands, and many other things to share with others. I was already following many American and European blogs that I loved, so I've decided to start my own blog.

Maria~ I love the name of your blog, Sweet as a Candy, I think it is a very fitting name for your blog. How did you come up with the name, Sweet as a Candy?

Federica~I thought that this name could perfectly fit with my sense of style and personal tastes, which include girly, romantic, shabby and provencal.

Maria~ I love your decorating style, how would you describe your style?

Federica~Well my decorating style is a combination of styles. I love country french, shabby chic, and scandinavian design. It can be summed up with one word: Romantic!

Maria~Who is your favorite interior designer?

Federica~ One of my favorite interior designers is Emanuela Marchesini, a talented Italian interior decorator. She is amazing and I truly love her sense of style. Romantic, french and country, all at the same time. Her work represents my taste perfectly.

Maria~What is your favorite design book?

Federica~Oh well I have so many favorite design books. I love collecting them, and I love looking at their gorgeous pictures for some ideas and inspiration. I have several design books...

Maria~ Who is your favorite fashion designer?

Federica~ Hoss Intropia. Absolutely. Feminine and sophisticated. Hoss's dresses are never too much for my wardrobe. I love many other brands as well. I have a thing for fashion, I know. I love clothes, shoes, bags, jewellery... I wish I could wear Chanel, their clothes presents a classic and timeless aesthetic, always fit for the modern day but presenting a more classical charm. Tres chic!
Maria~What is it like to live in Italy?

Federica~Living in Italy is so much fun! I love my country and I am proud to be Italian. We have so many gorgeous places and such a fantastic history. The weather is usually always nice, life-style is very good, great food, great wines, open mind and total freedom. We obviously have some bad aspects, but I love our "Italian Style of Living"! The way of life is relaxed and we know how to enjoy life!

Maria~ Where is your favorite place to shop?

Federica~There are several pretty boutiques in my hometown, Bologna, but two of them are absolutely my favorite. One of them is called, Camera con Vista. It really is a magical place in an old gorgeous old square. But I love to shop online as well, I shop there for clothes, home accessories, and many other things!

Maria~I dream about visiting Italy, Do you have a place that you dream about visiting?

Federica~Yes I do. I love to travel and there are many places I'd like to visit Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Polynesia, and many more. I also love your amazing country and I'd like to visit America again. There are so many beautiful places to see and Americans are fantastic. I haven't ever been to California and it is on my list of places to see.
Thanks Federica for the interview!

Now some pictures of Federica's home!

This is a picture of Federica's living room! I love her white furnishings, I love the mirror she has above the couch. Her home is simple but still has so much style.

I love how she displays family photographs in her home.
Federica has such a great sense of style.

I love her bedroom~ very romantic, but yet simple.

She sets a table so beautifully!

I have learned so much from Federica.

She makes the cutest little flags to adorn her baked goods.

These pictures remind me of what you would see in the Martha Stewart Magazine.

Federica knows how to make her guests feel special.

A gift she wrapped for a friend.

This is just a small sampling of what you get when you visit
I know I feel lucky to have gotten to know Federica through blogging and emailing each other! As you can see she is a very talented girl. She is also a very kind person. I cherish her friendship.

Please stop over and say Hi to Federica. You really need to take the time and go through her blog. It is worth it.
I hope Federica doesn't mind, but I ended up using a lot of her pictures. I couldn't help myself. You all know how I am about pictures!
Thank you Federica for letting me use so many of your photographs!
One more thing~ Federica is always hosting a great giveaway!
That is just a little added bonus when you follow her blog.

This blog world is simply amazing. I cherish the friendships I have made in the 2 1/2 months that I have been blogging! I am very thankful to be apart of this blog world.
I will be back on Thursday instead of Tuesday, with 5 new blogs that were chosen from the giveaway entries.
I hope you all had a great Easter!
Take Care,


Kerry said...

Hi Maria, thanks so much for sharing Federica's blog...I am clearly one of the few people still living under a rock because I hadn't come across her before...and Italy is one of my favourite countries! Off to check it out but I really enjoyed reading your post...thank you.

Little Emma English Home said...

I love Federica blog very much indeed.She's really a talented girl, with a great amount of lovely ideas....

Ps. thanks again for your darling mail, hope you received mine too...

And don't miss my first giveaway!!!!

hugs from me!!

Amanda said...

What a gorgeous home Federica has!! I love the way she styles the table so prettily when entertaining. I haven't seen her blog yet so will definitely be popping over for a visit!! x

Flaviana said...

