Hello everyone!
I am sorry for being so absent this week.
I had a very busy week with my family.
I was lucky to have my brother and his family visit me this week.
I haven't seen him in almost three years.
It was so much fun to see my brother and his family. They have seven kids!
My kids were in heaven playing with all of their cousins.
Peonies are my favorite flower.
I couldn't pass up these peonies at Whole Foods.
My favorite kind of peony are the Sarah Bernhardt peonies.
These bottom two photos were shot looking through a mirror.

Okay now onto the tin ceiling.
One thing I have learned is not to post about a redo maybe until we have finished it.
This is taking us forever.
A lot of things have come up and has delayed the entire process.
First my husband put half inch plywood up.

Then he nailed the 100 year old tin to the plywood.
Here it is!
Still not finished though.

These tins were taken out of a church that was built in the 1800s.
The church was over in New Hampshire.
My sister found them at a salvage yard. (that is no longer in business)
The church had started on fire and a lot of the tins have smoke damage.
So they do need painted.
We used a Kilz primer before painting them.
This keeps the rust from bleeding through.
It still isn't painted yet, because it still needs caulked.
Once my husband puts caulk in the seams, I will paint them.
Just so you know I am capable of caulking, but it wouldn't be up to my husband's standards.
I want to thank all of you for taking the time to leave me such sweet comments.
You guys always bring a smile to my face.
I have been away from my computer for almost a week.
I feel bad when that happens, but I hope you all understand.
Take Care,
Happy to see that you are back. I know how it is to miss family...my dad is coming for a visit on friday. Your tin ceiling looks gorgeous!! You and your husband have done a fantastic job. I can't wait to see it painted. Have a great day.
♥ Toni
Welcome back! It's such a busy time of year..I've been in absentia too. :) Love the peonies. The ceiling is gorgeous. I've wanted to do this to my kitchen, but the problem is the adjoining hallway. There's just not a great stopping point...unless I put something decorative there. Now you have my wheels turning!
I absolutely LOVE your tin ceiling. We don't have anything like that in the U.K. I could buy one tin tile here and they cost £155.00 each !! Yep, you heard me right....one hundred and fifty five pounds for one !! Imagine how much a ceiling would cost to do over here !!...I am quite envious of your ceiling !! haha
.... and, peonies are one of my absolute favourites as well. Such a beautiful flower. Mine aren't out yet but they won't be long. Yours look so pretty in that container.I have Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine delivered to me but, I get mine a little later than you. It is my favourite magazine of all time !!
Have a wonderful Sunday, Maria. XXXX
looks wonderful! which room is it in? i cant wait to see more pics!missed ya! glad your back! xo
Absolutely stunning peonie photography Maria! They look so good in that vintage watering can! I have just recently discovered JDA Living from reading French Larkspur.. can't wait to own a issue and sit down with some coffee and swoon over the photography. :) Your tin ceiling is gonna be fabulous!!
:) Lara
I am a complete peony fanatic and I just saw huge buckets of them at Whole Foods...it was extremely difficult to pass them by...but I should have blooms in the yard before long! Gorgeous photos!
The tin ceiling!!! Awesome! I'd like to know, does your cowboy enjoy this interior work? It takes an incredible amount of pleaded of my engineer to get him to lift a hammer! Anyway, so envious of your beautiful ceiling...thanks for sharing the early photos!
Glad your back!
xoxo Beth
Hi...so happy you had a great time visiting with your family! Your photos are so beautiful...I love peonies too. The tin ceiling looks heavenly!
GORGEOUS!!! I've been wanting to do a vintage tin ceiling since we moved into our house....just haven't come across any. Willing to share where you got your?:) LOVE your dreamy white house!!!! I have been inspired to change out my house....soon!!
LOVE the ceiling - it looks excellent. Congratulations to you both for all your hard work. Keep at it.
