Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Quick Post

Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all having a great weekend...
I have been working on getting a room put together for my online shop.
We are currently turning our extra bedroom into a room to store all of my shop items.
I had initially planned to show you the bedroom but never got around to it....
I have all kinds of ideas of what I want Thad to do in there for shelving...
I desperately need shelves in that room to hold all of my shop items.
Now I just need to find a few more materials to complete the room....
It also meant moving a few lights around....
My poor husband gets the job of moving the chandeliers around in the house....
It pretty much drives him crazy...

This one is going in the shop room...
Which means the one that was in here, will be going in my daughters' room.
Is there something you like to move around in your house, to help freshen things up....
Or should I say is there something you make your husband move around in your house to help freshen things up?

On another note....
I wanted to share a few links to blogs I think you will enjoy!

This is where I go to get my Domino fix, Lauren is a talented designer.....Lauren's home
was featured in the December issue of Better Homes and Gardens.  I love Lauren's home.

I love Jennifer's photography and style of her beautiful home...and shop, she makes the most adorable children's clothes.

The next Rachel Ashwell?

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Take Care,


jenna ♥ a little blue said...

oh that's so pretty!! i would love to rearrange our master bedroom... but i am putting it off until we paint it!

Tiffany @ Savor Home said...

Goodness that chandelier is gorgeous! Dear Lillie is a favorite of mines, too. Hope you are having a good weekend, too!

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

I cant wait to see how the room turns out~ And im so excited to see you are selling chandeliers!;) Hugs, Rachel

French Farmhouse 425

Shannon said...

Love, love, love your shop, I have my eye on a few favorite items. Everything you add is gorgeous and I'm so glad it is doing so well! Thanks for sharing these new blogs with us, I love finding new inspiration! Hope you are having a great weekend :)

Heaven's Walk said...

Hey Maria ~ I am sooo glad to hear that your shop is successful and that you're having so much fun with it (even tho Thad may not be!) lol! Your treasures are the best ever and I have my eye on a few things I'm saving my pennies for! :) Have fun getting that supply room set up!

xoxo laurie

COTTAG3 said...

That chandelier is so pretty. Thanks for sharing the blogs. A couple are new to me and I love checking out new blogs. I'd like to invite you to visit mine because I'm posting pictures of the cutest vintage cottage. Hope your online shop is going well.

Allie said...

That is a great idea to play musical chairs with the lighting fixtures, and other things around the house. It does shake things up a bit (especially the husbands) but it all works out in the end. Love the look of crystal chandeliers, so feminine and light!

kathee said...

Hi Maria, Thank you for the eye candy!! You are one of my FaV blogs! I love your style! come visit me

CIELO said...
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CIELO said...

Your blog is candy for the eye.... so lovely! Thank YOU!


Faith said...

ooohhh....thanks for the blog links. I'm gonna check them out now!

Anne Lorys said...

Girl, I must check your shop for updates most every single day...soooo many pretties I would just love to have!

I'm so proud of you!


Arabella said...

I adore the chandelier and your store. Hope you're enjoying your weekend too :O)

Tricia said...

It sounds like you're keeping the Mister busy...I do that too ;) Just remind him that you need to do all of this because your shop is doing so well.

Your right about Dear Lillie, isn't she wonderful?!


Mariette said...

Dearest Maria,

Funny that you too have used one room of your home for your online shop. That's where I'm at too and if I have clients by appointment or open house, that's what I use...
Wishing you lots of success and yes, I have a husband too who is moving and changing things that I create. Keeps us both happy!

Lots of love,


Dear Lillie said...

Oh my goodness! My mouth dropped when I read this post and saw the link to our blog. Thank you so much, Maria. You completely made my day. Can't wait to see the chandeliers. Chandeliers always get me into so much trouble. I am a bit addicted to them! =)

Simple Home said...

Your husband sound like a great guy :-) Rearranging rooms with kids around isn't always the easiest thing...I know :-)

I just read about Lauren. So sorry I didn't read the post in time. I hope she won. I haven't been in blog land much the past two weeks. If you think of it, say a prayer for my nephew. He is a true hero.
Thank you so much.

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Maria,
My husband is used to moving things around here and is always a great sport. Things just never stay the same, do they?

I love Tausha's blog, it's Simply Me and one of my very favorites, she's got a style of her own and is very sweet too. I'm still swooning over her Free People bag and keep mentioning it to my hubby.

Good luck w/your extra room, it's so fun stocking for the store thought, isn't it? Flea Mktg in Alameda tomorrow for mine, you going to be there? Send me an email if you are, I'll have my phone w/me and will love to say hi.
Belle journée, ~Tracie

Vintage Home said...