Maria, thanks for this post!Federica's blog is my everyday fix,not a day goes by without me stopping by. She's so kind and friendly and sweet ,pretty, stylish..ok,she's truly a candy.
Your feature about her is just perfect, well done!!
Hugs, Flaviana

The Apple Market said...

I love Federica's Blog.. i adore her style!

Irene b said...

hi Maria, you are so sweet!
Thank you for sharing one of the most telented girl we have!!! Happy Easter!love irene

Jules said...

Thanks Kerry! Another one to follow...will this never end?!!!!!

Anna White said...

What a beautiful post...about a beautiful girl with a beautiful blog ..thanks for sharing Maria x

FEDERICA said...

My dear friend, thanks so much! I'm honored! You're one of the sweetest person! I've post about this fantastic post today :-)
Thanks soooo much!

Laura@trendinozze said...

Federica is one talented girl and a sweet person too, I am so honored to know her! Thanks Maria for the lovely interview!

Catalina Alvarez said...

Hello Maria!
What a beautiful post!
Yes indeed, Federica is a fantastic person and her blog is so inspiring.
Best regards,

It's me said...

Federica is such a nice person......i really like her.............i follow her ........enjoy your day Maria nice this post over here..........hugs from me...and your blog is so nice too...................bye ! Ria

It's me said...

And..i will follow me to ................have a nice day !!

Red Door Home said...

So enjoyed this post/interview. I have dreamed about going to Italy and this gave me an up close glimpse of what it would be like.

Unknown said...

Federica has a gorgeous blog! And she is so sweet!!! When I started blogging I e-mailed her to ask suggestions and she responded me with very kind words!!! Her blog is one of my daily most beloved readings!
And I love your blog and style too, Maria!!!

Ange said...

It's so late and I'm so tired and all I can remember of this post is those cute little flags!
I will have to re-read this post in the morning Maria. I'm sure I enjoyed it the first time I read it, just can't remember,lol.

Carrie said...

Lovely, thanks for sharing Frederica i'm going to pop on over to her blog now. I adore Italy, it's by far the most wonderful place I've ever been, Frederica is a lucky girl to live there.

Take Care, Carrie

Wendy said...

Thank you for introducing us to Federica's blog...I too must live under the same rock as Kerry. I am so excited to hop over to her blog and become a follower! Beautiful pictues!

Kasey said...

I love Fedrica...shes a doll.
fabulous interview.

Cat said...

What a great post! I am a follower of Sweet as Candy (great blog!) and it is so nice to get to know the person behind the blog!

PS. It also lead me to your blog :)

eva said...

Hi Maria, thank you for sharing about Frederica, I love her blog and will be happy to follow her blog.

Have a great day,


summersundays-jw said...

Thanks so much for the introduction. I'm going over to ck. it out. The pictures are wonderful. I, like you, have always wanted to go to Italy. Sometimes I think women & their blogs can change the world. Jan

Crystel said...

Hi Maria, I too am new to the blogworld, and it's so much fun! I really love your blog, and I am about to check out Federica's blog as well. Most of my family lives in Italy, so I know I'll enjoy it. Thanks for sharing!

http://paintedpinkroses (dot) blogspot (dot) com

OneCraftyFox said...

Your gorgeous girl has a beautiful blog, and these pics!! Such style :)

Hope you are having a great Easter. I'm hosting another giveaway over at my blog, would love it if you joined.

Alli - Cottage Inspiration said...

Maria, thank you for introducing me to Sweet as Candy! I love your blog, and now Federica's too. We recently did a living room makeover (stop by to check it out!), and have added white slipcovered furniture. I am so drawn to the look and am always looking for more white inspiration! Thanks!

Vicki Bray said...

Oh my! Beautiful pictures! Love Sweet as a Candy! Thank you for showcasing her beautiful pictures for us. Now off to finish browsing!

Tricia said...

I've been following Federica's blog ever since you mentioned her last month...LOVE her blog and her home. Thanks for sharing Maria and happy Monday to you!

Gina said...

OK, OK, I will just have to follow Sweet As A Candy also - I can't believe that I missed out on her blog - but I will check her blog out - even if I have to stay up till the early morning to look at it - I have a feeling that is what is going to happen - thanks so much Maria for telling us about her - she really seems wonderful...hope you had a great Easter!!!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Wonderful post, thank you for sharing her blog and this great glimpse into her life.

Anonymous said...

I must say I love these type of posts. I'm always on the lookout for great blogs to add to my daily "must reads". Dreamy whites has been on that list for a while and now I can add Sweet as a Candy.