I love Peonies...in fact, I just got some myself. And the tin ceiling is looking great - it'll be stunning once it's done.
Happy Sunday, dear!
gorgeous! I can't wait to see it finished~
have a marvelous rest of your weekend,
It is looking Good!! I wrote the same thing on my blog about not posting a project until I am almost done. I learned that on my porch post. I tend to Enjoy the Process!! But that usually means, taking my time. This is all new to me also. We are learning aren't we? Love the tiles it looks great!! Family always has to come first, no apology needed, Happy Sunday,Kathysue
Missed you, but glad you had such a fun week with family. Peonies are one of my favorites as well. Your pictures are so pretty! And your tin ceiling is gorgeous. I know you love it. I sure would. Love & blessings from NC!
WOW! That is going to look GORGEOUS=0)
You are a lucky ducky,
love the peonie pictures. Your ceiling is looking amazing so far
Love those flowers. The tin ceiling looks great!!
The peonies are beautiful!! I do so LOVE your style and would love to get more of that feeling in my home. Thanks for all the inspiration!! :) ~ Jo
P.S. Love your tin ceiling, too! Can't wait to see it when you get it all done! ~ Jo
Gorgeous Maria!! I'm glad you had such a great time with family, don't ever feel bad for being away, our families come first :) I love your flowers, my wedding boquet was filled with them, one of my favorites as well! My hubby doesn't like it when I caulk either, isn't that funny. But I must say I have gotten pretty good at it. Have a wonderful Sunday!
The peonies are to die for. Beautiful pics!
Wowwww.i love your ceiling !!! and what a beautiful peonies!!
Lovely post today,..i enjoy !!!.happy evening.hugs from Ria.......
Wow, Love the ceiling. And what's so very cool is that the tiles are the real thing. How did you ever find so many? And then the peonies, If spring ever comes to Idaho, maybe mine will bloom. I am in complete envy and can't wait for your next post. Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing.
ooohhh I've got peony fever too! I'm patiently waiting for my 5 bushes to bloom!! And they are sooo huge this year, I can't wait. I was at a flea market yesterday and rubbed some tin just like yours. yes I rubbed it, and loved it...but didn't know where the heck I'd put it, so I left it...: ( but now I'm thinking my bathroom! Thanks for sharing and inspriring yet again...
I'm waiting quietly for my peonies to burst in the garden. I've also bought two new ones this year - sorbet!
I love them, and your tin ceiling! gives me an idea for my kitchen ceiling.
Looks fantastic!
I'm so glad that you were able to spend some family time. Those are the momments you can really cherish forever :)
Oh my goodness!!!! Your ceiling is just beautiful!!! Ya'll did an awesome job on it..xoxox Susie
I love your ceiling! I have been wanting to do this in my dining room, however I did install a tin backsplash in my kitchen. Can't wait to see it completely finished!
Don't make it too perfect or you'll lose the charm. Funny, isn't it, how just that pitcher full of peonies makes the entire room come alive. Brilliant! I envy your happiness with your adorable husband and children...it is just precious. xx's Marsha
Lovely ceiling.Im amazed, so sweet.Ive never heard of doing that,but its gorgeous.
Happy Sunday!
Wunderschöner Look! Die Pfingsrosen sehen so schön aus in dieser Zinnkanne! Sie können so tolle Bilder schießen. Mit welche Kamera machen Sie Ihre Fotos?
Die Decke ist ja toll geworden!
Schöne Grüße aus Deutschland!
As you probably know, I ADORE peonie-I just did a post on them too.
I love your pictures-so pretty! I picked up mine from Whole foods too. If it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't have had any at all this year, they were very reasonably priced.
That tin ceiling is fabulous!!
Peonies are gorgeous! I also posted on them a couple of weeks back.
Maria, never, EVER feel like you have to apologize for taking away from the computer to live your life. Never!
Of course we miss you when you're away, but I think most of us could benefit from a week away from blogging just to re-charge our creative juices. I know I certainly could!
