Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Favorite Pankcakes and Waffles Cookbook....Fete Et Fleur..... and House of Fifty

Hello Everyone!
I hope you are all having a great week.
I wanted to share the name of one of my favorite pancakes and waffles cookbooks with you...
 I thought this inexpensive cookbook would make a great Mother's Day gift...
Kate Haberson

I can't tell you how much I love this cookbook....
It has the best belgian waffle recipe as well as pancake recipes...
Kate Haberson

My brother and sister were here for the weekend...
So I decided to make the Quick Vanilla Waffles recipe from the book....

I think my husband and brother were a little annoyed when I pulled out the camera to snap a few pictures....
So I had to be quick....
They were ready to eat.....
I actually didn't even finish setting the table before snapping a few pictures....

I kept the table setting very simple....I know it actually looks quite bare.... try to imagine ball canning jars for glasses and silverware around the table : )

I threw on two red striped grain sacks on the ends of the table.
I used an antique  hemp linen towel for the middle of the table....

We made a strawberry and blueberry salad.... 
Slice up a couple of cups of strawberries...
throw in some blueberries....
add about a half of a cup of sugar.... 
And mix...

I used four french canning jars... 
and then used a clear canning jar to put the lilacs in.....

We made homemade whipping cream to go along with the waffles.
Just beat heavy whipping cream on high....
add vanilla and sugar for extra flavor...
My favorite brand of vanilla to use is 
My brother wasn't impressed with my homemade whipping cream : )
I don't think it was sweet enough for him....
I have another brother who likes to eat his waffles with ice cream.

I put the strawberry salad and the whipping cream in ironstone bowls on opposite ends of the table.

I used a variety of ironstone plates that I have found at tag sales over the years.

Next time I will try and finish setting the table before taking pictures....

I had to share a few pictures of my youngest brother Carter who was here visiting this weekend.
He is the baby of the family (Carter is number 10)
I made him pose for a couple of pictures before he left....

Carter is currently going to school at Thomas Aquinas College.
I have been lucky to be able to see him a couple of different times this year...

On another note....
I wanted to share a few pictures that Nancy (Fete et Fleur) sent me.

Nancy sent me these pictures she had taken yesterday of the items she won....

I love the way Nancy styled and photographed everything....
Thank you Nancy for letting me share your  photographs on my blog....
Nancy has a beautiful home and beautiful blog.

On a final note....

I wanted to share a link to a very inspiring e-zine that Janell, author of the blog Isabella & Max has created....
It will be live April 25th...
Thank you Janell for asking me to be a contributor for your first issue.

I hope you get a chance to subscribe to 
{ and it is free : ) }

I hope you all enjoy your Easter Sunday.
I will be back sometime next week...
Take Care,


vosgesparis said...

Hello Maria
It is all looking gorgeous as always ! Hello to your brother ;) I hope you all have a very good eastern
hugs from Amsterdam

Claudia Leertouwer said...

Thank You for sharing Your beautiful pictures to us. I’m very inspired by You and started dreaming in white. I decided to takes a lot of white pictures and I just started!

Home and Lifestyle said...

Wow...your pictures are fantastic! I wish you and your family also a happy Easter!!!

Many hugs from the Netherlands, Ingrid

Signe said...

Such amazing images and that is an inviting table if I ever saw one :)

Happy Easter!

Lynne said...

Thank you and your family for sharing your beautiful breakfast table.(I know how it is with the camera and blogging...we are all photo journalists.)
Best of love and Easter blessings to all at your home!

Yvonne - Frl. Klein said...

Hello Maria,
your table looks so gorgeous! The lilacs on it, are really beautiful!
I love pancakes! Your´s looks so delicious!
Your photos are stunning!
Have a happy easter!

Lori said...

Baby of ten kids! Big families can be fun, I am one of 5 kids. I always thougth that was alot! Love your chairs, did you paint them or find them that way. I have IKEA wooden ones and have been thinking about painting them.