Thank you!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

such a lovely post! I'm a great follower of Federica's blog! hope you have a wonderful week! xo

Tiina said...

federica is such a sweetheart! lovely post Maria!

Anonymous said...

Seems like Federica should be invited to California!

Tania - Grange de Charme said...

This interview is such a nice idea ! and I love Federice's blog !I like her style and thanks her I discover the talented designer Emmanuela Marchesini. Italy is on my list again for a futur visit !

Unknown said...

I am amazed!!!!!! Ofcourse I knew F's blog ;).....but this interview is SO nice!!!!
I'm gonna follow your blog, and again I am amazed!!! You have almost 1300 followers!!!!!!!!!!!! You MUST be great;)!!!
I'm IN!!!!!;)


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Great pick, Maria! Love Federica's blog. Your blog is very lovely as well! Became your newest follower so I don't have to miss any future posts..
Have a wonderful new week!

Cielo Azul Jewelry said...

This makes me smile=0) I love Italy and I was lucky enough to go 4yrs in a row!!!! I miss it and this blog made me remember just how much I love the way they live and their style.


DustyLu said...

Love Frederica! Great taste and style! Super guest post! Thank you for sharing! ~lulu

K said...

Thank you so much for showcasing Federica's blog! I'm pretty new to the blogging world, too, so I hadn't come across her yet. I love her home! I'm getting so much inspiration for the home we just moved into from blogs like yours, and now I have one more to draw from. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Maria,

Thanks for sharing! I'm still a "green" in blogging. I just started my own. I'm from Belgium and love the European style too. Bologna is a town I visited every year twice, as I went to Bari to catch the Ferry to Greece.
I will go take a look to Frederica's blog right now.


Unknown said...

Hi Maria,

Thanks for sharing! I'm still a "green" in blogging. I just started my own. I'm from Belgium and love the European style too. Bologna is a town I visited every year twice, as I went to Bari to catch the Ferry to Greece.
I will go take a look to Frederica's blog right now.


Unknown said...

Hi Maria,

Thanks for sharing! I'm still a "green" in blogging. I just started my own. I'm from Belgium and love the European style too. Bologna is a town I visited every year twice, as I went to Bari to catch the Ferry to Greece.
I will go take a look to Frederica's blog right now.


Unknown said...

Hi Maria,

Thanks for sharing! I'm still a "green" in blogging. I just started my own. I'm from Belgium and love the European style too. Bologna is a town I visited every year twice, as I went to Bari to catch the Ferry to Greece.
I will go take a look to Frederica's blog right now.


Unknown said...

Hi Maria,

Thanks for sharing! I'm still a "green" in blogging. I just started my own. I'm from Belgium and love the European style too. Bologna is a town I visited every year twice, as I went to Bari to catch the Ferry to Greece.
I will go take a look to Frederica's blog right now.


Unknown said...

Hi Maria,

Thanks for sharing! I'm still a "green" in blogging. I just started my own. I'm from Belgium and love the European style too. Bologna is a town I visited every year twice, as I went to Bari to catch the Ferry to Greece.
I will go take a look to Frederica's blog right now.


Emily said...

What a treat it would be to be featured on your blog! Thank you for sharing this blog, sweet as candy, can't wait to check it out!

LuLu said...

Visiting your blog is such a sweet treat for me.... thank you for introducing me to Sweet as Candy.... it was absolutely delicious!

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

I'm so glad you featured her! She is so sweet, her picutres are amazing and she is so full of talent! live in Italy, she makes me dream :)
Have a wonderful day!

vosgesparis said...

sweet as candy indeed :) I loved the little intervieuw and ofcourse I love Iralia!

Lou said...

Really pretty bunch of pictures and I liked the 'interview' questions. Oh to be able to shop at Hoss Intropia - but I can barely find it here in the UK. Will keep searching ;-)

Anne Lorys said...

Hi Maria!
Thanks so much for introducing me to Federica and her beautiful blog!
Little known fact, while most everyone else is ooohing and aaahing over French this and Paris that, I am crazy about Italy and Rome!

We cam thisssss close to going to Rome on our honeymoon three years ago, and plan a trip there within the next year. I can't wait! In the meantime, I'll enjoy Federica's gorgeous blog and glimpses into Italian life. :-)

Big hugs,

annie said...

I love Sweet as Candy as well! Your blogs are a perfect match!

Robyn said...

I VERY much enjoyed Frederica's blog! Her photos are lovely! I love taking a peek into "everyday" France...thank you!


Reading this delightful blog post was rather like having a delicious dessert tonight. Thanks so much.