And, oh...that tin ceiling is incredible! What a wonderful find! It will be worth all the trouble, just keep telling yourselves that. ;-)
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Love your tin ceiling it looks fabulous and adds so much to your room. So much more beautiful than the ordinary "popcorn" or trowled ceilings which are so "builder" boring.
Do your kids love playing on the ladder. I'd have to peel my grandsons off of it probably a hunddred times.
Lovely home...come by for a visit sometime.
Jan @ BellaCasa
Love your tin ceiling it looks fabulous and adds so much to your room. So much more beautiful than the ordinary "popcorn" or trowled ceilings which are so "builder" boring.
Do your kids love playing on the ladder. I'd have to peel my grandsons off of it probably a hunddred times.
Lovely home...come by for a visit sometime.
Jan @ BellaCasa
Love your tin ceiling it looks fabulous and adds so much to your room. So much more beautiful than the ordinary "popcorn" or trowled ceilings which are so "builder" boring.
Do your kids love playing on the ladder. I'd have to peel my grandsons off of it probably a hunddred times.
Lovely home...come by for a visit sometime.
Jan @ BellaCasa
I love peonies but I have never seen them for sale as a cut flower in the UK. I did manage to get some (out of season as well!) to go in my wedding bouquet but that was a job and a half!
Hi Maria! SO glad I stopped by today. I've gotten behind on my blog reading. Your peonies are just gorgeous! Looving that tin ceiling as well. Fabulous! You have such a beautiful home and I love looking at it...like a breath of fresh air! Hope you are doing well! And glad to see you had a nice visit with family! That is a lot of kids all in one place. I'm sure there were lots of great memories made! Have a fantabulous Sunday! God Bless!!
MomTog Diaries
How absolutely divine is your ceiling!!
And i love the peonies, may need to plant some I think!
Love the peonies, great shots! xx
It looks fantastic, what a great idea!
oh, and the flowers are to die for!
Oh Maria, I know exactly what you mean! I started what I thought would be a quick kitchen makeover - you know, wait until hubby is away for work, and in those three days, paint all of my timber cabinets white? Of course, I blogged about it too, thinking it would only take a few days. Well, after a couple of weeks I've finally finished and will be posting all the pics tomorrow! So much for a quick makover. But hey, it looks so much better and it was worth taking the time to do it properly. Your ceiling looks sensational, so don't worry, we'll all be here waiting for the unveiling! K xx
You and I both know that blogging is not everything BUT I also feel bad if I dont post reasonably often!! Adore the pressed tin ceilings, my friend over here in Australia has an 1800's house with original tin ceilings, i drool every time i see them.
alicia :0)
ps. aargh open id not working so have posted with my old google id!
What stunning flowers! Your ceiling looks great - what a great find! I know what you mean about posting a half done reno - I have done that with my art room and it's been months an nothing has happened!
The vintage pitcher full of peonies is a real treat for my eyes!
I cannot get enough of peonies and I wish I could grown them, but here on the coast they just can't survive.
Your tin ceiling is looking good.
I am waiting patiently for my peonies to bloom, because I know they don't last very long and I absolutely LOVE them! Thanks for sharing yours today. And what a gorgeous tin ceiling! I have tin ceiling dreams myself! :)
Glad you had a nice visit with your brother and his family. Sounds like a full house!
Nice to have you back!
Hi Maria,those peonies were definitely dreamy and so perfect contrasting with the tin jug.I love your photos,so clever.But I oh so want that tin ceiling. I used to dream of having a kitchen with pressed metal panels but im yet to get that. Maybee one day!
Hi Maria~~still waiting for my peonies to blossom! The ones you have are so pretty in the pitcher. LOVE the pink ones the best. We used them in my daughters wedding bouquet, and they looked like cabbage roses...so beautiful!
Your ceiling is looking GOOD!!!
Hugs to you,
The Peonies are gorgeous in the tin container. So glad you had a nice visit with your family. I can't wait to see the finished ceiling. It looks amazing so far!
The peonies are beautiful. We have dark pink here...they were supposed to be light pink. Your ceiling is coming along nicely. It's great you found enough.
Hello sweet Maria! I think we are all feeling the crunch of being super busy lately...the added work {which I love} of working on the outside now as well as end of the school year stuff, etc. has me scrambling! I can't seem to keep up with anything lately!
Your pictures are just soooooooo gorgeous!!! I wish I could find peonies that nice at a store around here. Your photography is always such a treat to look at!!! BEAUTIFUL!
The ceiling is going to be beyond fabulous {already looks amazing}!! Don't worry about it taking you a long time...not every redo goes quite as planned :)
Talk to you soon ~
:) T
p.s. hope you got a chance to take a little breather this weekend and have some fun!!!
Bring on the peonies! We all adore them, don't we? If only they bloomed a bit longer...but maybe that is precisely what makes our hearts yearn?? Mine are in the shade and are still tight, round balls. Soon though, soon!
Your ceiling is super dreamy, by the way, but I'm sure you already knew that. ;)
Have a great week, Maria! Feel heaven shine down on you.
Your ceiling looks fabulous and what a cool story about the tiles. I adore peonies too, but unfortunately they don't do well here in the hot and humid south.
Your peony pics are beautiful and I agree - they're my absolute favourite flower also. Your ceiling is coming along nicely and I can't wait to see it all done! It's great to have a story behind it!
So nice that you've had some quality time with family this week. xx
Gorgeous flowers! And that tin ceiling is looking amazing! LOVE!
My peonies are just about to bloom (usually June 1, but this year it may be a bit earlier!). Our little town hosts a National Peony show ever few years. I took my kiddos last year & we all enjoyed it! It was heaven being in a room full of the heavenly blooms. Some people shipped them in from across the country. It was very detailed what they had to do to get them to bloom on time! So enjoy your peonies & your new ceiling!
Hola, beautiful pictures in that pitcher with those beautiful peonies, and your tins are awesome!!! I really wonder how you managed with 5 children and a brother with 7, incredible!!!
Greetings from Chile,
Maria Cecilia
Hello darling!! It's so nice to have you back! I missed you!!
Your peonies are really fantastic, they're my fav flowers.They look great in your living. And what about the ceiling? I love it!! It's really so you!!
I'm sorry I still haven't mailed you but my recovering is a bit slow, I still don't feel well 100%But I want to do it this very week.
Wish you a great week xxx
Beautiful flowers! And that ceiling is amazing! Have a lovely monday!
Kristin xx
Your peonies are just beautiful Maria, as is your new tin ceiling! It looks fabulous, what a clever pair you and your husband are!! Enjoy both your beautiful flowers and your tin ceiling:)~ Tina xx
Sou do Brasil e navegando por sites de decoração,cheguei até aqui.
Fiquei encantada com tudo que vc faz.Tudo muito lindo.
As flores são lindas!!
Vou seguir o seu blog.Parabéns!!
Até mais.
i love to peek in for some inspiration!
gorgeous new look!
Hi dear Maria!!! I love your peonies, they are just beautiful!! and what a gorgeous work you and your husband have done with the ceiling!
Wow you have met your brother after 3 years? That's an event and I'm glad you've celebrated it!!! I think that with 12 kids runnin everywhere it has been an incredible week!
Gorgeous! Your photos are amazing as always. Sorry I have not stopped by lately to leave a comment - been sooo busy. Your talent never stops amazing me! All the best, Lori
That tin ceiling looks fantastic! Wow!
I've been picking mine up from whole foods as well. Those are also my favorite peonies. They're so delicate they almost look fake! Like tissue paper or something...
I love the peonies! I just posted a picture of them on my last post. I also saw some this weekend at Whole Foods...I should have picked them up! Oh, and I love, love, love the ceiling!
Have a wonderful day!
Love your blog . love that other people have lots of kids there the best. I have 6 i love them so much. Come see Chateaumonette.blogspot.com
Happy to see you online again Maria!
Your peonies are wonderful!
I love them too :-)
They're my faves flowers. I bough a beautiful bouquet of peonies the other day, you can see some pics in my blog :-)
Your friend,
Gorgeous!! The flowers and the ceiling!! Have a wonderful week!
The tiles are beautiful! I can relate to the husband's standard vs. mine on projrcts like this. ☺ But then he never makes the bed to my standard so I guess it works both ways! Ha! The flowers are beautiful (some of my favorites too!)
I bet your kids really did have a lot of fun with their cousins. Family fun is always worth taking a break for!
☺ Celeste
The tiles are darling~ What a fabulous idea! :) You inspire me! Keep up the darling blog!
Peonies are my favorite too. Don't they just scream romance?
Your ceiling looks great!
This weekend, I did an all white post on my blog and I thought of you. Your posts are always so beautiful, thanks for the eye candy.
I absolutley adore your blog. It was one of the first blogs I looked at , and you were a real inspiration in starting my own blog. You have an intrinsic style and your home looks beautiful. I agree with you about the beauty of peonies, I have planted some in my garden here in England, I so hope they bloom.
warm wishes
x x x
Peonies in all colours, I love them as well. Very pretty pictures all over here!
Best regards to you, dear Maria!
Maria! I would love to have all those peonies on my kitchen counter!!
those light pink ones have such a wonderful scent don't they?
I so wish you could have come to the barn sale I had!
have a great week!!
Anne Marie
Like I said in my email, spending time with the ones you love is so much more inportant then blog posting ;) I like those ceilings, we don't have things like that here in Holland.
I am looking forward to the next few posts!
have a great week Maria.
peonies are my favorite too :)
Wow what a great ceiling!!!
Maria - good to see you back! :) We always love your posts!!!! You have the same peonies that I do in my garden. The tree peonies always bloom first (usually around Mother's Day and last for a good 2 weeks or so). My 'Sarah Bernhardts' just popped yesterday. Love'em!
I've always wanted one of those vintage watering cans. Where did you find it?
Your tin ceiling is look fabulous already, girl! Wow! Sooo beautiful!
Hugs ~
Hi sweet lady, your peony photos are just so lovely. I love Sarah Bernhardt peonies too, in fact I just planted three of them in my gardens. I would love to have that many blooms at one time, so I can't wait till they get really big and full. Your ceiling is looking great, good luck with getting it all completed. : ) Carrie
Peonies are my fav too. And LOVE the smell. Just planted 5 along the garage this weekend. Too late for blooms this year but next year! For this year I still have to mooch from the neighbors rental house. Love the tin ceiling too!
Peonies are my fav too. And LOVE the smell. Just planted 5 along the garage this weekend. Too late for blooms this year but next year! For this year I still have to mooch from the neighbors rental house. Love the tin ceiling too!
I love peonies! And whole foods! Your ceiling looks awesome! :)
I love how your tin ceiling is turning out. And I totally identify with you - I have seven kids and my brother and family are here visiting with us and they have five kids! The cousins are having a blast!
Your ceiling is yummy. Reminds me of wedding cake...maybe I am hungry.
Oh what a lovely blog i found!
Jummy jummy!!!!!
So many nice pictures, and i love that on peonis, so beautiful......
Coming back soon!
Hi Maria! Been here before but I don´t think I have left a comment. I must say that I just adore your blog, love your style!! The pink peonies at the table a lovley. Your pics gives me a lot of inspiration, always!! The tin ceiling looks great. Have a nice day. Greetings from Sweden. Love //Paula
happy that you are back...I was looking out for your next post.
Lovely celling and beautiful peonies. I am also waiting for the latest Jeanne dárc living.