Lori said...

Oh I signed up for House of Fifty e-zine too.

Brenda said...

Yum scrum - I love waffles!!! Something that you might like to try with your berry salad. Now it sounds a little weird but if you like the herb Basil chop a small bunch up finely (not too much as you don't want it to over power the berries) and fold it through. It's fantastic. Once you've tried it you'll never go back!

Karen said...

Your table setting looks fantastic and your waffles look even more delicious!! Looks like it would be the perfect thing to make for Easter brunch!!


Unknown said...

Hi Maria, I love a simple table setting and yours is perfect. I'm making that fruit salad today!
Your brother is a cutie pa tootie..
Just returned from Lakeside was great.
Enjoy your day!

styleLinx said...

Your table looks beautiful...even without silverware! & the waffles look delish!! Nice that your bro sat still for a photo on the blog, I'll have to try waffles to get mine to pose! Beautiful photos as always!

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

So happy for Nancy to be the winner of Melanie and your giveaway! She is a great gal and has a beautiful blog. Pancakes are a favorite and a tradition in our family too...especially summers at the lake. Will sign up for the ezine!

Amy Chalmers said...

I would love to sit at your waffle breakfast and enjoy those homemade treats!

Aprendeconvale said...

adorable pictures, it creates such a romantic atmosphere!! congrats you are so talented

d e l i g h t said...

I love the simplicity of your table setting and the waffles look thick! Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pics as usual maria! I'm so sad my beautiful lilacs have come and gone. I wish they lasted longer!
My go to cookbook for waffles and pancakes is the good old "Joy of Cooking". I got it for a wedding present many years ago, its pages are falling apart! Thanks for sharing, Marcia

Atelier de Campagne said...

Hello sweet Maria! How nice that you had some time with your siblings. My brother was also visiting a few days ago, and even though he was working(wait till you see the new studio)it gave us a chance to connect. We just hung out after work, had great food, and goofed around doing karaoke. He is my oldest bro. We are seven in my family.

~Damita's Pretty Wrap~ said...

It all looks sooo pretty!! and the waffles look delish!!

1 Funky Woman said...

I just drool everytime I see pictures of your home. Now I will be drooling because of your yummy waffles!


Jacque Ferreira said...

I have a waffle maker that makes four cute little hearts! I think I will pull it out of the pantry for Easter breakfast, thanks for the suggestion ♥

Jill said...

Beautiful pictures. I just wanted to say that I have a brother named Carter too and he is the baby of the family as well (though there are only four of us). He even reminds me of your brother just a little. Little brothers are the best.

The enchanted home said...

What a beautiful post! You make having a waffle breakfast look mighty luxurious! I would love to get my hands on that book since my entire family seriously loves belgian waffles. Beautitfully done.

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Everything you touch looks amazing! And...thanks for the shout out for House of Fifty and for being so wonderful to work with on your article! Janell

High Street Cottage said...

Maria, my Mother served her Strawberries the exact same way, and I still do it today. Wonderful table setting too.
I love what Nancy did with the tote, I'll have to check out her blog. xxx tami

Fete et Fleur said...

Hi, Maria,

Waffles are my very favorite breakfast food. I will definitely be checking this yummy book out. Your home is so filled with gorgeous light everything glows. I love it!

Thank you again for everything. It has been so much fun getting to know you.


Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

Wonderful photos Maria!Those pancakes and strawberries look delicious~ Have a Happy Easter my friend! :) Hugs,Rachel

French Farmhouse 425

Fete et Fleur said...

PS The photos of your brother are wonderful There is just something special about the baby of the family. I can see how much you love him.


Lara said...

I just love those big waffles! Yours look delish! I will look into getting that book. I need a great breakfast cookbook. Love your dreamy white table! :) The lilacs make for the perfect, soft pop of pretty color!
:) Lara

Diana said...

Such beautiful photos! I'm so inspired by your blog, it's just lovely.

devon said...