Ness Lockyer said...

A beautiful blog for sure. I loved your interview Maria!
Take care,
Ness xx

Andi's English Attic said...

Thank you for pointing the way to Federica's blog. I'm absolutely looking forward to dropping in. Such lovely photographs and settings. xx

Bonnie said...

Simply beautiful post Maria! You are such a great interviewer!! :)

Thank you so much for sharing, I'm looking forward to checking out her blog.

Best wishes and Happy Tuesday!


Marija said...

This is all so terrific! Love learning all of this. Always so happy to see another lawyer turned blogger :)


Petie said...

This is really random, but I am making the MS tissue puffs for my daughters wedding, the little ones that go on the napkins (just have to say thank you for this idea, they are going to look amazing) and I was wondering if you have any tips on storing them and transporting them so that they don't get crushed? I couldn't find your e-mail, so I am hoping you read this comment.
Still loving your blog,

Anonymous said...

salut maria tu nous fait rever et c'est ca qui est reussi .tres joli blog! anna de lorraine en france

Gli Orsi di Silvia said...

Ciao Maria, sono Silvia dall'Italia. Il blog di Federica è stato il primo che ho conosciuto, è decisamente fantastico e lei è una persona adorabilie. Grazie a lei ho conosciuto anche il tuo blog, complimenti tornerò a trovarti molto spesso.
A presto,

Gli Orsi di Silvia said...

Ciao Maria, sono Silvia dall'Italia. Il blog di Federica è stato il primo che ho conosciuto, è decisamente fantastico e lei è una persona adorabilie. Grazie a lei ho conosciuto anche il tuo blog, complimenti tornerò a trovarti molto spesso.
A presto,

Melanie said...

Hi Maria!

I don't know what is going on with our e-mails! :)

I would love to feature your blog on mine if that is okay. You know how much I love you:D E mail or call me to let me know.... ( I will send you an e mail with my phone number. Would love to chat with you!)

I hope all is well in California.
Talk soon!

Lori said...

What a beautiful post. Dreamy! Love you blog!! Soo inspiring. I found you through the BlogFrog and I look forward to seeing you around the community. Pretty!
All the Best,
Lori (the BlogFrog)

Courtney said...

her home is sooo lovely! thanks for this interview. Hey, I JUST posted pics of my master bedroom makeover, partly inspired by you and Sarah of A Beach Cottage. I think you might like my color choice! ;-)

Andrea said...

I love it when I find a new pretty blog!

A Room For Everyone said...

I'm quite in awe of blogs like Sweet as Candy, they are so varied and interesting. What a talented girl..Rachaelxx

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Maria,
I've been reading Federica's blog for a long time now. You have said everything there is to say . Her blog is beautiful and she is such a talented girl.... and many congratulations to her on her engagement, too. I can't wait for her to share her wedding preparations with us. I think that the wedding will be spectacular. They are such a gorgeous couple.
I also won one of her giveaways which are a beautiful pair of earings.
A lovely interview of a lovely girl, Maria. XXXX

Jan @ BellaCasa said...

Ok, you appear to decorate a lot with whites. How can you keep the couches, bedspreads, etc. clean. I want to start decorating the public rooms with white slipcovers and pillows, but I'm concerned with dirty hands, food and drink spills, etc. You have a few kiddos...I have two young grandsons. I just can't imagine how people decorate using so much white. Do you have slipcovers for your slipcovers or what?

Jess said...

I am SOO glad that Robyn won the giveaway! She sounds very deserving and I wish the best to her and her family. All of these girls have SUCH cute blogs...I am already a follower of a couple!

tamara said...

I LOVE your blog. I'm new to the world of blogging, someone just gave me the "sunshine award" now I'm giving it to you. Details are on my blog at


I've reached your blog from Zaira's pages and I am so glad I0ve found you!Ok, homework for the week end: visiting every detail of your blog and the blogs you have awarded!Have a good day. Fra

Deepali Kalia Interior Design Blog Filling Spaces said...

Your blog is very dreamy! i am glad i found you!

Pétales de fée said...

Thank you for all the beautiful blogs and the beautiful girls... I love so much your lilac photos to!

Je n'arrive pas à tout lire car mon anglais n'est pas trop performant!
Ton blog est tellement joli à voir, ce White partout... cette belle atmosphère!
Thank you!

Cathy M~(checkitoff) said...

Such wonderful photos. Great interview with Federica.Yes, Maria you must go to Italy. We took our 3 kids a few years ago & you can read a bit about it in my blog~ there are 3 posts about it starting with this one: