Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Trundle Bed for the Boys, Freddie, Frenchies, & Mes Amis Vintage Antique Show

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
I had to share a few sneak peak pictures of a project my husband recently finished.

I had bought this reclaimed wood from Yasmine in January.
I knew exactly what I wanted Thad to make with it : )

A trundle bed for the boys....
I had recently discovered Jen Migonis blog, Migonis Home.
Jen has a beautiful home and blog that is full of inspiration.
My husband referred to Jen's West Elm Inspired Bed Frame post for making the frame for the mattress.

The boys are more then thrilled with their bed....

As well as the Frenchies....
I had to snap a few pictures of them in their new bed yesterday morning, as it was their first night sleeping in the new bed.
Their room smells of wood, which the boys love.
They told me they just loved the wood!
I thought my brothers would be proud of me, I didn't paint their frame white.

The frenchies and the boys were having a hard time getting out of bed!
I will share more pictures with you of their room and bed, along with a guest post from my husband, Thad.


I also had to share a few pictures of our Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot, Freddie.
Freddie recently got a new old cage that is from Belgium.....
We thought she would be scared of her new cage as she is scared of everything and is not very fond of the male gender.

To our surprise she loves it!

Bethany has recently taken up knitting....
Bethany knitted the collars for Lili and Adéle.
If you are interested in learning how to knit or have a child who wants to learn how to knit,
The Complete Beginner's Guide to Knitting is a great video to start with.
Bethany has learned a lot from watching this video.


If you are in the Roseville, CA area today, be sure and
The show is held today, April 21st between 8 AM and 4PM.
It is on Oak Street, between Taylor Street and South Grant.
You can visit the Olive and Rose to find out more details about the show. 
Aimee from the Antique Gardener has a booth this year!


Enjoy your weekend!
Take Care,


Irene b said...

All you touch becomes poetry... I recently had a great time looking at your portfolio and at your creation... I think you are really one of my favorite !

Blondie's Journal said...

First...gorgeous pictures! I wish I had your photography talent!

Love the bed, the boys and pups look so snuggly and comfortable! Your husband did a fabulous job! And your daughter did a great job on those collars!

We have a parrot, too. She is always doing the craziest things and talks a mile a minute! I won't repeat some of the things she says!

Have a great weekend! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Maria,
I love your boys beds, and your puppies are so darn cute!!~
I was so thrilled to see that you posted!!
Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Anne said...

Those beds turned out amazing.Looks like the boys are happy too.Sweet dogs.And what a pretty and colorful bird.Have a great weekend.

LissAnna said...

I really like you photos. Wonderful!
Hugs Stina

Katherine said...

We recently installed a trundle bed in a spare room for our granddaughters visits. She is just turning two, so the trundle is perfect for someone who is progressing from a crib to a full size bed.
Your bed finish and linen is perfect for a little boy.

Daydream Living said...

Hi Maria,
Wow, your photo's are so crisps, they are shining here on my screen, beautiful! Love the bed (and your duvet cover) you are lucky with such a handy husband. And I thought you only had one frenchie, they are so cute together! I still miss our little Mackenzie (she was a pug). Enjoy the Sunday and thanks for sharing this. All the best,
Maureen x

Sarah said...

As always, great photos, and your dogs are adorable! The bed is really nice too! ;-))

Fleaing France & French Shopping Tours said...

New beds and new puppies....those little boys must be over the moon!

Have a great weekend.

Cindi Myers said...

oh my...
I love this post!
I keep looking at it, over and over. I don't see how it could be better, it has it all, adorable pups, beautiful bird and a Cowboy!
Yep, perfect.

Disenyoss decoración said...

Unas fotos preciosas como siempre, besos.

Tan said...

That's most certainly the most lovely trundle bed I have ever seen! Well done

Linda Carole Bloom said...

I LOVE the photos of the Frenchies and boys in bed. And the parrot is beutiful and poses beautifully. Compliments to the hub for such a great job on the bed.

Seawashed said...

My 18 yrs old daughter taught herself how to knit over winter holiday and has been knitting up a storm. She is opening an etsy this summer. The beds are wonderful, dogs are too cute, and Freddie is beautiful.

Shabby chic Sandy said...

Your Frenchies are adorable--especially the brown faced one (but please don't tell the other one cuz they are both just too cute!)

martinealison said...

Une adorable publication avec des photos merveilleuses.
Bravo à votre époux pour la réalisation réussie et magnifique de ce lit gigogne pour vos garçons...
Gros bisous à vous et des caresses à vos amis à quatre pattes.

Amy Chalmers said...

OMG you take the cutest pics~but of course your kids, and doggies and hubs are pretty darn cute!!

Aprendeconvale said...

such cozy pics!!

candace said...

everything is beautiful, but as an animal lover i just have to say that that new cage looks WAY too small for the bird. i really hope you have another, larger cage for it somewhere.

not being critical, just being an advocate for the animals.

PictureBook.. mine. said...

Wonderful pictures !!

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

That trundle bed turned out FABULOUS!!! That's a really nice hubby to help build it for you....and your dogs are super adorable, too ;) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of CAlifornia, Heather :) :) :)

laMariLovable said...

your boys are adorable!
I think the bed is very comfortable

Kim said...

Oh my goodness. I am not sure how I came across your blog....but i am in love. Your photos, stunning. Your home, beutiful! I want every.single.thing you own!!! We just bought a really old, not very pretty house that I cannot wait to make my own. Love all the light and white you have. Oh and those beds.....perfect! Thanks for all the great ideas and inspiration!

Vintage Home said...

The best ...having a hubby that can build! Mine paints our Vintage Home furniture & thats a very close second!
Your sweet frenchies make me smile ...and your slumbering boys...dreamy!

Andrea said...

Love the pictures. Can I ask? That bird cage is wonderful but since it is old how can you be sure the paint doesn't have lead in it? Birds (I've had a few are notorious at picking at everything.

Apple Blossom Barn said...

Oh how lovely, your sleeping boys are so sweet and Adele and lilli so cute and a man in a cowboy hat is always good, pity we do not have any here in Ireland!


A New England Life said...

Everything is light and lovely! And that first picture of your husband makes his look so handsome. The beds came out great! I'm sure the dogs are only allowed on a photographic basis though ; )

Glad to see Freddie is happy with her new abode. What a pretty girl she is!

Susan said...

What a great trundle bed, and I love those pups! So cute!

Jen Migonis said...

Hi Maria!
I'm Jen, whose tutorial you used! YOUR BLOG IS GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!! I am trying to study for a test right now and I can't handle how much I just want to be on your site and read every. single. word. And your photos... oh my goodness. Gorgeousness. :)

EmmaB said...

Ces photos sont magnifiques! Et les bouledogues, vraiment adorables!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures!! (As usual). Always enjoy checking out your posts. The bed looks great, but those puppies!! Oh my goodness... they are just too cute! Also, tell your daughter she did a great job on knitting their collars. I'm sure if she wanted she could start selling them - they are that nice.

Anonymous said...

AWWWW SO CUTE:) I really want to sleep next to that dog haha.
Have a great week.

LOVE Maria at inredningsvis

Little Leslie said...

Great post! the boys and Frenchies look like they
are sleeping on a cloud. And Freddie looks completely happy.
You are thoughtful parents!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sending people my way...your support and friendship mean alot to me and I look forward to much more this coming year. And, love that you were able to use stuff from Yasmine!!! The project is great! Sandy.

Rozmeen said...

Hi Maria,

How are you? I miss your emails xoxo

Everything looks so beautiful and that bed so inviting! Cute boys.. handsome hubby ;-)

Wishing you a lovely day.

Big kiss,

The Little Red Shop said...

How wonderful, Maria! My brother made bunk beds with some of the reclaimed wood from the bungalow our mom and I rescued and are restoring.

: )

Julie M.

Beautiful pictures, as always!!

Anonymous said...

That is a very small cage for a larger bird. Hope it is only an outdoor cage...

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria I love your blog so much! The boys bed is so adorable! I am fixing up a new room for my 2 yo son and would love to know where the stripy quilt cover came from it is by far the nicest I have seen! xx Posy

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

really fresh and gorgeous. Boys and dogs...gotta love it! Please visit me for an Annie Sloan book giveaway.

Shari said...

...and here i am, just trying to unload a quite old-fashioned and Heavy trundle bed! Lovely inspiring blog, I will have to add you to my blog-roll so i can visit more often!

I spotted your photography both on Pinterest and on Lavendar and Ash. In particular, I love the look of the doors behind the bed for a relaxing texture (although I would probably drop 'em sideways for the horizontal 'zen' mood). French country style is a key love of mine, so thank you for putting your talent out there. Er, yes, I pinned you, but now I can credit you!!! Very glad I found your blog :-)

Amber ~ The French Pressed Home said...

Love, LOVE your boys' bed! Our twins graduated from crib to beds a few months ago and they are just sitting on frames because I was at a loss on what to do in there. Definitely didn't want furniture store bought anything! Now, I have an inspiration! Thank you!

Molly said...

Whow, I love your pictures so much.
So lovely and amazing.
Will come back soon.
Lovely hugs

Mary Lou said...

Sweetest post ever!!!!

BJ and Shalene said...

I just discovered you via Stephmodo, what beautiful imagery and a fantastic bed for little boys!

Karena said...

Maria, how fun and great that your husband built the bed for the boys...making it even more special!

I have featured an Interview on my site with Tina from The Enchanted Home...


Art by Karena

Anonymous said...

Ooooh,I hate to say anything, but nothing about that cage suits your bird. It's waaaay too small and I would be worried about lead paint.

It's not really for him, is it?

Mike said...

Please tell me what type of dogs you have. I really want a breed of dog like the one's you have.