What a beautiful setting!! Love it, Love it!! And the waffles look delicious too!! I miss lilacs so much, they don't grow well here in the deep south, but they were always my favorite when i lived in New England. Thank you for sharing such a peacefully simple occasion!!

PJay said...

Beautiful photos. And your berry and sugar salad... that's my type of salad.

Burlap Luxe said...

Ooooh! oh! Maria,

I find myself repeat visiting taking in the soulfully calm age of beauty over here.. I am left in wow!

It is so wonderful that our followers, friends, and dear ones so get what we do and create!

You instill that nothing is worthless, that everything has a life beyond the junk yards. Keep creating from the heart, leaving nothing undone.

Thank you for the breakfast invite we all who visited enjoyed out brunch! :)

"Thank you for sharing your place of Shelter"...

Please come for a visit and see my new shelter piece, a place to shelter.


angie said...

ihre deko ist wunderschön!!!
ganz liebe grüße aus deutschland und frohe ostern, angie

Kristi@lovelyvélo said...

oh my, even the flowers look delicious! what a beautiful table, enjoy!

chris said...

hubba hubba! and the waffles too!

Tricia said...

I had to laugh when you said that you needed to snap a few photos before anyone could eat...yesterday I dyed eggs with my little girl and she was getting so impatient with my egg photoshoot since she wanted to hurry up eat our little creations.

You table looks sooo pretty and those waffles look very yummy too.

Hope you have a nice Easter!

Tricia ♥

Gracefully Vintage said...

Love EVERY image... SO Inspirational..

Tash said...

You have such an inspiring blog! I adore your work, gorgeous!

Unknown said...

wow you have such a beautiful home! thanks for sharing these lovely waffles :)

Arabella said...

The table looks great, even without everything on it yet :O) I'm going to try those waffles this weekend for Easter, thanks for sharing.

Hope you & your family have a lovely Easter weekend.

All That Jazz said...

Your little brother is so cute! ;-) Love the hat and smile in his photos. Those waffles look YUMMY! Nancy's photos are lovely. She's a lucky lady!
I hope you have a fabulous Easter!

Between You and Me said...

I've taken a blogging I am so excited to play catch up this weekend!

I love these pictures so much, Maria!!!

Your blog is such a source of inspiration...always!

Rozmeen said...

Happy easter with your familie Maria.


Nicole said...

Just found your blog and I am so excited! I am now following you, and I can't wait to explore! Have a great Easter. :)

laura/verbena said...

what a lovey post & the sweet book. did you say number 10? Cute brother...I love your home so much you have no idea how much it is helping me try to declutter & rmodo my home. Than you for all the beautiful inspiration. Have a great weekend! xo Laura

by Deva said...

Beautiful blog and photos ; )

O said...

Your pictures are beautiful and the way I see white color through them is actually dreamy. Inspiring others is just wonderful and you do! Congratulations!

Christina said...

your table setting is so lovely! i've just subscribed to house of fifty. thanks for giving me the heads up on it. xo

Jenileo said...

I just fell in love with this style since I discovered your blog. I knew I liked it, but never really knew the name of this type of decor. I am in the position of redoing my home, but I am on a budget. One of the things that is really getting to me are the Golden Oaks cabinets and brass fixtures. I was hoping not to have to replace all the Golden oak and I am wondering what your thoughts are on updating my home keeping golden oak intact but getting to the French Country decor. My entire house is a canvas including the floors so any tips on type of floor I should get, or color scheme of paint would be so much appreciated. I'm a very creative person, but when it comes to decor, my mind goes blank!


Sahana Singh said...

Being Indian, I am such a sucker for colour and love all things vibrant. But I was blog-hopping today and chanced upon your site, and I just had to tell you that I LOVE the pristine feel of your images and you have styled and shot each one of them brilliantly!

Magento Themes said...

wow... very nice bolg. great collections!! table settings with flowers and different items are awesome. I like your designs. Thanks for giving such a great pictures.