Oh I can't wait...I need inspiration!
Everything is is a state of movement here...!
Have a great weekend!
I am a follower of Lauren & Jennifer ..but I am off now to Shabby Chic Girls!

Vintage Home said...

Oh I got confused I am a follower of Simply Me too!
Such great talent in this world!

All That Jazz said...

Can't wait to see the online shop room! What a great idea. I don't have a room for projects and shop stuff, it is spread all over my place and I live admist it. Which isn't so bad as I buy things I love and often have a hard time parting with! ;-)
Hope your weekend is off to a great start!!

Audrey said...

Ah ah!!! I could have written this myself... My poor husband kindly move things around as my inspiration goes... He is SO patient : chandeliers, shutters,... anything too big or too heavy really.
Always love to see your new pics ;-)

Deb said...

Such a beautiful chandelier Maria...and some beautiful blogs too! ~Deb~

Rose Garden Malevik said...

Hallo Maria
Loveley Post :)

do not miss




The Big BlogParty :)
Welcome to Join it
Håkan ( The Roseman)

Angela Steyn said...

Lovely links! Thanks so much for sharing. Does your daughter know just how lucky she is to have that gorgeous chandelier? Wow, its incredible.

Angela x

Atelier de Campagne said...

Morning Maria! On my way to the Alameda...Johan is here from Belgium and the Container is at the port. Join us next Saturday or Sunday...lots of goodies!



It's me said...

Have a nice day...i can't wait to see the room is love you see my post ??

Home and Lifestyle said...

Good luck with your room for your shop...I hope once we will see the results!!

Have a nice Sunday! Many hugs, Ingrid

Margherita Calati ph said...

i love the first picture!

Tiff said...

That chandelier is lovely, you are so lucky your husband is so helpful! X

Belichek said...

incredibly beautiful chandelier!))


Wow, I am missing my lilac bushes in Seattle. Hope I can find some in Chicago. Beautiful photos.


Tracy F. said...

Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have such a handy husband! If I were to ask my sweet husband to hang a light fixture he would look at me like I were speaking to him in a foreign language! Can't wait to see the spare room when it's complete, that's a perfect place for your boutique. Another blog I have discovered and love to visit is Tausha's of Simply Me. She's incredibly talented as well! Marcia

Jodi said...

I can't wait to see your new room; I am sure it will look fabulous.


Daydream Living said...

Hi Maria,
Looking forward to see the room for the shop, knowing you it will look gorgeous! And your flower stand, wow, great find! (I posted about my little bench, isn't great when you finally find something so good?) Going to your links now, hope you have a wonderful week,
take care! Maureen x

kiki said...

Dear Maria,
I just found your wonderful and inspireing blog!
It must be great to live on a ranch! I really love your style.
I live in a 200 years old House in Germany and step by step everything turns into white :)
Happy Week,

whimages said...

Maria, I am just tickled PINK your shop is doing so well! Yay! I'm looking forward to a sneak peek of that "store" room!

pure Viefalt said...

Dear Maria,

wonderfull impressions and inspiring links, thanks.

kind regards
from Vienna

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

Great, but make sure you send a notice when you get new stuff. Don't forget!!!


Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hey Sweetie,
Think I caught a glimpse of you @ Marilyn's at Alameda while we were rolling furniture out... cute cowboy hat.

Hope you found some lovely goods, I did!

Minna Mercke Schmidt said...

Dearest Maria! Looking through your wonderful images makes me so happy! You're really talented, in so many ways! We're all so happy that you found your "calling". All the best for your shop! Hugs from Sweden, Minna :)

susanne said...

Hello Maria!
I just adore your beautiful pictures!
Good luck with your new shop!
peace & love from Susanne

Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

Stunning photos as always!!

Kathleen Ellis said...

What a beautiful blog you have Maria! This is my 1st visit...and what a delight! Your photography is so day I'd like to learn to take FABulous pics!
Thank you for the beautiful inspirations! My hubby gets the task of moving chandeliers around, too...along with a long list of other things! What we do without them?!
Have a beautiful evening~
;-D Kathleen

chiffonbrodeuse said...

Agréable promenade sur ce blog plein de fraîcheur qui reflète le style de notre chère...France !
Comme vous j'aime les valises anciennes...que je Chine de brocante en brocante...
J'aime manier mes pinceaux pour donner une nouvelle vie aux objets qui n'intéressent plus beaucoup de personnes !

A bientôt...


Unknown said...