Love this post!
I love peonies. They are just starting to come out at my house, which is fairly early. I'm going to plant even more this year because they are such a beautiful flower. Your ceiling is great too! I wonder why the salvage yard went out of business. It seems like its a booming time for all things salvage.
we went to whole foods & grabbed some for our home....not as many as you did though!
Yours look amazing!!!
i have practiced with my new lens & peonies have been my subject
i'm embarassed to admit just how many photos i took of them...but they are so heavenly arent they?
your project looks so great already!
This is awesome Maria !!! Gosh, the ceiling will look absolutely fantastic with those 100 years old tins. How did you get your hands on those ?? Fabulous Idea, I also love how you show the step by step process. It is so helpful if we want to design something similar in our own livingroom. Are you going to hang a beautiful chandelier on to it ? :)) Just the though of light that reflects over your head would be beautiful.
Thank you ever so much for your lovely e-mail Maria, you always gives a lot of yourselfs. You are a generous person!
Hugs, Aina
* The peonies, the most pretty ballerina dresses I know! :))
This is totally unrelated to your post (which was beautiful, as usual!), but I'm wondering if you could post pics of your sons' rooms. My little boy is moving out of his nursery into a "big boy" room, and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to decorate it. I love all your pics and always feel so inspired after looking at your blog. Much thanks in advance if you can do this, and no problem if you can't; I'm sure you're really, really busy. I love your blog and have been reading almost since day one. So beautiful.
i JUST found your beautiful blog and am over-the-top smitten with your dreamy photos and amazing projects! rock on!
i'm off to click the follower button.
those images of the peonies are absolutely stunning!!
BEAUTIFUL...I just love those flowers, great photos.
Just wanted to pop on over and let know I now have a new blog address.
Please pop on over and connect with me again (google friend connect), as I dont want to lose any of my lovely followers.
I have also added you to my new blog roll
Hope your having a nice week
Louise @ Illume Design Invites
OH my...I love the flowers in the tin! Spectacular!! Link up to my Centerpiece Wednesdays today!! This is perfect.
Karin :)
Maria - I've gotta ask you where you ever got that gray French pitcher? I've been looking soooo long for one!! Please drop me a note on my blog! Thanks, friend!
xoxo laurie@heavenswalk
Hi Maria
I love love love these photographs
I am setting up a new site called shabbyfrench.com.au and shabbyfrench.com and I would love to use or purchase some of your photographs. Can you email me please after you have thought about it. Thank you sooo much. I would be honoured to have them on my new website. Hope you have a great day!
Kind Regards
Sonia Kircher
other email
That's a great ceiling, didn't know anything like that existed, never seen it before, must be something typical for California or the U.S. then probably?
You're so lucky your husband wants to take on interior jobs!
I just now found your blog. I also love your tin ceiling. I am very fortunate to own a home that is over 100 years old. We have tin ceilings in our kitchen, entry way, dining room and also in one bedroom upstairs. I love them. My husband wanted to lower the ceilings which would have meant covering them up! I panicked and thought oh no, no, no. Thankfully, he changed his mind. They are so much of the charm of our home. Only problem is we live in Maine and it gets quite cold here in the winter. But a few years ago we put in a wood furnace and now I wouldn't have any other heat. It goes right through you and even warms your bones. Hmmmmm. lovely.. Good luck with your ceiling, I'm sure by now it's completed. I also love peonies, I have lots of them and also roses. They are my two favorites.
So wonderful photos of the flowers in the can! I love it! :)
Just found your blog today.... love the beautiful photos! I'll be back.
It looks fantastic, what a great idea!
oh, and the flowers shooooooooo beautiful
send gifts to pakistan
Hello . that's so nice that you are enjoying a happy life with your family and the flowers you uploaded was amazing seems so fresh its great to see and feel so relaxing good to see u back Maria .
send gifts to Pakistan
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